Once you create a B2B device, you can log into the Meshed system and follow the steps below to integrate the TCSI and the Meshed systems.
Go to the TCSI Tile on the dashboard to To set up PRODA integration and manage TCSI reporting:
On your Meshed platform, go to your Home page
Click Feature Shortcuts button
Click the quick icon for TCSI as shown below.
To setup the B2B device in Meshed, click on Configure PRODA
You can now input the PRODA Device Name, PRODA Organisation ID, and PRODA OTP that you received while creating the B2B device when creating device.
Click Save and the “Activate” option will be highlighted to activate the device.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
The data for this packet can also be reported in Bulk by selecting the checkbox next to each record and clicking on “Process Selected” Process Selected.
Reporting Course Packet
After the Course of Study (1st Packet) is reported to TCSI, Course packet can be reported. To report the Course packet, select the submission type as Course PIR , the relevant reporting period and click “View Data”
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
Campus Packet
The PIR campus packet is used to report data on the campuses from which providers deliver their courses.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
When the data is successfully reported, TCSI response received is a UID for the record which is a unique identifier for each data record.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
Student Packet
The PIR student packet is used to report key identity, address and demographic data for students at the provider. Providers are required to report data for all domestic, overseas, onshore and offshore students enrolled in or undertaking a course of study leading to a higher education award of the organisation.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Export Reported
button can be used to export the TCSI response for the reported data in Excel format.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
Course Admission Packet
Any course admission which is reported to TCSI cannot be deleted without deleting the TCSI reported record. To delete the course enrolment for the student, you will need to delete the reported data first and then remove the course enrolment in Meshed system.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Export Reported
button can be used to export the TCSI response for the reported data in Excel format.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
The TCSI Course Mapping is mandatory for reporting data for Course Admissions.
Any unit enrolments which are reported to TCSI can not be deleted without deleting the TCSI reported record. To delete the unit enrolments for the student, you will need to delete the reported data first and then remove the unit enrolments in Meshed system.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Export Reported
button can be used to export the TCSI response for the reported data in Excel format.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
Staff related Packets
Staff Full-Time
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
Where there is a “Process Selected”
Button available for a data packet submission type, it can be used to report (post) or update the data in bulk for that packet.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
Reporting more than 1 work classification for the member of the staff
The system will auto-group the casual staff having the same Organisational Code, Work Sector Code, Function Code, Current Duties Group Code, Gender Code and Reporting Year. If any of these elements are different for the casual staff, the record appears as a new record to be reported under the Casual Actual PIR packet.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.
Reporting Casual Estimates Packet
The Casual Estimate PIR estimated FTE reference year will be auto-calculated by the system based on the casual staff information recorded.
Once the data is reported, the Last Data Sync field is updated to the time the data is reported.
The Excel icon
can be used to export the present dataset in Excel format.