Release 18/02/2024

Release 18/02/2024

Main Feature

Enhancement Details


Agent Details

Agent details of Principal Agent can only be updated by users with the role SAdmin. For other roles, the edit button will not be visible.


Agent Bank Detail Log

Data modification log has been added to view any changes done to Agent Bank details. Users will be able to view data when Agent bank details is added, updated or details with relevant information.

Campus Bank Details Log

Data modification log has been added to view any changes done to Campus Bank detail. Campus bank feature is available if the platform has Multi Campus feature enabled. The log will capture data if campus bank details are added, updated or deleted with relevant information.

Student Online Application

Overseas/Permanent address mandated for Offshore and Onshore Overseas Students

Enhancements to the 5 - Step Application process to make the Overseas/Permanent address details mandatory for overseas onshore and overseas offshore students. This change is done to ensure the effectiveness of data collection for TCSI and AVETMISS data reporting. Both TCSI and AVETMISS require international students' overseas/permanent addresses to be reported. If this information is not captured at the application stage, the providers need to go individually and update the data for each student.

When the student applying is an Overseas Student (Offshore) or Overseas Student (Onshore), the overseas/permanent address will be mandatory to be recorded. The change will be seen in Public, Admin, and Agent Portal applications.


As per TCSI reporting requirement, the student ID reported for a student cannot be longer than 10 characters. PIR student, course admission and the unit enrolment file are updated to trim the student ID to bring only 10 characters.


Updated the format for PIR file templates as per the TCSI guidelines and the new file formats available from https://www.tcsisupport.gov.au/support/provider-information-request-2022-file-templates


For PRODA B2B device used for TCSI integration, there is device expiry date and a key expiry date. The system will now display both these dates to identify when the B2B device expires and need to be renewed.


Updated the TCSI response file for E316 (ATSI code). The values appearing in the response file now will be consistent with what is reported to TCSI. The values are as below:

·        If ATSI answer provided is Not Stated - TCSI- 9

·        If ATSI answer provided is No - TCSI- 2

·        If ATSI answer provided is Yes, only Aboriginal - TCSI- 3

·        If ATSI answer provided is Yes, Torres Strait Islander - TCSI- 4

·        If ATSI answer provided is Yes, Aboriginal AND Torres Strait Islander - TCSI- 5