Versions Compared


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  1. Course of Study Packet

  2. Course Packet

  3. Course on Campus Packet

  4. Student Packet

  5. Course Admission Packet

  6. Unit Enrolment Packet

  7. Full- Time Staff Packet

  8. Casual Staff Actuals Packet

  9. Casual Staff Estimates Packet

Note- : The data packets must be reported in the above-mentioned sequence.


Go to the TCSI Tile on the dashboard to set up PRODA integration and manage TCSI reporting.

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  1. To setup the B2B device in Meshed, click on Configure PRODA

  2. You can now input the PRODA Device Name, PRODA Organisation ID, and PRODA OTP that you received while creating the B2B device when creating device.

  3. Click Save and the “Activate” option will be highlighted to activate the device.


Once done, you can click on “Get Token” to receive a response from the TCSI API service.


  • A TCSI Token Result in Green means the integration is working fine and the two platforms are successfully integrated.

  • You will also receive an expiry date after the B2B device is successfully set up.

  • You must reset your PRODA account before the expiry date to report the data to TCSI without any interruption.


The course packet is used to report data on the courses offered by each provider. Each course packet must be linked to an established PIR course of study packet.

Important points to make the Course TCSI PIR reportable:

Mark the Course as TCSI Reportable.


We report data in the Campus packet from the Manage Venue page in the system.

Important points to make the Campus (venue) TCSI PIR reportable:

Add Venue Effective From and Venue Effective To Dates. The Venue Effective From Date is Mandatory to be recorded for the course to be reported to TCSI.


The PIR student packet is used to report key identity, address and demographic data for students at the provider. Providers are required to report data for all domestic, overseas, onshore and offshore students enrolled in or undertaking a course of study leading to a higher education award of the organisation.

Important points to make the Student TCSI PIR reportable:

  1. Data for the student packet comes from the student profile and TCSI student information.

  2. Add the student TCSI Information to report the student TCSI PIR data. The data for the student packet is reported based on the student profile information and TCSI information recorded for the student.


Reporting Student Disability Info

To record disability information for the student, click on Student Information>> Disability Information


Any disability information recorded on the TCSI page here is also reflected on the student profile page and vice versa.


The PIR course admission packet is used to report the admission of students into courses and provide data on aspects of the student's admission and engagement in the course. Each PIR course admission packet must be linked to an established PIR student packet and established course packet.

Important points to make the Course Admission TCSI PIR reportable:

TCSI Course Mapping for the course must be set


Select the correct course and add the course related TCSI information for the student.

Note- :

The course related TCSI information can be recorded at Application Step -3. The data recorded for Step-3 application stage is pre-populated in the Student TCSI Course information. The information that is recorded during the application step-3 includes Highest Attainment Code and ATAR for the course.


The PIR unit enrolment packet is used to report a student’s enrolment in units of study.

Important points to make the Unit Enrolments TCSI PIR reportable:

Record the unit-related information like theUnit of study year long indicator (E622) and the Discipline Code information for the units as this gets reported under the unit enrolment packet.


  • demographic data for the academic member of staff as at the last reference date

  • the primary work classification data for the academic member of staff on the first reference date for the year in which a full-time staff packet was reported for that person.

Important points to make the Staff Full-Time Packet TCSI PIR reportable:

Record the staff TCSI course information. The data for the staff demographics and the is reported based on the information recorded for the student.


icon to report or send the data to TCSI.

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icon to view the data that is sent to TCSI.


Important points to make the Staff Full-Time Packet TCSI PIR reportable:

Record the staff TCSI course information. The data for the staff demographics and the is reported based on the information recorded for the student.


to delete the data record sent to TCSI.


  • The Casual Estimate PIR estimated FTE reference year will be auto-calculated by the system based on the casual staff information recorded.

  • Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.

  • The Excel icon

    can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
