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The Admission process starts when the provider receives a Student Application request. Applications can be made by Students (via public portal) and by an Administrator (via Offer manage tab).
Once application is received, Admin can commence the Admission process by going to Offers > Offers Manage.
Admission Process in Meshed Higher-Ed has an easy step by step process as shown below
- Search Application status by using filters and click Search.
- Check the applicants with New Application Request
- The Admission process uses the Action Icons.
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The Applications/Offers list can be filtered with the following Criteria: 1 - Application Status
2 - Search by:
3 - Campus - Only for Multi-Campus Module (Optional) |
View and Edit Application
This function allows admin to view and edit new application requests received via the online portal. Here, you will see the list of new application requests and allows you to manage the application process. Users may be able to search applicants using the search button.
To perform this function, follow the instructions below:
- Click Offers > Offer Manage.
- The page will show list of all applicants and application submitted. You may filter your search using the Search button.
- On the right hand side, you will see different actions you can use to manage applications. To click this icon to view and edit application details. This page includes
- Users can also add a course clicking the course icon. This page contains information that needs to be filled in which includes name of course to apply, intake year, start dates and other payment information.
- Users can view a log of all Course comment changes made during the Application and Offer processes. This is useful for recording and tracking of important information, notes, etc. For example a change of Agent during the Offer process.
- Users can check documents that has been uploaded by applicant by clicking the document icon. This lets the admin check the documents sent. If student sent the documents via email or post, admin can upload the document clicking the Upload button.
- To ensure that all mandatory documents are received prior to offer approval, users can download, review and verify them by clicking the Offer Document Checklist Action Icon.
- Users can Click the Download Files button and the files are downloaded in a zipped format. The zip file contains the files in document type folders, for example “In Application”, “Offer” and “Post Application”. Admin users can also upload files by clicking Choose File in the list.
- After reviewing the documents, Users are able to update the status of each document as required.
- User can enter in any comments and save them by clicking on the green tick Action Icon.
- Once the document information verification is completed, click Update Checklist.
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When a User rejects a document, the Agent will receive an email notification and see a notification on the Agent Portal Dashboard when logging in. |
- Users can also record all communication exchanges between applicant and Provider by clicking the Communication Log icon
- User may also choose to send the offer letter via email by clicking the email icon.
- Once Offer letter has been checked, verified and sent, you may close this function by closing this window
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Applicant and Student Duplicate Check The System has duplicate check functionality which applies to:
Duplicate check is performed using the following criteria:
This System will alert the User when a potential duplicate is detected. This will assist with preventing duplication of Students and Applicants in the System. |
View and Edit Fee Schedule
This function allows the user to create or modify the Tuition Fee Payment Schedule or the Miscellaneous Fee Payment Schedule (Optional) for the Offer.
To create or modify the Fee Payment Schedule for the Offer, follow the instructions below:
Click Course > Intake dates.
- The Upfront Fee Schedule window is displayed
- Select the Fee Type required (Optional)
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Create Mode - When there is no existing Fee Schedule for the offer, the Upfront Fee Schedule window will display an empty schedule. Update Mode - When there is an existing Fee Schedule for the offer, the Upfront Fee Schedule window will display the schedule. |
Tuition Fee Schedule
- Enter the Invoice Due Date
- Enter the No. of Installment
- Enter the Frequency
- Click Generate Schedule
- Click OK on the pop-up message
- The Upfront Fee Schedule window will display the schedule.
- If required Modify a schedule for Due Date, Amount, Duration and click the corresponding green Action Icon
- If required Delete a schedule by clicking the corresponding red Action Icon
- Close the Upfront Fee Schedule window
Miscellaneous Fee Schedule (Optional)
- Select the Payment Type
- Enter the Due Date
- Enter the Due Amount
- Enter the No. of Instalment
- Enter the Frequency
- Click Add Schedule
- Click OK on the pop-up message
- The Upfront Fee Schedule window will display the schedule.
- If required Modify a schedule for Due Date, Amount, Duration and click the corresponding green Action Icon
- Close the Upfront Fee Schedule window
Preview Offer Letter
- Click this to preview Offer Letter. The letter will open in a new page and it includes information the offer letter with course information, schedule of fees which includes tuition fee and other miscellaneous charges, Payment schedule, bank details and available modes of payment.
Note: The letter of offer is issued provisionally only and subject to student acceptance and payment of fees.
Approve Offer Letter
Once Applicant information has been reviewed and verified, click the icon to approve offer letter.
Note that student’s status has been changed from New Application Request to Offered status.
Download the Offer Letter
Download a copy of the Approved Offer Letter.
Student Invoice
Generate and download the Student Invoice for the Approved Offer.
Agent Invoice
Generate and download the Agent Invoice for the Approved Offer.
Send Email
Once Offer letter has been approved, Administrator may send the email to the Applicant, by clicking the send email icon .
Reserve Student ID
This function allows you to reserve an ID for the Applicant while waiting for offer process to be finalised – e.g. Payment has been made and compulsory documents have been verified and submitted.
To perform this action, follow the instructions below:
- Click the Reserve student ID icon a pop up box will appear to allow you to generate Reserve ID. You can also check the suggested reserve ID by clicking Check Available
Click Reserve Now to generate Student ID.
Note: Reserve ID no will be shown on the Reserve ID column list.
Add CoE
This icon allows you to enter CoE number for the Applicant once they have submitted compulsory documents and tuition fee payment has been made. CoE number can be generated from the Government’s PRISMS system. To perform this action, follow the instructions below:
- Click this icon to add CoE number to the offer letter.
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CoE is the abbreviation for Confirmation of Enrolment. |
- Enter CoE No. on the field provided and upload the file.
- Click Add CoE to save.
Note: CoE number will be displayed on the CoE column.
Offer Checklist
Image Modified
Checklist are great way to build and manage process within the system. Using the Offer Checklist Users have the option to check and uncheck the Check List items. Checklist items are setup using Admin > Configuration and Setup > Checklist Setup.
Generate Student ID
You can generate the Student ID by clicking the Generate Student ID icon.
This action will convert the Applicant to a Student.
Pend Offer Letter
This icon allows you to pend Offer Letter. Pending Offer letter can be due to different factors e.g. Students have not paid the relevant fees on due date, or students’ inability to send compulsory documents necessary to complete admission process.
- To pend Offer letter, click the lock icon
2. The lock icon will change to which allow admin to reject the application if requirements are not met by the students.
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