eCAF Integration

eCAF Integration


The Meshed Platform can be integrated with the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) System.

An eCAF is required to be submitted by eligible students who wish to use HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP to pay their tuition fees. The eCAF System facilitates access to HELP loans, removing the requirement for paper CAFs or maintenance of in-house eCAFs.

The eCAF System does not provide verification of eligibility. Confirming a student's eligibility remains the responsibility of the Provider.

The interchange of data between the Meshed Platform and eCAF System eliminates the need to double handle data and minimises the possibility of data inconsistency.

The integration of eCAF with the Meshed Platform allows for:

  • Submission of an Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) from the Meshed Platform.
  • Removal of an Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) from the Meshed Platform.

The Meshed Platform integration uses the application programming interface ("API") for the eCAF System to interchange data between two systems.

Meshed eCAF Submission and Removal

Access to the Meshed Platform eCAF functionality is via the eCAF Icon on the home page.

Meshed Platform Configuration

To enable the integration in the Meshed Platform, the following information needs to be configured.

  • In the Meshed Platform navigate to Admin > Configuration and Setup.
  • Select College Info
  • Enter the required values in the eCAF Information section
  • Click Update

Field Descriptions

Endpoint URL

Training environment and production environment is as below:

User NameeCAF user access credential Logon ID
PasswordeCAF user access credential Password

All eCAF users are required to have individual access credentials. If you have not been granted access to the eCAF system, please contact the Department at heenquiries@dese.gov.au (Higher Education Providers) or VETStudentLoans@dese.gov.au (VET Student Loans Providers).

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