Question: Where do you set the enrolment fee for an ELICOS Course?Navigate to Admin > Configuration and Setup > Enrolment Fee
Question: Can results of a test of English Language Proficiency be entered in the Application?Question: Can results of a test of English Language Proficiency be entered in the Application?
You can have different Enrolment Fees for different ELICOS Courses. You can also set up multiple Enrolment Fees for one ELICOS Course which will then be available to select from during the Application process.
Question: Can results of a test of English Language Proficiency be entered in the Application?Question: Can results of a test of English Language Proficiency be entered in the Application?
If at Step 2 the Applicant selects Yes for the question Have you completed a test of English Language Proficiency? then further details for the English Test can be entered.
The values for English Test types that can be selected can be defined using Configuration and Setup > System Fields Setup > English Test
After the Application is submitted this information is available to assist in recording the English Language testing and exemptions information (ESOS) for the Applicant and/or Student.