Admin menu allows you make all the predefined setups and configuration before you start working with the RTOmanager system. You can configure system setup, Manage College Materials, Manage Training Location/class room, and View log, Improvement Register, Manage News & Reminder:
4.1 RTOmanager Setup
This section is for various setup related to RTOmanager and provides options to set those preliminary information for colleges/institution for e.g. College Information, Course type, Enrolment Fee, Country List, Language List, Student ID Format, Result Grade, Certificate Format and Generate Class Calendar. This preliminary information will be used by RTOmanager as a default system setting for calculating results, providing checklist for offer document, generating letters, reports, offer letters, emails, sms etc. To set up this information you can follow the instruction below:
4.1.1 College Info
You will set up all the preliminary information required for the college from this menu. To setup college info, follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>College Info as shown in figure 4.1.1a.
Figure 4.1.1a
- Enter all the relevant information of your college in the General Information section as shown in Figure4.1.1a like College Name, NTIS Code (National Training Information Service), ABN (Australian Business Number) etc
Please note that you must have the SADMIN (super administrator) role to set up this information. is just the normal web address of the college. This URL (college web address) will appear in the letter, reports etc. issued by the college. SMS Account Username and SMS Account Password are the username & password given by the SMS service provider. Please also note that it is the client's responsibility to have this service in place for using SMS notification features.
- In the AVETMISS Training Organisation Identifier (TOID) for State section enter all the codes for the states as shown in figure 4.1.1a.
- In the College Address in Australia section in Figure 4.1.1a, enter all details of Street address and postal address of your college as shown in figure 4.1.1a. If your postal Address is same as street address, just click the check box Same as Street Address.
- Enter all bank details of the college in Bank Details section
- Finally click in figure 4.1.1a. A confirmation message will appear in green as shown in figure 4.1.1b.
Figure 4.1.1b
Please make sure to set up the above mentioned information before using RTOmanager system.
4.1.2 Course Type
From this menu you can set up course type for e.g. AQTF, Non-AQTF etc. for the college which, will be used later on while defining courses/qualifications to the students. Course type refers to the type of course that you offer to your student for e.g. AQTF, Non-AQTF, and Short Courses etc. Unless you set up your course type you will not be able to do any activities related to course type for e.g. creating course, enrol students etc. To setup Course Type follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged in to RTOmanager, click Admin>Course Type as shown in figure All the available course types will be displayed as shown in figure below.
Figure 4.1.2a
- Activate/deactivate your course type by ticking the check box and clicking as shown within red boxed area in figure 4.1.2a.
You cannot deactivate/Delete the Course Type which is associated with some courses already in the system. Please make sure to activate Course Type before using RTOmanager system.
4.1.3 Enrol Fee
You can setup enrolment fee from this menu which, will be the default enrolment fee for the college. This enrolment fee will be picked up by default while generating offer letters to the students/agents.
To setup enrolment fee, follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged into RTOmanager,
Click Admin > Enrol Fee as shown in figure 4.1.3a. All the list of enrolment fee for particular course (Course ID) will be displayed as shown within red boxed area in figure below.
Figure 4.1.3a
- By clicking / icons you can edit/delete the existing enrolment fee as shown in figure 4.1.3a.
- To add new enrolment fee for a course, enter all the information for the course as shown in figure 4.1.3b
In figure 4.1.3a Valid to date is the date the enrolment fee is valid after which it expires. This means that after expiry date this enrolment fee will not be available by default while generating offer letters. Course Type refers to the type of course for e.g. VET, ELICOS etc for which the enrolment fee will be applicable. Course Selection (All Courses or Selected Courses) refers to whether or not the enrolment fee is applied to all the courses or as per selection. Courses are the available options for selection for the course for e.g. First Aid, Quality Control, and RSA etc. as shown in figure 4.1.3a
- Finally click Setup. Your recently added enrolment fee will appear in the list.
- You can set up multiple fees set up here if there are different fees selections possible for any course. This allows option to choose the enrolment fee based upon individual circumstances.
4.1.6 Country List
From this menu you can add/delete country list which will later be used by the system while generating offer letters. However the system will populate all possible country lists from the AVETMISS text file. To set up country list, follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>Country List as shown as shown in figure 4.1.6a. The list of all available country names will be displayed as shown within red boxed area in the figure below.
Figure 4.1.6a
- By clicking / icons you can edit/delete the existing Country Name as shown in figure 4.1.6a.
- To add a new country in the list, enter the name of the country, Nationality, country code Region and country level for e.g. Albania, Albanian, 355 and EUROPE and 1 respectively and click
Note: You should set up country list before using your RTOmanager.
4.1.7 Language list
To set up language list, follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>Language List as shown in figure 4.1.7a. By default all the list of languages will be displayed as shown within red boxed area in figure below.
Figure 4.1.7a
- To add a new language, enter the language you want to add for e.g. Albanian, refer to figure 4.1.7a.
- To delete existing language list simply click on the icon
Note: You should set up language list before you start using RTOmanager.
4.1.8 Student ID Format
Student ID Format allows you to set up initial information for creating automatic student ID. Student ID Format can use combination of 4 types of information to generate automatic student ID: Country Code, Alphabet, Year Digit and Auto Number. The system uses this information to generate student ID once the COE is issued for the student. We shall illustrate below to setup sample Student ID Format in detail.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged in to RTOmanager, click Admin>Student ID Format as shown in figure 4.1.8a.
Figure 4.1.8a
- Select the Order Set value as 1 for Country Code (061). This means that you would want to appear your country code in the first position in the Student ID.
- Similarly select Order Set value as 2 for Alphabet (ST). This means that you would want to appear Alphabet (ST) in the second position in the Student ID. The Alphabet could be anything other than STD not more than 5 letters/digits which makes sense to you.
- Select Order Set value as 3 for Year Digit and select the value 4 (2014) for Year Digit as shown in figure above. This means that you would want to appear Year Digit (2014) in the third position in the Student ID. The value 4 for Year Digit represents 2014 and value 2 represents 10.
- By default the Order set value for auto number (0001) is set to 4 which is fixed and cannot be altered. However, you can alter the value of auto number 0001 as per your preference. The maximum length of the auto number can only be 5 digits.
- Once you have selected all the parameters for your desired student ID, click as shown in figure 4.1.8a. Your student ID would appear as shown within red boxed area like 061 ST 2014 0001 i.e. country code (061) in the first position, alphabet (ST) in the second position, year digit (2014) in third position and auto number (0001) in the fourth position.
Note: Please carefully observe the formation of student ID 061ST140001 for your understanding.
- If you are satisfied with this format, click to save the format of the student ID. This student ID format will be automatically used by the system to generate student ID for the students.
Note: You should set up your appropriate student id format before you start using RTOmanager.
4.1.10 Result Grade
From this menu you can setup all the preliminary information required for result grading system for your college. This information will be used by the system for grading purposes when processing the final result.
To setup result grading system, follow the instructions below: Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>Result Grade as shown in figure 4.1.10a. List of all available grading will be displayed as shown within red boxed area in figure below.
Figure 4.1.10a By clicking / icons you can edit/delete the existing grades as shown within in red boxed area in figure 4.1.10a. To add new grade, enter all the relevant setup information as shown within red boxed area in figure 4.1.10b
Figure 4.1.10b
In figure 4.1.10b, Grading type refers to type of grading for e.g. Marks grading, competency grading etc. AVETMISS Outcome Value refers to linking the final outcome to the AVETMISS related value. Finally click . A message in green will confirm that your information has been added successfully as shown in figure 4.1.10c.
Figure 4.1.10c
4.1.11 Certificate Format
From this menu you can predefine the format of Certificate ID which you will generate later on from the system. For e.g. duplicate certificate, statement of attainment (SOA), statement of results (SOR), statement of achievement (SOAC) etc.
To do this, follow the instructions below: Once you have logged in to RTOmanager-local,
Click Admin>Certificate Format as shown in figure below.
Figure 4.1.11a Select/enter Type, Prefix, Auto number and Suffix in figure 4.1.11a. Click Preview to view the certificate ID and how it is going to be displayed as shown by red mark in figure 4.1.11a. If you are satisfied with this format, finally click . A message in green will confirm that the Certificate ID format is setup successfully as shown in figure 4.1.11b.
Figure 4.1.11c
4.1.12 Generate Class Calendar
From this menu you can automatically generate the system class calendar for 5 years. you have logged in to RTOmanager- local, Just click on Generate Class Calendar as shown in figure 4.1.12a.
Figure 4.1.12a
Note: Please observe the message in figure 4.1.12a as shown by the red arrow which means that the class calendar was already created previously. If it hasn't it will show in green that e.g. Year 2014 has been set up now.
4.1.13 Setup Sections
From this section you can setup sections for the diary which is used in the students 'Communication Log'. You can setup sections for Status & Type. Once you have logged in to RTOmanager- local, Just click on Setup Sections as shown in figure 4.1.13a.
Figure 4.1.13a select the Type: to be Status or Type, Enter in the Value e.g. New then click on . Recently added Diary sections will appear in the list as seen below in figure 4.1.13b along with a successful message confirming you have added a new section for the diary.
Figure 4.1.13b
To delete sections for the diary simply click on the icon as shown above in figure 4.1.13b.
4.1.14 Additional Student Details
From this section you can setup additional fields to appear on the Application when students apply, Appear in the Course Setup, Unit Setup, Course & Student. This is useful if you would want to make certain fields mandatory or optional. Once you have logged in to RTOmanager- local, Just click on Additional Student Details as shown in figure 4.1.14a.
Figure 4.1.14a Select Additional Type that the system has by default or existing ones that were created previously or you can create a new Additional type by simply selecting –New Additional Type—from the drop down menu. The Additional Type field will only appear if you select "New Additional Type" as seen above in figure 4.1.14a. Used For field can be used for student, course, course setup, offer & unit setup.
Select Data Type: from three different options String, Integer & Double.
Integer: Only allows the user to input numbers as a "Value" e.g. 123467
Double: Only allows the user to input numbers with a decimal as a "Value" e.g. 22.9
String: Allows all characters to be entered as a "Value" e.g. alphabet, numbers, explanation marks!! Note: Please keep in mind that the Used For field in figure 4.1.14a represents whether you are creating Additional Student Details for Student, Course, Course Setup, and Offer & Unit Setup.
Student: Will appear in step 2 of 5 step application.
Course: Will appear in the Enrolment Detail Section in step 3.
Offer: Will appear in the Offers Manage section under "view/edit this application detail".
Course Setup: Will appear when adding or editing courses in the system under the Courses Tab.
Unit Setup: Will appear when adding or editing Units in the system under the Courses->Units Selection Type field allows you to choose whether to have radio button, textbox & dropdown options as an "Additional Value"
Textbox: This option simply allows the user to enter in text
Radio button: This option allows the user to select an option which can be e.g. 4 options
Dropdown: This option allows the user to select options from a dropdown menu setup. Additional Value will require some form of text it cannot be left blank, e.g. Enter Value, this can simply be removed and correct text can be entered when user adds this additional student details that is used for e.g. offer letter.
You can also tick the check box if you would like this Additional Details to be mandatory for the users. You can also have these options to be displayed in the Public & Employer Application as well as shown below in Figure 4.1.14b Once you are done click you will see a confirmation message saying additional details created successfully as seen below in figure 4.1.14b
Figure 4.1.14b
4.2 Manage College Materials
From this menu you can upload and download your college materials/document. Your RTO related files and folders are placed inside the College materials section. The folder structure provides access to various folders where electronic files are being saved and stored. This page allows you to upload or download files in relevant section.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
- Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>Manage College Materials as shown in figure 4.2a. The folders relates to various section of the system and gives you access to these section to view related files and folders. The student related files will be placed in the Student Files folder. Staff related documents will be placed in the Staff Files folder.
Figure 4.2a
You can also create folders/Subfolders to properly manage files related to different tasks and purpose. You can select particular folder and then upload the files inside that folder.
- Select the file from the location of your computer that you want to upload. Your figure should now appear as shown in figure 4.2b.
Figure 4.2b
4.2.3Finally click . Your selected file will be uploaded in the folder you have chosen. Similarly, you may download the file by clicking the file you want to download and follow the prompts.
4.3 Manage Contract schedule
Click at 'Admin >> Manage Contract Schedule' link to access contract schedule setup page.
There are 2 steps to do
Firstly, you need to create Contract name. Then you assign schedule to the particular Contract. This feature purpose is to group State Funding Sources into Contract set. This will be used to link with Course Intake Offer. Refer to below figure 4.3a
Figure 4.3a
- Click 'Add Contract' to setup Contract name as shown below in figure 4.3b
Figure 4.3b
- Simply add Contract Code and Contract Description. You can delete Contract by clicking 'Delete' icon in grid table.
- Now set schedule into contract. Click the 'Manage Contract Schedule' as shown below in figure 4.3c
Figure 4.3c
- By default, the system will display the list of schedule according to contract code selected as 'View by Contract'.
- To add new, click icon 'Add New Contract Schedule', your page should now look like the one below in figure 4.3d.
Figure 4.3d
- Simply Enter/Select the correct information for contract schedule than click on . Your recently added contract schedule will appear in the list.
You can also delete any existing contract schedules by simply clicking on the delete
4.4 Manage Training location/Room
Click Admin >> Manage Training Location/Room link to access this feature.
There are 2 steps, which are to setup venue, and to assign training room to the particular venue. This data setup will be used to link with Course Intake Offer and Class timetable setup. Refer below in figure 4.4a
Figure 4.4a
- Click 'Manage Venue' as seen below in figure 4.4b
Figure 4.4b
- Simply enter all the relevant information regarding the new venue you wish to setup as seen above in figure 4.4b. Once all information is provided simply click on . Your newly added venue will now appear in the 'Training Location' list and you will also see a green confirmation message indicating your new venue has successfully been added as seen below in figure 4.4c
Figure 4.4c
To edit/delete any location venues simply click on these icons as marked by red box which is shown above in figure 4.4c
- Next, click 'Manage Room' as shown below in figure 4.4d to create and assign room to particular venue which you previously created above.
Figure 4.4d
- Simply enter all the room information, such as Room ID, Room Name, and Max Capacity. The 'Training Location/Venue' is the venues that you have added into the system as mentioned previously above, select the correct venue you wish to add rooms to as shown above in figure 4.4d. Then simply click on . Your new 'Room' will now appear in the 'Classroom' list, you will also see a green confirmation message indicating classroom has been successfully added as seen below in figure 4.4e.
Figure 4.4d
Tip: Depending on which 'Training Location/Venue' you select from the drop down menu, only the classrooms for that venue will appear in the 'Classroom' list, e.g. as seen above in figure 4.4d we only had the 1 room appearing in the list, however other venues may have multiple rooms added to that particular corresponding Venue.
4.5 Setup Permission
From this menu you can add/revoke permissions to user groups (for e.g. DOS-VET, DOS, Accounts, Student Services etc.) for generating transcripts, viewing transcripts, generating certificates etc. To do this, follow the instructions below:
4.5.1 Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin><Setup Permission. You will go to the page as shown in figure 4.4.3a.
Figure 4.5a
4.5.2 Click icon at the right hand side as marked by red box shown above in figure 4.5a. You will go to another page as shown in figure 4.5b
Figure 4.5b
4.5.3 Select Permission name from the drop down menu for e.g. Delete Student as shown in figure 4.5b
4.5.4 Enter in Description if needed e.g. Staff allowed to delete students.
4.5.5 Select Roles associated by ticking the check boxes as per your requirement e.g. Staff as shown in figure 4.5b
This permission will allow Staff to delete students.
4.5.6 Finally click . New permission for delete student will be created as shown below in figure 4.5c; you will also see a green message that permission has been created/updated.
Figure 4.5c
4.5.7 Now to add this permission, click icon as shown within red boxed area below in figure 4.5d
Figure 4.5d
4.5.8 Select the Permission & role from the drop down menu as shown within red boxed area in figure 4.5d Tick the check box for e.g. Jim Jones (jim) as shown by red boxed area in figure 4.5d Finally click . User permission will be applied and you will receive a message in green as shown in figure 4.5e
Figure 4.5e
4.6 View Audit Trail
From this menu you can view logs of any modification/changes made to the database by any user. This section allows access to track the changes that have been carried out at various elements of the system such as student details, student course details, results, attendance etc. To do this, follow the instructions below:
4.6.1Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>View Audit Trail as shown in figure below:
Figure 4.6a
4.6.2 Select your criteria from the drop down menu in figure 4.4.4a. Figure 4.4.4a should now appear as shown in figure 4.4.4b
Figure 4.6b
4.6.3Finally click . Lists of available logs will be displayed as shown in figure 4.6c.
Figure 4.6c
4.6.4 Similarly you can select any available criteria from the drop down menu and generate log as described in previous steps.
4.6.5 You can export the result in excel format as well by clicking Export icon shown by the blue arrow in figure 4.6c
4.7 Manage Reports
From this menu you can manage your report settings like changing the report type, allowing/revoking access for different user roles to view report and providing report viewing options to a group of users. To do this, follow the instructions below:
4.7.1Once you have logged in to RTOmanager,
Click Admin>Manage Reports as shown in figure 4.7a.
Figure 4.7a
4.7.2 To edit any report for e.g. Assessment Result List not Entered as marked by the green area, click icon as shown in figure 4.7a. You will go to the page as shown in figure 4.7b
Figure 4.7b
4.7.3Select your criteria as per requirement as shown (Category, Sub Category & Type – i.e. Report or Letter) as shown above in figure 4.7b and click . You will receive a confirmation message in green as shown in red boxed area in figure 4.7c
Figure 4.7c
In figure 4.7b, Report Name refers to the name of the report, Category refers to which section the report belongs to, Sub Category refers to which report it belongs to as sub section, Type refers to whether the report is Report or Letter and Access Level refers to anyone who can view or edit reports.
4.8 Improvement Register
From this menu you can record complaints/feedbacks obtained from students/staff for improving your working procedure.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
4.8.1 Once you have logged in to RTOmanager Local,
Click Admin>Improvement Register as in figure 4.8. You will go to the page
Figure 4.8a
4.8.2 Click . You will to the Continuous Improvement Register Management page as shown in figure 4.8b.
Figure 4.8b
4.8.3Supply all the information of complaint/feedbacks received as shown in figure 4.8b. When you are done, click .
- Recently recorded complaint/feedback will be displayed as shown in figure 4.8c.
Figure 4.8c
Figure 4.8d
Note: Please observe that the red flag in figure 4.8c indicate that the above case (complaint/feedback) has already been closed. The green flag indicates the case is open as seen above in figure 4.8d.
You can also edit/delete any 'Improvement Register' by simply clicking on these icons as marked by red box in the above figure 4.8d.
This icon allows you to export current data into Excel Format.
You can also search for specific 'Improvement Registers' by using the 'Search By' option as shown in the figures above.
4.9 Manage Calendar
From this menu you can add or delete calendar year from the system.
To do this, follow the instructions below:
4.9.1 Once you have logged in to RTOmanager-Local,
Click Admin>Manage Calendar as shown in figure below 4.9a
Figure 4.9a
4.9.2 Click in figure 4.9a. You should also enter numeric figure as shown by blue arrow in figure 4.9a to tell the system how many calendar years you are going to create. E.g. you enter in the year 2018 and the numeric figure you enter is 2, it will create calendar for year 2019 and 2020.
4.9.3Similarly to delete the calendar from the system, select the calendar year to want to delete as shown by green arrow in figure 4.9a and click .
You can also set up holiday week by simply clicking on the icon as shown above in figure 4.9a, once clicked it will allow you to tick the checkbox then simply click this icon to save as seen below in figure 4.9b
Figure 4.9b
4.10 Document Mail Attachment
From this menu you can do a default setup for those documents (general document which are normally sent to all the students) which you would want to send to the student directly along with the offer letter automatically. This means that you do not have to select the documents every time you send the offer letter. Please note that this functionality is related to Enrol & Pay Online menu only in the public portal.
To understand this, follow the instructions below:
4.10.1 Hover your mouse on Admin menu and click Document Mail Attachment as shown in figure below. You will go to the page as in figure 4.10b.
Figure 4.10a
Figure 4.10b
4.10.2 Select the file that you want to send as attachment by clicking Choose File in figure 4.10b.
4.10.3 Select Type of attachment from the drop down menu. You have 3 options to choose viz: Course, Venue & Employer as in figure 4.10b
4.10.4 Select Value Type from the drop down menu (this will be populated as per you selection in step 4.10.3)
4.10.5Finally click Enabled Now as per your choice in figure 4.10b. This ensures whether the document attachment list is active or inactive. Now figure 4.10b should now appear as shown in figure 4.10c.
Figure 4.10c
4.10.6Finally click . Just created Document attachment list will appear in the list as shown in figure 4.10d.
Figure 4.10d
Explanation: This means whenever any student completes new application from Enrol & Pay Online menu from the public portal (please refer to figure 4.11e), the system, while sending offer letter for Certificate IV in Frontline Management to the student will also send the document Sunset.jpg automatically.
Figure 4.10e