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Only users with CoE Administrator user role in PRISMS are authorised by the PRISMS API to create an approved CoE. Users lacking the necessary permissions will encounter errors when attempting to use this functionality.

1) Icons and Filters


1.1) Icons

The PRISMS CoE Management Page has multiple icons that can be used to perform a variety of functions.



image-20250203-012632.pngImage Modified

This icon is used to preview CoE Create information before sending it to PRISMS.

image-20250203-012745.pngImage Modified

This icon appears for records where a CoE is not created yet. The icon allows the users to do the following:

  • Find or Create PRISMS Student Record

  • Edit/Update Applicant’s Passport and Visa numbers if required

  • Map applicant’s course to a PRISMS venue

  • Record details of applicant’s welfare arrangement (for under-18 applicants)

The icon opens a new page that also allows redirect to Offer/Student record, PRISMS Data Mapping page as well as the PRISMS Configuration page.

image-20250203-012816.pngImage Modified

The icon is used to create a CoE using API.

image-20250203-012854.pngImage Modified

The icon can be used to cancel a CoE created via API.

image-20250203-012921.pngImage Modified

The icon appears after a CoE has been created using API. This can be used to view the current details of CoE in PRISMS.

image-20250203-012946.pngImage Modified

This icon only appears upon CoE creation. This icon allows to view the request that was sent to create a CoE from the Meshed system.

image-20250203-013034.pngImage Modified

This icon appears after a CoE has been created using API. Clicking on this icon will download a CoE document from PRISMS which is stored under the student/offer document section in the system.

1.2) Filters

The PRISMS CoE Management Page has 2 pages i.e., Offer and Student.


The table below shows the data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS fields used for creating CoE via API.


Meshed Field




This data comes from Course Setup in the system.


National Code


As per the data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS

GET CRICOS location ID from the CRICOS register and map with the Meshed locations. The data is sent to PRISMS based upon the location mapped for the course enrolment.


Course Start Date

This data comes from Offer/Student Course Enrolment Details.


Course Finish Date


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee

The data for these fields comes from PRISMS Initial Fee fields. Thee fields are available for Overseas (onshore and offshore) students/offers.


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee Start Date


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee End Date


Other Prepaid Non-Tuition Fee (if applicable)


Does the Payer consent to pay more than 50% of the course fee upfront?


Tuition Charged Fee

This data comes from Offer/Student Course Enrolment Details.


Request OSHC Flag

This data comes from Offer/Student Course Enrolment Details >> Additional Service Request


OSHC Information

OSHC Provider Data Mapping is necessary for sending this data to PRISMS.


Is the student exempt from providing evidence of English language proficiency?

The data for these fields come from the English Test section. The questions are captured under Student/Offer ESOS: English Language testing and exemptions page.


Exemption reason


Has the student undertaken an English test?


English Language Proficiency Test


The institution used, or will use, other means of testing to ensure the student has, or will have, met the English language requirements for the course


Student origin

The data comes from Offer/Student Profile.


Visa Number


Special Conditions


Emergency/Guardian contact details


Emergency/Guardian contact details


Emergency/Guardian contact details


As per the provider selection made for the student or offer

The data for welfare services is captured if it is recorded for the Offer/Student. If no welfare services are linked, the provider selected value is sent.


Welfare Services


This is sent based on Student Origin



Australian Primary Contact Address

This information comes from Offer/Student Profile


Current Street Primary Address Information


Overseas/Permanent Address


Overseas/Permanent Address


Agent linked to the Course

If principal agent (college) is the agent for the course, no agent details are sent.


As per data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS

GET Agent IDs from PRISMS (Resource ID) – Map the agent IDs with the agents in our system

The table below shows the data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS fields for Student-related fields that are used to create/locate student in PRISMS.


Meshed Field



Student ID

Only, if the CoE is created for an existing student.





First name



Middle name



Last name






Date of birth



If there is only a single name for the offer/student



Country of birth






Passport No.




2.2) CoE Create Checklist


PRISMS require the Initial Prepaid Fee details to be recorded when generating a CoE for an applicant. The following fields are captured by the system for the PRISMS Initial Fee details:

Field Name


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee

The dollar amount prepaid to the provider for the CoE at the time of creation

Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee Start Date

The date for which the tuition period for the initial prepaid tuition fee begins. Must be within the Proposed Course Start Date and Proposed Course End Date. This date is not required if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is 0

Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee End Date

The date for which the tuition period for the initial prepaid tuition fee ends. Must be within the Proposed Course Start Date and Proposed Course End Date. This date is not required if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is 0

Other Prepaid Non-Tuition Fee

The dollar amount prepaid to the provider for the CoE at the time of creation for fees other than their tuition fees

Payment Mode

Mode of Initial Fee Payment

Payment Date

Date of Initial Fee Payment

Does the Payer consent to pay more than 50% course fee upfront?

Payer consent must be recorded if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is more than 50% of the Tuition Charged Fee for the course.

Date of Consent

This is the date when the payer consented to pay more than 50% of the Tuition Charged Fee for the course as the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee.

To record initial prepaid fee data for an Offer, go to Offers >> Offers Manage >> Click on image-20250203-014808.png icon to add/update the PRISMS Initial Prepaid Fee details.


To generate a CoE, go to PRISMS >> Manage CoE


3.1) Find/Create PRISMS Student Record


The PRISMS Student ID is used by the API to create a CoE for the applicant in the PRISMS system. The button to

3.2) Map Course to PRISMS Location


If the Agent mapping is not completed for the agent linked with the course enrolment, the system will display a notification as PRISMS Agent not mapped. Please map this Agent first. In this case, the user can go to the PRISMS Data Mapping page, map the agent to a relevant PRISMS agent and save the course location mapping.


3.3) Create a CoE

After the steps listed above are completed, a CoE can be generated. The data being sent to PRISMS can be viewed by clicking on image-20250203-015931.png icon.


The CoE Certificate can be downloaded by clicking on the image-20250203-020123.png icon. The system generated a PDF document and also saves it in the Student/Offer Document/Upload section.


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After the successful creation of CoE, the following happens:
