From this menu you can manage your students. Managing students literally means searching students, creating user accounts for the student, editing profile, sending emails, sending SMS, add/delete courses/subjects, manage results, manage diary, upload student related documents, upload student's picture, generate and print student ID card, implement sanction and training plans.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
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9.1 Manage participantThe Participant menu tab allows the RTO to view individual student/participant information and efficiently manage student records.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
9.1.1 Click Participant menu tab to open Student Management Homepage as shown in figure 9.1a.
Figure 9.1a
Note: Once you click Participant menu you have option to search student by putting your criteria. There are various search criteria for you to search for the group of students/participants or particular result as shown in figure 9.1a.The search by option has different filter to choose, and the list of matching student will be shown as in figure 9.1a.
On the search results you will find 4 icons.
We shall discuss with individual options in next page.
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9.1.1 Student ProfileFrom this menu, you can view and edit student details/information like addresses, disability information, language and cultural diversity etc. Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.1a.
Figure 9.1.1a Click icon in figure 9.1.1a. You will go to the View Details of e.g. Chris Brens page as shown in figure 9.1.1b.
Figure 9.1.1b You can now click icon as indicated by the red arrow shown above in figure 9.1.1b to edit student information.
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9.1.2 EmailFrom this menu you will be sending email to the student from the system itself.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown below in figure 9.1.2a.
Figure 9.1.2a Click icon as indicated by red box in above figure 9.1.2a. You will go to the Send Email to Student page as shown below in figure 9.1.2b.
Figure 9.1.2b Tick to select the mail address to send email as shown above in figure 9.1.2b. Select the Template from the drop menu if available. (You can create your own mail template from the menu Reports>Add/Edit Mail Template). If you have selected any template then the subject and content of your email will be automatically filled up in their respective area as shown in figure. If there is no template then you will have to type it manually.
Note: You also have option to attached files with the email and add this email to the student communication log. Once you are done, click .
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9.1.3 SMSFrom this menu you will be sending SMS to the student. The SMS account must be set up within the system to send the SMS to user. Please note that this feature requires third party API service, which is Message Media. You need to subscribe with them to get SMS account to activate this feature.
The setup is available under Admin>Setup Initial RTOmanager. Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.3a.
Figure 9.1.3a Click icon as indicated by red box in figure 9.1.2a. You will go to Send SMS to Student page as shown in figure 9.1.3b.
Figure 9.1.3b Type the content of your message as shown in figure 9.1.3b. (Please note that the maximum number of characters that you can type is 160). When you are done, click .
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9.1.4 Student CourseYou can manage the course applied for each participant. You can add multiple courses for a single student at any given time. This is particularly useful when distance student may be doing two courses or units belonging to two courses simultaneously. Also using this page, you can add another course once the student completes one course.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
Proceed to the
Student Profile Summary page as explained in
section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.3a.
Figure 9.1.4a Click
icon in figure 9.1.4a. You will go to
Student Course Information page as shown in figure 9.1.4b.
Figure 9.1.4b
Note: Please note that the student (
Chris Barens) has already enrolled in Quality Control course as shown above in figure 9.1.4b. To add a new course, simply click
icon as indicated by red box in figure 9.1.4b. You will go to
Enrol New Course page as shown below in figure 9.1.4c.
Figure 9.1.4c When you have entered/selected all the courses information, click
Diploma of Business will be added to the student as shown in figure 9.1.4d.
Figure 9.1.4d
Note: In figure 9.1.4d, the icons on the right hand side of each course represents the following and you can perform actions as per their name suggest:
Enrol subjects for the Course
Edit the Course
Delete the Course
View Offer Letter before Approve
Approve Offer Letter
Download Offer Letter
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9.1.5 Student Result:From this menu, you can enrol subject/module and unit for the student selected course. The default type of enrolment is Course. So the system will pick up all the subjects/unit based on the course structure set up in 7.6 Manage Course structure section.
Figure 9.1.5a
Click icon in figure 9.1.5a. You will go to Student Module Enrolment Page section as shown in figure 9.1.5b
Figure 9.1.5b
Please notice that
We will now explain the following icons in the 'Results' section as shown below in figure 9.1.5h which are highlighted in red box.
Figure 9.1.5h
- This icon has the facility to generate the academic documents – certificate, Statement of Achievement, Transcript, and Statement of grades. You can preview/generate the certificates. Once you click the 'Certificate' icon you will see a pop up window like the one below in figure 9.1.5i
Figure 9.1.5i
Simply select the certificate you wish to generate by clicking on the radio button. Now you have the option to preview the certificate before generating, click on this icon as indicated by the blue arrow shown above in figure 9.1.5i. If you are happy with the certificate now simply click on this icon which is indicated by the red arrow shown above in figure 9.1.5i.
Once you have clicked on 'Generate New PDF' your page should look like the one below in figure 9.1.5j
Figure 9.1.5j
Now to download the Certificate which you just generated simply clicks on the icon as indicated by red box shown above in figure 9.1.5j. Your certificate will now download.
Tip: You can also convert student's course status to complete before issuing the certificate; simply click the check box for as shown above in figure.
This icon as shown above in figure 9.1.5j allows you to generate the certificate using the same cert ID if any changes were made after generating, what this allows is instead of generating a new certificate with a new Cert ID you can use the existing Cert ID but with the updated changes made which could be beneficial for recording purposes.
Please note: when the document is generated then it is auto-saved in student files section and also records an entry in the certificate register.
- This icon as shown above in figure 9.1.5h, allows you to view all the certificates that have been generated for this student as shown below in figure 9.1.5k
Figure 9.1.5k
You can also delete certificates that have been generated by simply clicking on the Image Modified icon as indicated by the red arrow shown above in figure 9.1.5k.
- This icon allows you to delete enrolled modules/units by bulk. Simply select the checkbox for the modules you wish to delete then click on the as indicated by the red arrow shown below in figure 9.1.5l
Figure 9.1.5l
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9.1.6 Student Communication Log/DiaryFrom this menu you can record any comments/notes in regards to student.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
Proceed to the
Student Profile Summary page as explained in
section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.6a.
Figure 9.1.6a Click the
icon in figure 9.1.6a. You will go to
Student Communication Log/diary Page as shown in figure 9.1.6b.
Figure 9.1.6b Type your comments/notes as shown in figure 9.1.6b and select the status. Also select the type of log for e.g.
Academic as shown in figure 9.1.6b. Also tick
if you want this log to be view by teachers. Once you are done, click
. Your recently added log will be visible as shown in figure 9.1.6c.
Figure 9.1.6c
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9.1.7 Document UploadFrom this menu, you will be viewing and uploading related document of the student.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.7a.
Figure 9.1.7a Click icon in figure 9.1.7a. You will go to Document Upload Page as shown in figure 9.1.7b.
Figure 9.1.7b In figure 9.1.7b select the document you want to upload by clicking 'Choose File'. After selection figure 9.1.7b should now appear as shown in figure 9.1.7c.
Figure 9.1.7c Finally click . Your uploaded document should now appear as shown in figure 9.1.7d.
Figure 9.1.7d
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9.1.8 PaymentThis icon navigates to the payment summary section for the student. This section will be covered in the Payment section (Finance) of the manual.
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9.1.9 Student PictureFrom this menu you will be uploading the student picture on the system and link with student. The picture must be .jpg extension. Once uploaded, the picture will be visible on the student profile page.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.9a.
Figure 9.1.9a Click icon in figure 9.1.9a. You will be prompted to select the student picture file as shown in figure 9.1.9b.
Figure 9.1.9b Select the picture file of your student by clicking Choose File as shown in figure 9.1.9b and then click . You will see a confirmation message like shown below in figure 9.1.9c
Figure 9.1.9c Student picture will be uploaded as indicated by red box in figure 9.1.9c.
Figure 9.1.9c
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9.1.10 Student CardFrom this menu, you will be generating student ID card based on already entered student's information.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.10a.
Figure 9.1.10a Click icon in figure 9.1.10a as indicated by red box. A pop up window will prompt you to either open the student ID or save to your computer as shown in figure 9.1.10b.
Figure 9.1.10b Click Open to view the Student ID card as shown in figure 9.1.10c.
Figure 9.1.10c
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9.1.11 SanctionFrom this menu you will be entering sanctions for the student. The sanction can be entered for academic or payment related issues and will be shown as a pop-up on the Student profile section. Sanction refers to some kind of restrictions to a particular student's account for e.g. you don't allow student to access his portal when the student does not pay his fee on time.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Proceed to the Student Profile Summary page as explained in section 9.1 Manage Participant. You will arrive at the page as shown in figure 9.1.11a.
Figure 9.1.11a Click icon in figure 9.1.11a as indicated by red box. You will go to the Apply Student Sanction page as shown in figure 9.1.11b.
Figure 9.1.11b Enter/select sanction information for the student as shown in figure 9.1.11b. When you are done click . Student Sanction will be recorded as shown in figure 9.1.11c.
Figure 9.1.11c Now once the sanction is created for any student for e.g. David in this case, when the student logs in from his/her portal he will be prompted by a message and then immediately logged out from the system as shown in figure 9.1.11d.
Figure 9.1.11d
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9.1.12 Search StudentFrom this menu, you can search any student from within the student profile Summary page of another student.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Click icon in the student summary profile page of the existing student as shown in figure 9.1.12a. A pop up window appears as shown in figure 9.1.12b.
Figure 9.1.12a
9.1.12b Type the Student ID of the student whose profile you want to view as shown in figure 9.1.12b and click . You will now see the student in the list as seen below in figure 9.1.12c
Figure 9.1.12c
Simply click on the green tick as highlighted in red box, you will then go to the student profile page of the student (TESTER) as shown in figure 9.1.12d.
Figure 9.1.12d
Tip: You can also search for student using First & Last name, simply select "Search By" from the drop down list before you click on search.
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9.1.13 Student Training PlanFrom this menu you can create a training plan for a student.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Click Participants on the main menu as shown in figure 9.1.13a.
Figure 9.1.13a Find the participant whose training plan is to be set up. To do this, select the student's criteria as shown in figure 9.1.13a and click . List of participant will be displayed as shown in figure 9.1.13b.
Tips: You can search student by different criteria for e.g. course, course offer intake, Course start date, employer, first name, last name etc.
Figure 9.1.13b Select the student of your choice by clicking in figure 9.1.13b to go to the student profile page as shown in figure 9.1.13c.
Figure 9.1.13c Click in figure 9.1.13c. You will go to Student Training Plan page as shown in figure 9.1.13d.
Figure 9.1.13e Enter/select all the relevant information in figure 9.1.13e. Figure 9.1.13e should now appear as shown in figure 9.1.13f.
Figure 9.1.13f Finally click . Training plan will be added as shown in figure 9.1.13g.
Figure 9.1.13g the training plan is added, assign modules to the training plan by ticking the check boxes in figure 9.1.13g or simply select the training plan template as shown by blue arrow in figure (here template is chosen for simplicity) .
After selection figure 9.1.13g should now appear as shown in figure 9.1.13h.
These icons which are seen above in figure 9.1.13g allows you to generate 'Student Training Plan' to 3 different document formats; Word, PDF & Excel.
Figure 9.1.13h
Remember: We have created the template Template1 in section 7.8 Training Plan Template. Please refer to this section to create predefined templates as per your need.
Note: You can setup multiple training plan templates which can be selected for different scenario for different students while enrolling them to the modules/units or setting up their training plan units. you are satisfied, click in figure 9.1.13h. You will see message in green confirming the enrolment of the student as shown in figure 9.1.13i.
Figure 9.1.13i
Tips: In figure 9.1.13i, you can now enter traineeship assessment by clicking icon shown by blue arrow. Click icon to enter the activity log for traineeship as shown by red arrow. We shall discuss about them individually in sections and
You can also edit/delete module training plan by simply clicking on these icons as shown above in figure 9.1.13i Traineeship Visit Activity Log
From this menu you can add activity logs for the traineeship.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Click Participants on the main menu as shown in figure
Figure the participant whose activity log is to be recorded. To do this, select the student's criteria as shown in figure and click . List of participant will be displayed as shown in figure
Tips: You can search student by different criteria for e.g. course, course offer intake, Course start date, employer, first name, last name etc.
Figure the student of your choice by clicking in figure to go to the student profile page as shown in figure
Figure Click in figure You will go to Student Training Plan page as shown in figure
Figure Click icon as shown by red arrow for the required module and unit as shown in figure A new window for Activity Log for Traineeship will appear on the screen as shown in figure
Figure Enter/select all the information in figure You also have option to attach a file by clicking the Choose File button. When you are done, click . Activity log will be recorded as shown in figure
Note: Please note that you can add as many activity logs for Module and Unit. Traineeship Assessment
From this menu you can record student's assessment (results) outcome.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Click Participants on the main menu as shown in figure
Figure the participant whose activity log is to be recorded. To do this, select the student's criteria as shown in figure and click . List of participant will be displayed as shown in figure
Tips: You can search student by different criteria for e.g. course, course offer intake, Course start date, employer, first name, last name etc.
Figure the student of your choice by clicking in figure to go to the student profile page as shown in figure
Figure in figure You will go to Student Training Plan page as shown in figure
Figure Click icon as shown by red arrow for the required module and unit as shown in figure A new window for Traineeship Unit Assessment will appear on the screen as shown in figure
Figure Enter/select marks achieved and assessment competency in figure and click . Figure should now appear as shown in figure
To delete Tasks simply click on icon. You can also view Tasks that are submitted by the student by clicking on this icon.
Please note: If there aren't any Tasks setup simply add one by clicking on the as indicated by the red arrow seen above in figure Newly Tasks will appear in the list.
Figure You can then lock the tasks (assignments) by ticking the check box as shown in figure and clicking in figure After locking the task, figure should now appear as shown in figure
Remember: Once you lock the task only supervisor in the hierarchy will be able to unlock the task. It is also important to note that results can only be transferred to the final results if the tasks are locked.
Figure Finally, just click on to confirm the final result.
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9.2 Bulk enrolmentBulk enrolment allows you to enrol the subject/module and units for multiple students. The default selection for this section is the Course offer intake, which will then bring all the students enrolled in that course offer and then provide option to enrol student in bulk.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
9.2.1 To access Bulk Enrolment, Hover your mouse pointer over Participant main menu and click Bulk Enrolment sub menu as shown in figure 9.2a. By default you will go to the page as shown in figure 9.2b.
Figure 9.2a
Figure 9.2b
Note: In the example above, the students studying the selected course offer intake are shown. You can select the students to enrol in bulk by ticking the checkbox next to each student in the list.
9.2.2 Now to Bulk enrol the students, select the student in figure 9.2b by ticking the check box in figure 9.2b. Figure 9.2b should now appear as shown in figure 9.2c.
Figure 9.2c
Tips: You have three options for enrolment types to choose from: Module, Unit & Course Offer Intake as shown by red, blue and black arrows in figure 9.2c. You can also choose the training plan as Yes/No while doing bulk enrolment. In this manual just one enrolment type is followed.
9.2.3 Now select Module as shown by red arrow and Training Plan Template as Yes in figure 9.2c. Figure 9.2c should now appear as shown in figure 9.2d.
Note: For AVETMISS related values, you can also tick the AVETMISS checkbox option to show the related options for selection.
Figure 9.2d
9.2.4As soon as you select Use Training Plan Templates as Yes in figure 9.2d all available training plan templates will appear in the drop down menu as in figure above.
9.2.5Select the training plan template of your choice from the drop down menu. All the subjects and units as per training plan will be displayed as shown above in figure 9.2d. Select the subject and units you want to enrol by ticking the check box.
- Once the selection is done click icon as indicated by red arrow to enrol the selected group of student for the selected enrolment type and units as shown in figure 9.2e.
- This icon allows you to update the class wave after you have bulk enrolled units/modules for students.
Figure 9.2e
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9.3 Update Bulk OutcomeUpdate Bulk Outcome section allows you to update the outcome for subject/module and units for multiple student bulk using this interface. The default selection for this section is the Course offer intake, which will then bring all the students enrolled in that course offer and then provide option to enrol student in bulk.
To access Bulk Enrolment
9.3.1 Hover your mouse on 'Participant' menu tab and click 'Update Bulk Outcome' as seen below in figure 9.3a
Figure 9.3a
The first section shows the 'course intake structure' and upon selection shows all the units associated based on the module, course, year selected.
The second section – 'Student Unit Enrolment List' in figure 9.3a shows all the students enrolled on the based on the search selection above and the ticked units above.
Note: If you intend to only update the result of few units then you can select only those units on the top section and then click view to update the list of student and their enrolled units as per the selection.
The third section Update Details for Selected Students allows you to update the information in bulk as shown in figure 9.3a.
Note: The competency are loaded as per the state the course offer intake is running in and the start date relates to the unit start date, finish date relates to the unit finish date. The attended hours relates to the hours attended for the selected unit to be updated.
Finally click update, it will update the outcome and other information as per selection for all selected users.
Please Note: To 'Apply Selected' to the selected students you need to make sure you have ticked the checkbox for the students you wish to bulk update any data as shown below in figure 9.3c
Figure 9.3c
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9.4 Update Bulk Course EnrolmentUpdate Bulk Course information section allows you to update the course information for multiple student bulk using this interface. The default selection for this section is the Course offer intake, which will then bring all the students enrolled in that course offer and then provide option to enrol student in bulk.
9.4.1 To access Bulk Enrolment, go to Participant menu tab and click Update Bulk Course Enrolment sub menu as shown in figure 9.4a.
9.4.2Select the students of your interest by ticking the check box as shown in figure 9.4a.
Figure 9.4a
Note: Here you can view all the students who are enrolled for a particular course offer intake and then update some of the fields for the selected student in bulk.
The available options to update are:
9.4.3 Select what would you want to update for e.g. Status as shown in figure 9.4a.
9.4.4Select the value for the status in figure 9.4a for e.g. Active Student as shown in figure 9.4a and finally click .
Note: This feature can be used when you have a group of student who have completed the course/qualification and you wish to update it in bulk. Also same can be done for updating the start date and finish date of the course that the students are enrolled into.
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9.5TraineeshipFrom this menu you can view all the visits made by the trainers to their trainees during the course of their inspection. To do this, follow the instructions below:
9.5.1 Hover your mouse pointer over Participants main menu and click Traineeship as shown in figure 9.5a.
Figure 9.5a
9.5.2 Select the trainer (whose visits you want to view) from the drop down menu in figure 9.5a.
9.5.3Select the Year & Course
9.5.4Select the Course Offer Intake
9.5.5Select the Module & Unit
9.5.6Enter/select the dates between which you want to view the visits as shown in figure 9.5a.
9.5.7Finally click . The list of all the student visits of the trainer will be displayed as shown in figure 9.5b.
Figure 9.5b
9.5.8 You can also view the traineeship activity by clicking the link as shown by the red arrow in above figure 9.5b. The details of the traineeship activity will expand as shown below in figure 9.5c. You can edit/delete the traineeship activities by clicking icons shown by the red box in below figure 9.5c.
Figure 9.5c
9.5.9 You can also create a new traineeship activity by clicking icon in figure 9.5b. (Then follow the steps mentioned in section Activity Log.)
9.5.10 you can also create 'Traineeship Assessments' by clicking icon in figure 9.5c (Then follow the steps mentioned in section Traineeship Assessment.)
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9.6Bulk Generate CertificateFrom this menu you can generate certificates for more than one student at a time. To do this, follow the instructions below:
9.6.1Hover your mouse on Participants main menu and click Bulk Generate Certificate as shown in figure 9.6a.
Figure 9.6a
9.6.2Select year, Course & course offer intake then click on 'View the student list'. List of students should appear based on your search.
9.6.2 Select the students from the list in figure 9.6b whose certificates you want to generate by ticking the checkbox.
Figure 9.6b
9.6.3 Finally click icon as indicated by red arrow in above figure 9.6b.You will go to the generate transcript page as shown in figure 9.6c.
Figure 9.6c
9.6.4 Select the type of transcript you would like to generate (for e.g. Certificate) as shown in figure 9.6c.
9.6.4Enter select Completion Date, Issued Date and Display Expired Date as per your requirement, you can also convert students course status to 'Completed' as well as send email to student as shown above in figure 9.6c.
9.6.5Finally click in figure 9.6c. Certificate will be generated as shown in figure 9.6d.
You can also send the 'Certificate' to students email address by clicking on this icon as indicated by the blue arrow shown above in figure 9.6b.
To preview certificate before generating or sending email simply click on this icon under 'Action' as indicated by the purple arrow shown above in figure 9.6c