Integrating the vSure visa check service into the Meshed platform significantly boosts the efficiency, accuracy, and compliance of managing international students. This integration facilitates real-time verification of visa statuses for students directly from within a Meshed platform.
Example Use Cases
Some example scenarios where performing visa checks with Meshed and vSure can enhance an education provider’s processes related to international students:
Effective Admissions Management: Access real-time visa status information for new or re-enrolling students, ensuring up-to-date records and a streamlined admissions process.
Ensure Compliance: Ensure that all students are legally permitted to study in Australia, enhancing overall compliance and reducing the risk of regulatory issues.
Optimize Capacity: Identify students who have transitioned to visas other than student visas, potentially freeing up places within the provider’s cap for additional students.
Manage Risk Rating: Monitor and address students who may be in breach of visa conditions, as non-compliance could affect the provider’s risk rating under the Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF).
Visibility of Student Churn: By analyzing visa checks of students who have left, providers can determine if former students remain in Australia on a student visa (possibly with a different provider) or have left the country.