Teacher Portal Module
Andrew Aylesbury
Teacher Portal
A Teacher Portal within a Student Management System (SMS) is dedicated online access designed to provide teachers with comprehensive tools and resources to efficiently manage and monitor student-related information. It serves as a centralized hub where teachers can access, update, and analyse student data, facilitating effective communication, assessment, and instructional planning. Here is an overview of the key features and functionalities typically found in a Teacher Portal:
- Class Management: Teachers can manage their classes by creating and organizing class rosters, tracking attendance, and assigning students to specific groups or sections. They can also view individual student profiles and access essential demographic data, contact information, and academic records.
- Class Management: Teachers can view class timetables and class rosters, track attendance. They can also view individual student profiles and access essential contact information, and academic records.
- Assessment: The Teacher Portal allows teachers to record, calculate, and manage student grades and assessments.
- Communication and Messaging: The Teacher Portal enables effective communication between teachers and students. Teachers can send announcements, reminders, group or individual messages to students, facilitating timely and efficient information exchange. The portal may support email notifications, chat functionality, or discussion forums.
- Analytics and Reporting: Teachers can access analytics and reports to gain insights into student performance, attendance trends, or assessment outcomes. The portal may provide visual representations of data, allowing teachers to identify patterns, spot areas for improvement, and make data-informed instructional decisions.
- Integration and Connectivity: The Teacher Portal is typically integrated with other modules or components of the Student Management System, such as the student information system, Student portal, or administrative tools. This integration ensures seamless data flow, reduces redundancy, and provides a holistic view of student information.
Overall, a Teacher Portal in a Student Management System serves as a comprehensive platform that empowers teachers with the necessary tools to efficiently manage student information and enhance instructional effectiveness. It streamlines administrative tasks, improves communication, and facilitates data-driven decision-making, contributing to an enriched educational experience for both teachers and students.
Meshed Platform
In the Meshed Platform, the Teacher Portal allows the Teacher to:
- Manage Profile details, Password, Security Question and Answer, Leave and Availability
- Download and view College documents
- Download and view Timetable information
- Manage Student Academic results
- Manage Student Attendance
Access communication tools; Student Mailing Lists, SMS (Optional), Student Communication Logs, Requests to Provider.
- Manage and view Course and Subject resource Materials
Enter and Submit Timesheets (Optional)
- Record and view Work Placement Activity for Students
- Generate relevant reports
User Login
To log in to your Teacher portal, follow the instructions below:
1. On your web browser, enter your provider system URL account e.g. https://yourprovider.meshed.com.au
2. Enter your username and password as shown below and click Login.
Home Page
Home page is the initial screen you see after you log in to the system. Your homepage is composed of the following:
- Main Navigation Tabs ( menu) – which includes Home, View Doc, Result Management, View Timetable, Attendance Entry, Communication, Class Request, Time Sheet, and Reports. These menus allow you to navigate to any page by clicking on any menu as per your role and permissions.
- Quick access Icons – These icons on the left hand side (as shown above) represent their functionality. They are also called short cut icons as they allow user to access the functions easily with one click of the button.
- News and Reminder – allows you to view news updates and other important reminders.
From this menu you can edit and view your profile. To do this, follow the instructions below:
- Click Home > Profile
- You will go to the Edit your profile page where you can edit your personal information.
- Once changes have been made, click Update.
Note: A confirmation message will appear to confirm changes.
Change Password
From this menu you can change your password by following the instructions below:
- Click Home > Account & Security.
- Enter existing password, new password and confirm your new password.
- Click Change Password to confirm changes. Note that the system will send an auto generated email to advise you of your new password.
- Once password has been changed, system will confirm that the process has been completed.
- Click Continue and you will be redirected to your Homepage.
- You may also reset your Security Question & Answer by entering your current password and adding your own security question and answer.
- Click Reset once done.
Leave Info
From this menu you can enter your Leave information by following the instructions below:
- Click Home > Leave Info.
- Enter leave details for the required Semester
- Click Record Data
Teacher Availability
This menu allows for the recording of a Teachers day and time availability for each semester. e.g. Monday 3PM-5PM, Tuesday 9AM-2PM. This supports situations where Teaching Staff are not full-time and may only be available for specific days and times.
This information is integrated into the timetabling functionality to check Teacher availability.
To add Teacher Availability, follow the instructions below:
- Click Home > Teacher Availability.
- Select the Semester
- Select the Available Day, From and To times
- Click Save
- Repeat for additional days as required
There is an option to delete the record if required.
There is an option to modify the record if required.
View Documents
This menu allows you to download and view documents.
To view/perform the download, follow the instructions below:
- Click View Doc > College Documents. Note that only those documents that has been set visible for Teacher Role will be available (as shown below).
- The documents you are looking for are arranged in the folders (directories). Click on the hyperlinked Folders located on the left hand side of the list to access documents required. They can be downloaded in a PDF version which can be saved on your desktop or printed (as needed).
Result Management
This menu allows you to add your students' assessments results online.
To manage this function, follow the instructions below:
- Click Result Management.
- You will go to Enter Results page as shown below.
- Select Course Type
- Select Year
- Select Semester and Term
- Select Subject (listed in order of Subject Code)
- Select Class
- Select Assessment task.
- Click View Class list to bring up student list for the semester semester/ class selected.
- Enter the marks obtained by the student for the selected Assignment 1
- Type any comments as required
- Click Update & Save.
You also have the option to lock the task by clicking Lock task after which you may no longer be able to make any changes until and unless someone higher in position in hierarchy unlocks the task.
- You may also select other assessment task from the drop down menu and enter the result (marks) as discussed above.
- You can also generate all the assessments submitted by your students. Click Generate icon
located on the right hand side as shown below. All Documents will be downloaded in a zip file.
- Once all marks has been submitted, you can export the updated student marks to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export button
located on the right hand side of the student list.
You may also view individual student's submitted assessments in two different ways:
- Click View document icon
on the student list to download a copy of the assessment for you to review.
- Click action icon
to view student's assessment details. A page will open as a pop up window for your to see due date, submission date and status e.g. submitted. You may also change the status by clicking the green icon
(as shown below).
- Another pop up window will appear to endure you want to change status to 'Select for marking'. Click Yes or No.
- Once the Student Assessment has been marked, Click Upload to ensure a copy has been recorded on the system.
View Timetable
This menu allows you to view your teaching timetable online by logging in to your Teacher portal. To use this function, follow the instructions below:
- Click View Timetable. You will go to the View Timetable page as shown below:
- Select View Timetable as weekly/Monthly/Between Dates to view the timetable as per your choice.
- Select semester, term week for which you want to view your timetable.
- Your Class Timetable (if present) will be displayed.
Note: You may also export information in Excel format by clicking Export icon .
Attendance Entry
This menu allows you to mark Student attendance either online or manually.
If you want to record attendance online, you may log in to the system and record the attendance individually, or in some cases, you may have recorded attendance on paper but you may want to record later yourself or by administration staff.
To record daily attendance, follow the instructions below:
- Click Attendance Entry. You will go to Daily Attendance Roll page.
- Select the Semester, Term/week, Day, and Class from the drop-down fields as shown below.
- Once all information has been entered, Click Mark Attendance. You will be directed to Attendance Roll page as shown below:
- Please note that there is only one Student in the class as shown. Tick the check box
for each Student to mark their attendance and click
to calculate total number of hours the Student has attended that day for that class. On the below example, this Student has a total attendance hours of 4.5 hours.
- You may also modify student's attended hours by clicking this modify icon
- To modify the hours, click on each time slot and you can change the time. This features comes in handy in instances where students attended the class but left an earlier. You may record only the attended hours as required. To record changes, click the green icon
- Once attendance is marked, click Record Attendance. You will receive a confirmation message in green which will confirm that the attendance has been recorded successfully as shown below:
This menu allows you to access three (3) methods of communication available within your system:
- Mailing List
- Communication Log
- Request to Admin.
For your reference, each method has detailed instructions written below:
Mailing List
Teachers can communicate (send email) to their students (Class) through group emails in a single click. However, it is a must that the students have at least one email address. To understand this, follow the instructions below:
- Click Communication > Mailing list
- Select Semester, Current term and class from the drop-down menu in the Selection Criteria.
- The list of all students as per the above criteria will be displayed as shown in student list section as shown below. Note - Class for Timetables and Assessment Groups can be selected.
- Using this screenshot as an example, follow the below steps in sending email via mailing list:
- Type the subject of the email/message for e.g. Recommendation to attend class that you are sending to the selected students.
- Type the body of the message
- Click Browse and attach any files that you want to send the student. No files selected in the above figure.
- Tick the check box if you also want this email to be recorded in each Student Communication Log.
- Tick the check box if you also want this email to be copied to IT.
- Tick the check box in student list section. (You have option to choose either Private Email or College Email.
- Click Send Email. You will see message in green confirming your delivery of mail.
Preventing email sent from Meshed System being considered as spam or treated as Junk email
To assist with preventing email sent from Meshed Student Management System from being considered as spam and treated as Junk email, our Network Administrator has suggested adding or modifying an SPF record in your DNS server. Further information see Ensuring Email Delivery
SMS (Optional Module)
Teachers can communicate using SMS with their students (Class) through a single click. However, it is a must that the students have a mobile phone number. To understand this, follow the instructions below:
- Click Communication > SMS
- Select Semester, Current term and Class from the drop-down menu in the Selection Criteria.
SMS Integration
Meshed Higher-Ed has the capacity to integrate SMS capability from a third party provider to send bulk and/or individual text/ SMS messages. This integration is required to use SMS functions. More information on the SMS Integration can be found on the SMS Functionality Integration page.
Communication Log
This menu allows you to record and view all the communications made about the students (e.g. the student not attending the class, student not submitting any assignments on time etc.). This communication log can be viewed by other staff in hierarchy.
To add and understand communication log, follow the instructions below:
- Click Communication Menu > Communication Log as shown below.
- Select relevant Semester, Term, Class and Student Name from the drop-down fields.
- Type in the Comments on the fields provided.
- Indicate the Status of the communication log e.g. Assessed, Escalated, In progress (refer to the drop down shown below).
- Select Type of log – e.g. for which communication this log is pertaining to – i.e. Academic, Administration, payment etc.
- Optionally Add File Attachments
- Tick the box to whom you want to send the notification to – e.g. applicable Staff.
- Click Add Log. Your recently entered log will appear in the list and a confirmation message will be displayed as shown below:
Request to Admin
This menu allows you to access online interface from which teachers can directly contact the administration staff by writing a message. The message normally has a subject and a body. To do this, follow the instructions below:
- Click Communication > Request to Admin.
- You will be directed to Email Request to College page as shown below.
- Type in the request or concern you need to flag. Refer to the example below:
- Select the topic of the email request for e.g. Complaints as shown in the example above.
- Type the body/content of request/message.
- Click Send Request to send the email. You will receive a confirmation for the delivery of the message.
Preventing email sent from Meshed System being considered as spam or treated as Junk email
To assist with preventing email sent from Meshed Student Management System from being considered as spam and treated as Junk email, our Network Administrator has suggested adding or modifying an SPF record in your DNS server. Further information see Ensuring Email Delivery
Student Mini Profile
This menu allows a Teacher to view some information related to Students in their classes.
To view Student Information, follow the instructions below:
- Click Student Mini Profile
- Select the required Class from the drop-down
- Students enrolled in the Class will be shown
Student Attendance
Student Attendance for the Class can be viewed:
- Click the View Action Icon to view attendance
- Attendance will be displayed in a window
Student Results
Student Results can be viewed:
- Click the Results Action Icon to view results
- Results will be displayed in a window
Student Communication Log
Student Communication Log/ Diary can be viewed:
- Click the Log Action Icon to view Communication Log/ Diary
- Communication Log/ Diary will be displayed in a window
Class Request
There are three types of requests that a Teacher can initiate with the Class Request feature:
- Make Up Class - a replacement Class because of a Public Holiday
- Catch Up Class - a Class for Students who have missed some Classes
- Consulting - a consulting Class for Students for a Subject and Semester
Makeup Class
Using this feature, a Teacher can request a replacement class for a Public Holiday.
- Click Class Request
- Click Add Class Request Icon
- Select Request Type as Makeup Class.
- Choose other required information
- Click Add Request button
- Request will be created
Click Add Student Action Icon to add Students to the Class.
Catchup Class
Using this feature, a Teacher can request a Catchup class for Students who started late and have missed some Classes.
- Click Class Request
- Click Add Class Request Icon
- Select Request Type as Catchup Class.
- Choose other required information
- Click Add Request button
- Request will be created
There is not a feature to add a Student and choose the Room. This will be done by the Academic Team.
Using this feature, a Teacher can request a Consulting Class for Students based upon Subject and Semester.
- Click Class Request
- Click Add Class Request Icon
- Select Request Type as Consulting Class.
- Choose other required information
- Click Add Request button
- Request will be created
There is not a feature to add a Student and choose the Room. This will be done by the Academic Team.
Timesheet (Optional Module)
This menu allows you to submit/upload your timesheets as an evidence of number of hours you have worked). This will be reviewed by the Director of Studies (DOS) or someone in a higher position in hierarchy and then be approved for the payment.
To work with your timesheet follow the instructions below:
Timesheet Submission
This submission uses the Class Timetables for the Teacher. A Teacher must have a timetabled Class.
If a Teacher is replaced the Class Teacher is changed (updated) to the new Teacher. The Class timetable will be available for the new Teacher and not for the original Teacher.
If a Teacher is relieved, the timetable is still available for the original teacher. This needs to be handled using the Manual Time sheets functions.
- Click Timesheet in figure below. You will go to the timesheet submission page as shown below:
- Select appropriate Timesheet Period from the drop-down menu.
- Click View Timesheet to generate a list of possible timesheets for the above selected period as shown below:
- Select the timesheet you want to submit by ticking the check box
- You can also write comments about the timesheet in the area as shown in figure 2.
- Once all information has been entered, click Submit Timesheet.
- You can see the Current and last pay period only to submit.
- As per example shown above, a list of submitted timesheet for the selected pay period will appear. You may review all the information as required. You can also export the timesheet list by clicking
icon in the above mentioned example.
- Click Confirm Final Submission. A message in green appears confirming that the timesheet has been finally submitted successfully as shown below.

Manual Time sheets
This menu allows you to submit timesheets manually. This situation might arise when a teacher takes leave (becomes sick, goes on annual leave etc.) and a relief teacher is assigned to conduct the class. In this case the relief teacher will have to submit his/her timesheet manually as instructed below:
- Click Timesheet as in figure below. You will go to the timesheet submission page as shown below:
- Click Manual Timesheet. A pop up window will appear and will allow you to manually enter timesheet information as shown below. Once completed, click Add Timesheet.
- A confirmation message in green will appear to confirm manual timesheet has been created as shown below:
- Click Confirm Final Submission to finalise submission. The following message will appear to confirm successful submission of timesheet.
Extra Activity Timesheet
This menu allows you to submit extra activity timesheets like exam marking, exam supervision, student consultation, meetings, excursions which are not part of your regular timesheets. To create and submit extra activity time sheet, follow the instructions below:
- Click Timesheet >Extra Timesheet Submission. By default you will go to the page as shown below:
- Enter all your relevant extra activity information as shown below. Click Add Timesheet to save.
View Timesheet
This menu allows you to view submitted timesheets. You may also keep track of timesheets that has been approved or not for payment purposes. To view timesheet, follow the instructions below:
- Click Timesheet > View Timesheet
- Select Report Type and pay period from the drop down menu.
- As for the example below, we have Selected to view Not Processed Timesheet
- Click View to generate list.

Upload Invoice
This menu allows you to upload your own invoices. This is applicable if you are a contracted trainer. You must have your own ABN (Australian Business Number) so that you can issue an invoice for the payment for your services. The upload invoice will then be downloaded by admin staff, approved and further forwarded to account department for the final payment.
To upload the invoice, follow the instructions below:
- Click Timesheet > Upload Invoice. This will direct you to page where you will be able to upload your invoice (as shown below).
- Click 2018 folder to upload your invoice. You will be directed to the pay period link
Select the relevant pay period. Click the link of your pay period available for e.g. Nov. 19 - Dec. 2 , 2018
- Select the type of your invoice whether it is related to Class Timesheet or Extra Timesheet
- Select the invoice (scanned copy or electronic file) from your computer by clicking Choose File button as shown below:
- Click Upload to upload Invoice.
- Your recently uploaded invoice will appear as shown below:
From this menu you can generate various reports as per user rights assigned to you. To generate reports, follow the instructions below:
Note: Only Reports that are assigned by Administrator will be listed in the Report section.
- On the main menu click Reports. You will be directed to Generate Reports page as shown below:
- Select Type, Category and report from the drop down menu.
- Click View to generate selected Report
