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This allows an Administrative user to set up course promotion pricing based on different Student Nationality. 

This feature provides flexibility for promotion of a course and setup special pricing for specific Student nationality or group nationality together and set up promotion.

To access this feature in the system, follow the instructions below:

  • Click Course > Course Promotion. 

  • On this section you will see three menu
    • Nationality Group
    • Promotion Set
    • Promotion Activation

Nationality Group

  • Click on Nationality Group option to set up Nationality Grouping

  • Click  on  to show new nationality group section.

  • Here you can create a new Group name and select Nationality to group them and click Add Nationality.

Promotion Set

  • Click Promotion Set 

  • This will take you to the Promotion Set page, where you can click Add icon to Add a new Promotion Set

Field Descriptions

Set NameName of the Promotion set.
Student OriginPromotion set can be created for a specific origin (Overseas Student or Overseas Student in Australia or Resident Student)
Visa TypePromotion set can be created for any visa type within the selected origin or for a specific visa type for selected origin.
Nationality GroupSelect the previously created Nationality Group here.

  • Click Add Set to record the promotion set

  • Once recorded the system will show the promotion set

  • Once created a promotion set can be used later to link with any future promotions

Promotion Activation

  • Click Promotion Activation to set up and activate Promotion

Activation Details

  • This will take you to the Promotion Activation page, where you can click Add icon to Add a new Promotion
  • Select new Promotion set and enter details about the Promotion set

Field Descriptions

Promotion NameName of the Promotion.
Promotion Start onPromotion start date.
No end dateSelect if the Promotion does not have an end date.
Promotion Ends onPromotion end date (not applicable if No end date has been selected).
CommentsPromotions comments.

Promotion Details - VET Courses

Field Descriptions


Select the Campus to define this promotion for.

This is only available if Multi Campus Optional Module is activated

Course Type

The type (e.g. VET, ELICOS, etc.) of Courses that will be listed in the Course field.  This selection determines which fields are displayed on the form.

The types of Courses available in the System are configured in Admin > Configuration and Setup > Course Type

Select VET

Promotion For
  • Options available here are for Course Type or Specific Course
    • Course Type - create Promotion for all courses of that Course Type
    • Specific Course -  create Promotion for a specific course

Select the Course required for the Fees being setup.

The Courses listed are determined by values selected for the Course Type and Course Status fields.   

Course Promotion FeeSet a price for the Tuition Fee
Set Promotion for Enrolment FeeSet a price for the Enrolment Fee
Set Promotion for Material FeeSet a price for the Material Fee
Promotion RemarksPromotion details

  • Once all the details are entered, you can click Add Promotion to record the promotion details
  • Promotion will be recorded and shown below.

Promotion Details - ELICOS Courses

Field Descriptions

CommentsPromotions comments.

Select the Campus to define this promotion for.

This is only available if Multi Campus Module is activated (Optional)

Course Type

The type (e.g. VET, ELICOS, etc.) of Courses that will be listed in the Course field.  This selection determines which fields are displayed on the form.

The types of Courses available in the System are configured in Admin > Configuration and Setup > Course Type


Promotion For
  • Options available here are for Course Type or Specific Course
    • Course Type - create Promotion for all courses of that Course Type
    • Specific Course -  create Promotion for a specific course

Select the Course required for the Fees being setup.

The Courses listed are determined by values selected for the Course Type and Course Status fields.   

Set Promotion for Enrolment FeeSet a price for the Enrolment Fee
Price Set

Promotion specific price settings.  

ELICOS courses are based on weekly prices and can have discount (free) weeks. 

See below for further information.

Promotion RemarksPromotion details

Price Set

One or more Price Sets can be defined for a Promotion.

Field Descriptions

Week DurationMinimum number of study weeks for the Price Set to be eligible.
Promotion Fee

Promotion price per week for the Price Set.

Discount WeekNumber of weeks with no fee (free) for the Price Set.
Inclusive Calculate price inclusive of discount (free) weeks.
Material FeePromotion price per week for the Material fee for the Price Set.
ActionUse the Icons to Save, Delete or Update the Price Set

  • Once all the details are entered, you can click Add Promotion to record the promotion details
  • Promotion will be recorded and shown below.

Link Promotion & Set

  • Once you have created Promotion then you can link the promotion with promotion set
  • To do this go to each Promotion and click on the pencil icon

  • This will open a new pop up window that will show the promotion and the list of promotion set that is available to assign

  • Select the desired promotion and if want to apply this set to all linked promotions then click "Apply set into to all promotion"

  • Promotion will then be linked with promotion set

Course Promotion & Application

  • Once the promotion are setup then this will be linked with Student online application feature
  • During the application process based on Nationality if the promotion is available then the promotion prices will then be displayed
  • If multiple Promotions or Price Sets are available then the required one can be selected

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