Course Promotion Feature
RTOManager has just added a new feature on the Course Management section which Meshed Higher-Ed Course Promotion feature allows Administrative user to set up course promotion pricing based on different Nationality.
To access this feature in the system, follow the instructions below:
- On your RTOManager Meshed Higher-Ed platform, click Course > Course Promotion.
- On this section you will see three menu
- Nationality Group
- Promotion Set
- Promotion Activation
Set up Nationality Group
- Click on Nationality Group option to set up Nationality Grouping
Click on to show new nationality group section.
- Here you can creat create a new Group name and select Nationality to group them and click Add Nationality.
Create Promotion Set
- This will take you to the Promotion Set page, where
- Here you can click Add icon to Add a new Promotion Set
On this section
- Set Name - enter the promotion set name that you want to create
- Student origin - promotion set can be created for a specific origin (Overseas Student or Overseas Student in Australia or Resident Student)
- Visa Type - promotion set can be created for any visa type within the selected origin or for a specific visa type for selected origin
- Nationality Group - Select the previously created Nationality Group here
- Click Add Set to record the promotion set
- Once recorded the system will show the promotion set
- Once you have created promotion set they can be used later to link with any future promotions
- This will take you to the Promotion Setup and Activation page, where you can click Add icon to Add a new Promotion
- Select new Promotion set and enter details about the Promotion set
- This will then bring the below interface to enter the Promotion details.
- On this section
- Promotion Name - enter the promotion name that you want to create
- Promotion Start on - enter the promotion start date
- Promotion Ends on - enter the promotion end date (only applicable if No end date specified)
- Comments - Enter promotions comments
- Select Campus - Select campus that you want to define this promotion for (Please note this is only avaialble available if Multi Campus feature is activated in RTOManager Platform)
- Course Type - you can select any course type (HigherEd or ELICOS) for the promotion as required
- Promotion For - options available here are for Course Type or Specific course
- Course Type should be used if you are looking to create promotion for all courses under that Course Type
- Specific Course should be used if you are looking to create promotion for a specific course
- Select Course
- Enter Price Set
- Price set for ELICOS courses are based on weekly price and can have discount weeks
- Price set for other courses are based on Course Tuition price
- Promotion Remarks - Enter details of promotion
- Once all the details are entered, you can click Add Promotion to record the promotion details
- Promotion will be recorded and shown below.
Link Promotion with Promotion Set
- Once you have created Promotion then you can link the promotion with promotion set
- To do this go to each Promotion and click on the pencil icon
- This will open a new pop up window that will show the promotion and the list of promotion set that is available to assign
- Select the desired promotion and if want to apply this set to all linked promotions then click "Apply set into to all promotion"
- Promotion will then be linked with promotion set
Course Promotion Pricing Link with Application
- Once the promotion are setup then this will be linked with Student online application feature
- During the application process based on Nationality if the promotion is avialable available then the promotion prices will then be displayed