Go to Course>>TCSI Course Mapping and Tick the checkbox “Same National Code Only”. Only the course (Parent Course) which was marked as “TCSI Reportable” will appear in the dropdown.
Select the courses and click “Assign Course” or the Green Tick Icon to set the mapping.
You can then view a list of courses which are linked to the first Course of Study packet.
Click on
icon to check the information of the data packet before sending it to TCSI.
Any unit enrolments which are reported to TCSI can not be deleted without deleting the TCSI reported record. To delete the unit enrolments for the student, you will need to delete the reported data first and then remove the unit enrolments in Meshed system.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Export Reported
button can be used to export the TCSI response for the reported data in Excel format.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
icon to record the information.
Fill in the Staff TCSI information and click Add
Go to Staff>>Staff Profile>>Click on TCSI icon>>Add New Work Classification
Fill in the details for the new work classification and click Save Work Classification.
icon to report or send the data to TCSI.
icon to view the data that is sent to TCSI.