Q1, 2024 Plan
1. Dashboard feature enhancement:
Update CHESSN number in student records after reporting data to TCSI
Do not show data related to inactive course in TCSI reporting module
·Update TCSI codes in Citizen resident Code, Course of Study Type Code, Student Status Code, Maximum Student Contribution Code as per the new code addition by TCSI
Q2, 2024 Plan
New Features
Meshed API Design-Phase 1: Phase 1 of Meshed API will cover API end points for following scenarios:
Push student enrolment information to Openlearning
Pull subject outcome from Openlearning.
Add new requisite type Multi Group requisite: This new requisite will need to solve specific scenario where number of subjects must be from specific group such as Accounting, Marketing etc.
TCSI Feature enhancement: Add Scholarship and RTP Stipend Packets in TCSI HEP reporting