Andrew Aylesbury (Deactivated)
An alumni is a former member of a school, college, or university who has graduated or completed their studies.
The term is typically used to describe a person who has completed their education and is no longer a current student. Alumni often remain connected to their former institution and may participate in events, donate money, or stay involved in the community in other ways. They may also serve as a resource for current students and be seen as leaders and role models in their fields. The relationship between alumni and their former institutions is often considered a lifelong connection.
The Meshed Platform Alumni management feature allows an institution to manage, identify, and engage with their Alumni in a meaningful way.
The Alumni Management functions available are:
- Add existing Students - Student information is used for the new Alumni
- Add New - information is entered for the new Alumni
- Manage - modify or delete Alumni
- Communication Log - record entries to a communication log/diary for Alumni individually or in bulk
- Email - send email to Alumni
- Mailing List - send bulk email to Alumni using a mailing list interface
- Report - create Alumni information reports or export in Excel format
The Alumni Menu Tab and Alumni Management functions are available to Staff with the following User Roles:
- Admin
- Sadmin
- Student Services
- To use the Alumni Management functions navigate to the Alumni Menu Tab and select the Homepage Menu
- Search or Filter which Alumni are displayed in the Homepage.
- The available search criteria are:
- Id/First/Last
- Student ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
- Nationality
- Status
- Mobile
- Course
- Click Search
- The Alumni are listed as rows in a grid.
- The grid displays the following data columns:
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
- Nationality
- Country of Residence
- Status
- Active Student
- The right most column contains the Action Icons that are used to perform various functions for each Alumni.
- The Excel Icon exports the displayed Homepage information from the Meshed Platform in an Excel format.
- The Edit Action Icon enables management of details.
- All fields can be modified.
- Click Save after editing.
Send Email
- The Send Email enables sending of an individual email to Alumni.
- Standard Meshed Platform email fields are available. Email templates can be used for Alumni recipients.
- Click Send Email.
The Email Action Icon will not be displayed on the Homepage for any Alumni who have the Do Not Contact option selected.
Preventing email sent from Meshed System being considered as spam or treated as Junk email
To assist with preventing email sent from Meshed Student Management System from being considered as spam and treated as Junk email, our Network Administrator has suggested adding or modifying an SPF record in your DNS server. Further information see Ensuring Email Delivery
Student Profile
- The Student profile Action Icon navigates the User to the relevant Student Profile Summary.
The Student Profile Action Icon is only displayed for Alumni that were Added from Student.
Communication Log
- The Communication Log Action Icon enables management of entries for an individual Alumni.
- The grid displays Communication Log details and history
- Standard Meshed Platform Communication Log Action Icons are available for Editing or Deleting.
- The Add Action Icon enables the recording of a new entry in the Communication Log.
- Standard Meshed Platform Communication Log fields are available.
- Click Add Log to record the new entry.
- The Delete Action Icon will delete the individual Alumni.
Mailing List
- To use the Alumni Mailing List functions navigate to the Alumni Menu Tab and select the Mailing List Menu
View Alumni List
- Search or Filter which Alumni are displayed in the Alumni List for bulk emailing.
- The available search criteria are:
- Course Type
- Course Status
- Course
- Status
- Include manually Added Alumni
- Click View Alumni List
- The Alumni are listed as rows in a grid.
- The grid displays the following data columns:
- Alumni ID
- Student ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
Send Bulk Email
- Select which Alumni to bulk email from the Alumni List.
- Standard Meshed Platform email fields are available. Email templates can be used for Alumni recipients.
- Click Send Email.
Preventing email sent from Meshed System being considered as spam or treated as Junk email
To assist with preventing email sent from Meshed Student Management System from being considered as spam and treated as Junk email, our Network Administrator has suggested adding or modifying an SPF record in your DNS server. Further information see Ensuring Email Delivery
Communication Log
- To use the Alumni Communication Log functions navigate to the Alumni Menu Tab and select the Communication Log Menu
View Alumni List
- Search or Filter which Alumni are displayed in the Alumni List for bulk Communication Log.
- The available search criteria are:
- Course Type
- Course Status
- Course
- Status
- Include manually Added Alumni
- Click View Alumni List
- The Alumni are listed as rows in a grid.
- The grid displays the following data columns:
- Alumni ID
- Student ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
Record Bulk Communication Log
- Select which Alumni to bulk record Communication Log l from the Alumni List.
- Standard Meshed Platform fields are available for the Communication Log.
- Click Add to Alumni Communication Log.
Add from Student
- To use the Alumni Add from Student functions navigate to the Alumni Menu Tab and select the Add from Student Menu
Only Students with Courses Status of Completed or Graduated are displayed and can be added as Alumni.
- Search or Filter which Students are displayed in the Student List.
- The available search criteria are:
- Id/First/Last
- Student ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
- Nationality
- Mobile
- Course
- Click Search
- The Students are listed as rows in a grid.
- The grid displays the following data columns:
- Student Id
- Title
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
- Nationality
- Country of Birth
- Course ID
Add To Alumni
- Select which Students to bulk add to the Alumni.
- Click Add To Alumni
Add New
- To use the Alumni Add New navigate to the Alumni Menu Tab and select the Add New Menu
- All fields can be modified
- Mandatory fields are indicated
- Click Save to add the new Alumni
Alumni information gathered and saved in the Meshed Platform can be viewed and saved (exported) using the standard Generate Reports functionality.
See Reports for further information.
The following reports are available for Alumni information:
- Student Services : Alumni : Alumni list by date