Smart and Skilled
Andrew Aylesbury
NSW Smart and Skilled is a vocational education and training (VET) program in New South Wales, Australia, designed to help eligible individuals gain the skills and knowledge needed to enter or advance in the workforce. The program is funded by the New South Wales government and is delivered by approved training providers.
The program offers a range of subsidised courses in various industries, including construction, hospitality, health, community services, business and management, and more. These courses can lead to qualifications ranging from certificates I to IV, diplomas, and advanced diplomas.
NSW Smart and Skilled has flexible delivery options, including online learning, on-the-job training, and classroom-based training, which allows individuals to choose the training that best suits their needs and circumstances.
To be eligible for Smart and Skilled, individuals must be at least 15 years old and no longer at school, living or working in New South Wales, and either an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or New Zealand citizen. Additionally, the program provides targeted support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability, and those who have experienced long-term unemployment or other barriers to education and training.
Overall, NSW Smart and Skilled is a valuable program that provides accessible and affordable training to help individuals gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen career paths.
Provider Reporting
Provider reporting is a requirement for all approved training providers delivering training under the NSW Smart and Skilled program. The reporting process is designed to ensure that providers are delivering quality training and that they are meeting the requirements of the program.
Under the reporting requirements, providers must report on a range of data, including the number of students enrolled in each course, the number of students who complete each course, and the employment outcomes of students who complete the training. Providers must also report on their financial performance, including their income and expenses, as well as any government funding received.
The reporting process is conducted online through the Smart and Skilled Provider Portal, which is managed by the NSW Department of Education and Training. Providers are required to submit their reports in a timely and accurate manner, and failure to do so may result in sanctions or other penalties.
The reporting process is important for ensuring that providers are delivering quality training that meets the needs of students and employers, and that government funding is being used effectively. It also helps to inform policy development and program improvements, by providing data on the performance of the program and the outcomes achieved by students.
Overall, NSW Smart and Skilled provider reporting is a key component of the program's accountability and transparency, and is essential for ensuring that the program continues to provide high-quality training that meets the needs of individuals and the workforce.
Create a Course which will be used for Smart and Skilled Students only.
Setup intake dates for the Smart and Skilled Course
Application Management
Student ID
After the Offer Letter has been approved, generate Student ID
- Funded checkbox must be checked
- Select Manually Specify under AVETMISS claim
- Optionally enter Commitment ID in Contract Code if know while generating Student Id.
Student Management
Commitment ID
If Commitment ID becomes available in later stages where Student (must be Domestic) has enrolled for a ‘Smart and Skilled Course’, please follow below steps to enter Commitment ID into the system.
- Navigate to the Student Profile Summary
- Click the Course Action Icon
- Click the Edit Selected Course Action Icon
- Ensure the AVETMISS Claim (Funded) is checked
- Enter Commitment ID in Purchasing Contract Code (this field is used differently for different states)
- Click Update
It is mandatory to provide Commitment ID before AVETMISS reporting.
Smart and Skilled Contract Code
- To record Smart & Skilled Contract code
- Navigate to the Student Profile Summary
- Click the Course Action Icon
- Click the Edit Selected Course Action Icon
- Ensure the AVETMISS Claim (Funded) is checked
- Select ‘Yes’ for ‘Is Smart and Skilled’
- Enter smart and skilled contract code in ‘Smart and Skilled Contract’
The Student must be enrolled in all units for course (as per packaging rules) and reporting must be for all units for every submission as funding is based on this
- Navigate to the Student Profile Summary
- Click the Result Action Icon
- Select the Course
- Select Subject as Type of Enrolment
- Ensure the Venue/Training Location is in NSW
- Funding Source State is NSW: OTH – Any Other Course (11)
- Select the required Final Outcome (for each enrolment) from the valid options.
- Click Enrol
If Course has multiple units, enrol all units based on contract.
Funding source must be OTH for State and 11 for National.
Depending on student’s status, select outcome as ‘CE- Continuing Enrolment’ or ‘NYS- Not Yet Completed’.
Valid Smart and Skilled outcomes are:
- NSW: 85 – Not yet started (NYS) - prior to 2018 this was blank
- NSW: 70 – Continuing enrolment (CE)
- NSW: TNC – Training Not Completed (Smart & Skilled Program Only) (TNC)
- NSW: D – Deferred (Smart & Skilled Program Only) (D)
Commitment ID must be assigned to every unit the Student is enrolled in.
- Navigate to the Student Profile Summary
- Click the Result Action Icon
- Select the Course
- For any listed Enrolled Unit, click the Edit Student Activity AVETMISSAction Icon
- Enter the Commitment IDin Purchasing Contract Code (this field is used differently for different states)
- Ensure Venue/Training Locationis in NSW
- Funding Source State is NSW: OTH – Any Other Course (11)
- All Units must be selected
- Click Update Data Icon
Go to Home and select AVETMISS option and provide correct details to extract AVETMISS report for Smart & Skilled students.
- Select export type as State
- Select correct range to extract AVETMISS data
- Select correct state
- Select ‘Smart and Contracts’ for which you are intending to receive AVETMISS data
- After providing all the details, extract report in TXT NAT format using option: Smart and Skilled eReporting Format
Validate AVETMISS data file
- Login to AVS at
- Click New Collection button
- Provide correct Collection Processing details by selecting following items in the list
Organisations | Your chosen account name |
Type | VET Provider Collection |
Year | Current collection year |
Period | Correct month range |
- Click Add Files and locate your data file and click open
- Click Upload Files
- Click Preliminary Checks and check following tick boxes
Exclude all validations relating to Activity End Date on NAT00120 |
Exclude all validations relating to Activity Start Date on NAT00120 |
Exclude validations relating to Blank Outcome Identifier - National on NAT00120 |
- Click Validate to process your data.
- Correct any errors in your system.
- Re-upload to AVS until all data files has a status of Validated, except for NAT00120 file which will have a status of Part Validated due to preliminary settings.
Export Summary
- Once your data has been successfully validated in AVS, click Export Summary
- In the next dialogue, ensure that the CSV option is selected.
- Click Export
- The eReporting system will only accept an AVS file with name ‘csv’, when you export the Collection Processing Summary Report csv file, it will append your provider name to the end of the file name ‘CollectionProcessingSummaryReport_<trainingorganisation name>.csv
It is important to remove the training organisation name from the filename when saving.
- AVS will also email a summary attachment to you, this will be a PDF file and is not sutaible for upload to eReporting. You can choose to turn this off in your account settings.
- Save the exported error summary in the same zip folder containing your AVETMISS data.
STS - State Training Services
Report via STS Online - a secure portal for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to do business with Training Services NSW. It provides a secure way to access information, services and functions.
Use below link to login on STS for eReporting:
- TAFE NSW Smart and Skilled (external link)
- Smart and Skilled (external link)