Xero- Agent Bonus HigherEd

Xero- Agent Bonus HigherEd

Xero Integration App Setting - HigherEd

Agent Bonus and Agent Commission

Agent Bonus can now be sent as a new line item with the agent commission bill to Xero from the payment summary and agent commission page when processing a transaction.

Sending the Agent Bill and Bonus from the Payment Summary Page

Scenario 1 - Sending the agent bill, payment, and agent bonus from the student payment summary page:

Create a tuition fee invoice and push that invoice to Xero (automation or manual push).




When processing the tuition fee from the Meshed system, you can record the agent bonus and sync the tuition fee payment, agent bill, payment and agent bonus at the same time to Xero by clicking on Process Transaction.



The invoice is recorded as paid in Meshed.

The tuition fee invoice will be marked as paid in Xero



The agent bonus now appears as a new line item in the agent bill.


The agent commission transaction with relevant commission and bonus details will appear in Meshed as well.


Scenario 2 - Sending the agent bill with bonus from the student payment summary page and the bill payment sent later from the agent commission page.

(Agent Commission is not deducted)

Tuition fee invoice created in Xero (automatic or manual push)


Process the transaction for the invoice to send agent commission with bonus in Xero.


The invoice recorded as paid in Meshed and the agent commission page shows the agent bill created.


Bill exists in Xero without payment and with agent bonus:


To send the payment for the agent bill now, you need to go to the agent commission page for the relevant bill and click on the highlighted button.



Agent Bill gets updated in Xero:


Scenario 3- Sending the agent bill with bonus from the student payment summary page and the bill payment sent later from the agent commission page.

(Agent Commission is deducted)

Send the tuition fee invoice to Xero (automatic or manual push)



Process the tuition fee and add the agent bonus but with agent commission deducted checkbox ticked:


The invoice gets marked as paid and the agent commission appears on the agent commission page.




Agent Bill in Xero exists with the agent commission and the bonus record.


Update the agent commission record and tick the highlighted checkbox to update the payment in Xero.


Send the payment for the agent bill by clicking on the highlighted icon.


Bill marked as paid in Xero:



Sending the Agent Bill and Bonus from the Agent Commission Page


Scenario-4 The agent commission bill is not sent at the time of processing payment for the tuition fee invoice.

(Agent Commission is deducted and Bonus is included at the time of processing tuition fee invoice)

If the agent bill and bill payment are not sent at the time of processing the tuition fee invoice, they can be processed together from the agent commission page later.

Create the invoice in Xero (automatic or manual push)

Process the transaction without sending the agent bill and agent payment. The bonus is added but only the tuition fee payment is processed to Xero.



Tuition fee invoice appears as paid on the payment summary page and the relevant agent commission appears on the agent commission page.

The agent commission was marked as deducted from the payment summary page at the time of processing the tuition fee invoice. The user can now simply modify the transaction by clicking the green tick button to send the agent commission bill, bonus, and payment.


Once you click on the icon, the following screen appears where you can specify the codes for bill and payment. You then need to click on ‘Send Bill and Payment To Xero’.


The success message will appear in green indicating that the agent bill and payments are synced.

The bill appears with the correct details and payment in Xero:



Scenario-5 The agent commission bill is not sent at the time of processing payment for the tuition fee invoice.

(Agent Commission is not deducted but Bonus is included)

Create the invoice in Xero (automatic or manual push)


Processing the tuition fee, the bonus is added but no agent commission or bill payment is sent and the agent commission also is not deducted.


Only the tuition fee payment is sent and no agent bill or payment is sent.


The invoice gets recorded as paid on the payment summary page and the agent commission record appears on the agent commission page.


As the agent commission was not marked as deducted at the time of processing the tuition fee invoice, the commission paid on the agent commission page is currently 0.

Before sending the agent commission, bill and payment to Xero, we need to modify the record to mark it as paid.

Modify the agent commission record and record the commission as paid



Send the bill and payment to Xero using the green tick icon.


The agent bill gets created in Xero with commission, bonus and payment.



Scenario-6 The agent commission bill is sent at the time of processing payment for the tuition fee invoice.

(Agent Commission is not deducted and Bonus is not included)

Only the agent bill is sent at this stage (from the payment summary page) and no bonus or payment is sent.


Create the invoice in Xero (automatic or manual push)


Processing the tuition fee invoice with agent commission not deducted but no bonus included.



Tuition fee is marked as paid and the agent commission record appears on the agent commission page:


Agent Bill existing in Xero:


When the transaction is modified from the agent commission page and bonus is added at the time of sending the payment.


If the agent bonus is added at a later stage from the agent commission page, the bonus and the payment cannot be synced to Xero and can only be updated in Meshed.


Note- If the agent bill is already created in Xero at the time of processing the tuition fee invoice without bonus, the bonus cannot be added at a later stage from the agent commission page.


Scenario-7 Only Student tuition fee invoices and payments are sent from the payment summary page. Agent commission bill, bonuses, and payment sent later from the agent commission page.

(Agent commission not deducted, no bonus included)

Create the invoice in Xero (automatic or manual push)


Processing the tuition fee invoice with agent commission not deducted but no bonus included.



Tuition fee is marked as paid and the agent commission record appears on the agent commission page:



Added the agent bonus to the commission bill first before sending the bill.



Record the agent commission payment.

Send the agent bill and payment to Xero (together or bill first and payment later).



Agent bill gets created in Xero successfully with the agent bonus and payment details: