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PRISMS CoE Management

The PRISMS CoE Management page within the system is used to oversee CoE-related functions as part of this integration. To access the PRISMS CoE Management page, navigate to the PRISMS Integration tab and select "Manage CoE." This page enables users to Create, Download, and Cancel CoEs directly through the Meshed system using the API.

The following specifications apply to CoEs created via the API:

  • CoEs can be generated for specific Offer or Student stage statuses within the system.

  • Only Overseas Students (Offshore) and Overseas Students in Australia (Onshore Students) are available for CoE creation on the PRISMS CoE Management page. Domestic students or offer records are not displayed.

  • If a CoE number has been manually recorded for an offer or student, that record will not be listed for new CoE creation. Records marked with a CoE number as "NA" or "No CoE Required" are also excluded.

  • CoEs created through the API can only be cancelled via the API. Manually recorded CoE numbers cannot be cancelled through the integration. Similarly, only CoEs generated via the API can be downloaded directly.

  • A valid user authentication with PRISMS is required to perform actions on the PRISMS CoE Management page. Expired authentication will result in errors.

Only users with CoE Administrator user role in PRISMS are authorised by the PRISMS API to create an approved CoE. Users lacking the necessary permissions will encounter errors when attempting to use this functionality.

1) Icons and Filters

1.1) Icons

The PRISMS CoE Management Page has multiple icons that can be used to perform a variety of functions.




This icon is used to preview CoE Create information before sending it to PRISMS.


This icon appears for records where a CoE is not created yet. The icon allows the users to do the following:

  • Find or Create PRISMS Student Record

  • Edit/Update Applicant’s Passport and Visa numbers if required

  • Map applicant’s course to a PRISMS venue

  • Record details of applicant’s welfare arrangement (for under-18 applicants)

The icon opens a new page that also allows redirect to Offer/Student record, PRISMS Data Mapping page as well as the PRISMS Configuration page.


The icon is used to create a CoE using API.


The icon can be used to cancel a CoE created via API.


The icon appears after a CoE has been created using API. This can be used to view the current details of CoE in PRISMS.


This icon only appears upon CoE creation. This icon allows to view the request that was sent to create a CoE from the Meshed system.


This icon appears after a CoE has been created using API. Clicking on this icon will download a CoE document from PRISMS which is stored under the student/offer document section in the system.

1.2) Filters

The PRISMS CoE Management Page has 2 pages i.e., Offer and Student.

Offer Page

The offer page brings offers from the system where the applicant’s origin is overseas (onshore or offshore) offer records and the status is either Offered or Converted.

Student Page

The student page brings overseas (onshore or offshore) student records where the student status are any of the ones mentioned below;

  • Offered

  • Enrolled

  • Converted

  • New Course Request

In both Offer and Student pages, the following filters appear:

  • Search by Status

  • Search by Campus (If Multi-Campus module is enabled)

  • And Other Search by filters to narrow down the search from the grid.

The records in the grid can also be further filtered based on “CoE Status”. Following CoE Statuses are available to filter data;

  • CoE Created - This filter brings out the records from the grid where a CoE is created using API and a CoE number is available.

  • CoE Not Created – All records where a CoE has not been created yet appear when filtered using this filter.

  • CoE Cancelled – Any CoE records that are cancelled can be filtered using this filter.

  • All – This filter brings out the data as a combination of all filters which contains Created, Not Created as well as Cancelled CoE records.

2) Create CoE using API

The API enables CoE Administrator users to create a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). The system aggregates data from multiple fields within the platform to generate the CoE request body. As such, accurate data entry within the Meshed system is crucial to ensuring the integrity and correctness of the CoE. To Create a CoE using API, the following details in the system must be recorded for a student/offer record.

2.1) CoE Create - Data Mapping Between Meshed and PRISMS Fields

The table below shows the data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS fields used for creating CoE via API.


Meshed Field




This data comes from Course Setup in the system.


National Code


As per the data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS

GET CRICOS location ID from the CRICOS register and map with the Meshed locations. The data is sent to PRISMS based upon the location mapped for the course enrolment.


Course Start Date

This data comes from Offer/Student Course Enrolment Details.


Course Finish Date


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee

The data for these fields comes from PRISMS Initial Fee fields. Thee fields are available for Overseas (onshore and offshore) students/offers.


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee Start Date


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee End Date


Other Prepaid Non-Tuition Fee (if applicable)


Does the Payer consent to pay more than 50% of the course fee upfront?


Tuition Charged Fee

This data comes from Offer/Student Course Enrolment Details.


Request OSHC Flag

This data comes from Offer/Student Course Enrolment Details >> Additional Service Request


OSHC Information

OSHC Provider Data Mapping is necessary for sending this data to PRISMS.


Is the student exempt from providing evidence of English language proficiency?

The data for these fields come from the English Test section. The questions are captured under Student/Offer ESOS: English Language testing and exemptions page.


Exemption reason


Has the student undertaken an English test?


English Language Proficiency Test


The institution used, or will use, other means of testing to ensure the student has, or will have, met the English language requirements for the course


Student origin

The data comes from Offer/Student Profile.


Visa Number


Special Conditions


Emergency/Guardian contact details


Emergency/Guardian contact details


Emergency/Guardian contact details


As per the provider selection made for the student or offer

The data for welfare services is captured if it is recorded for the Offer/Student. If no welfare services are linked, the provider selected value is sent.


Welfare Services


This is sent based on Student Origin



Australian Primary Contact Address

This information comes from Offer/Student Profile


Current Street Primary Address Information


Overseas/Permanent Address


Overseas/Permanent Address


Agent linked to the Course

If principal agent (college) is the agent for the course, no agent details are sent.


As per data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS

GET Agent IDs from PRISMS (Resource ID) – Map the agent IDs with the agents in our system

The table below shows the data mapping between Meshed and PRISMS fields for Student-related fields that are used to create/locate student in PRISMS.


Meshed Field



Student ID

Only, if the CoE is created for an existing student.





First name



Middle name



Last name






Date of birth



If there is only a single name for the offer/student



Country of birth






Passport No.




2.2) CoE Create Checklist

 Provider Type Setup – Public or Private.

 Meshed and PRISMS Data Mapping.

 Applicant’s personal details including student passport and visa number (required for onshore students).

 Applicant’s address and contact details.

 Applicant’s course enrolment details including the fee details.

 Initial Prepaid Tuition and Non-Tuition Fee details.

 Agency details if applicable for the course enrolment.

 Applicant’s OSHC Information, if organised by the education provider.

 Applicant’s English Language test details (test details or exemptions, whichever is applicable).

Additional data for under 18 applicants

 Guardianship details for an offer/student if the applicant is under 18 years of age 12 weeks before the course start date.

 Applicant’s Welfare Service details, if the Education Provider accepts responsibility for an applicant’s welfare when the applicant is under 18 years of age, 12 weeks before the course start date.

2.3) Data Preparation for Creating a CoE

To successfully create a CoE via the API, it is essential that the data is recorded in accordance with the checklist provided above. If any of the specified items are missing or inaccurately recorded, the CoE generation process may fail, leading to errors in the request.

Most data is recorded in the general system fields designed for those sections such as data for student, course, agent and others. However, the list below contains information on some specific fields that are used to capture data for the purpose of creating a CoE.

2.3.1) Provider Type

A new checkbox is now available under the Admin and Configuration section for the users to set up the Provider Type as Public or Private.

Based on the Provider Type, the details sent to PRISMS vary for CoE Create request.

2.3.2) Initial Prepaid Fee Details

PRISMS require the Initial Prepaid Fee details to be recorded when generating a CoE for an applicant. The following fields are captured by the system for the PRISMS Initial Fee details:

Field Name


Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee

The dollar amount prepaid to the provider for the CoE at the time of creation

Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee Start Date

The date for which the tuition period for the initial prepaid tuition fee begins. Must be within the Proposed Course Start Date and Proposed Course End Date. This date is not required if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is 0

Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee End Date

The date for which the tuition period for the initial prepaid tuition fee ends. Must be within the Proposed Course Start Date and Proposed Course End Date. This date is not required if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is 0

Other Prepaid Non-Tuition Fee

The dollar amount prepaid to the provider for the CoE at the time of creation for fees other than their tuition fees

Payment Mode

Mode of Initial Fee Payment

Payment Date

Date of Initial Fee Payment

Does the Payer consent to pay more than 50% course fee upfront?

Payer consent must be recorded if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is more than 50% of the Tuition Charged Fee for the course.

Date of Consent

This is the date when the payer consented to pay more than 50% of the Tuition Charged Fee for the course as the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee.

To record initial prepaid fee data for an Offer, go to Offers >> Offers Manage >> Click on image-20250203-014808.png icon to add/update the PRISMS Initial Prepaid Fee details.

Record the initial fee details as applicable for the offer and click Save Prepayment. If the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is more than 50% of the Total Course Fee, the payer consent related fields appear for the user to add consent.

However, if the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee is less than 50% of the Total Course Fee, the Payer Consent Fields do not appear.

If the Initial Prepaid Tuition Fee or Initial Prepaid Non-Tuition Fee are 0, the details can be saved with the amount 0. In this case, no payment details or consent details are required.

Once the Prepaid Fee data is recorded, the details can be updated by clicking on the same icon and modifying the fee details.

The same can be done on student stage where the PRISMS Initial Prepaid Fee Details icon can be found in Edit Student Course Section.

For both Offer/Student sections, the Prepaid Fee Details remain editable only till there is no CoE recorded. Once a CoE No. is recorded for the respective enrolment, the system restricts further modifications on the prepaid fee details.


2.3.3) English Test Details

English test details for the offer/student record are captured under the ESOS: English Language testing and exemptions page.

This page is an existing page in the system and is designed as per the ESOS guidelines. To record the English language test and exemption details for an offer/student, click on the icon.

2.3.4) Guardianship Details

(Applicable for Under 18 Students Only)

PRISMS require the guardianship details when the applicant is under 18 years of age at least 12 weeks before the course start date. The data for offer/student guardianship details can be recorded under the offer/student profile Emergency/Guardian Contact Details section.

The Emergency/Guardian Contact Details fields are now available to users in an extended format to collect accurate data required for API.

The dropdown filter should be selected as Guardian when recording data for under 18 students.

2.3.5) Applicant Welfare Arrangement Details

(Applicable for Under 18 Students Only)

Applicants under the age of 18 at least 12 weeks before the course start date require welfare arrangement details to be declared on the CoE. There are certain values or Type of Stay codes that are defined by PRISMS:

  1. Homestay

  2. Boarding School

  3. Residential College

  4. Other

The Service Setup in the system can be done by going to Admin >> Service Setup.


When the user goes to PRISMS CoE Management page to Find/Create PRISMS student record and clicks on image-20250203-015333.png icon, if there are no Welfare Services assigned for the applicant, the system will show the following notification:

When Provider accepts responsibility for applicant welfare

Only one of the above service can be assigned to an offer/student. If the assigned service does not match the PRISMS list of Type of Stay values, the system cannot send a value. Similarly, if the Service Name is something other than Welfare Services, the system cannot recognise the services as student welfare arrangement services.

To assign the welfare service to the offer/student record, go to profile>> Additional Service Request and add the relevant details as shown below:

As the welfare services are now linked to the applicant, the system no longer displays the welfare arrangement related message on PRISMS CoE Management page for the record.

When Provider does not accept responsibility for applicant welfare

However, if there are no Welfare Services assigned to the applicant in the system or if the Education Provider is not accepting responsibility for applicant welfare arrangement, the system shows the message as shown above. In this case, the user can set the value as No for the question Does Provider accept responsibility for student welfare? This means that the provider is not accepting responsibility for the applicant’s welfare.

If there is no welfare service assigned to the applicant and the user records the Does Provider accept responsibility for student welfare? as Yes, the system will show the message below. In this case, the user needs to provide one of the valid values for the applicant’s welfare arrangement.

3) CoE Creation Process

Once the data for all required fields as per the checklist is recorded for the Offer/Student record, a CoE can be generated.

To generate a CoE, go to PRISMS >> Manage CoE

3.1) Find/Create PRISMS Student Record

To generate a CoE, the first step is to create the student record in PRISMS. To do so, click on the image-20250203-015550.png icon. This will open a new page where the details for the applicant are available.

  • There are edit icons available for Passport No. and Visa Number fields in the pop-up window itself. The user can edit these details without going to the offer/student profile.

  • The pop-up also has some redirect icons that can take you to the respective page. The redirects available are Profile, PRISMS Data Mapping and PRISMS API Config.

Once you have confirmed all the details to be accurate, click on the Find or Create PRISMS Student Record button. This button can only be used once to get an ID. Once a PRISMS student record is created, the button disappears.


If the details recorded for the applicant are correct, the API will return a PRISMS student ID as shown below:


The PRISMS Student ID is used by the API to create a CoE for the applicant in the PRISMS system.

3.2) Map Course to PRISMS Location

PRISMS identifies the CRICOS registered training locations for each education provider. However, in Meshed, the training venues can be set up as required. Once the data mapping between PRISMS and Meshed training locations is completed, the user can proceed to map the applicant’s course enrolment to one of the mapped training locations.

The API lists the training locations based on the CRICOS registered course and location coming from PRISMS. As one course can be delivered in multiple locations, the course enrolment for the student must be assigned to one of those locations.

To save the course location mapping, go to image-20250203-015746.png icon , select a relevant location from the dropdown and click on Save Course Location Mapping.

If the Agent mapping is not completed for the agent linked with the course enrolment, the system will display a notification as PRISMS Agent not mapped. Please map this Agent first. In this case, the user can go to the PRISMS Data Mapping page, map the agent to a relevant PRISMS agent and save the course location mapping.


3.3) Create a CoE

After the steps listed above are completed, a CoE can be generated. The data being sent to PRISMS can be viewed by clicking on image-20250203-015931.png icon.

If any details are required to be updated, the user can click on the Student Edit (Offer Edit) or the PRISMS Info Edit icons. These redirect icons in the pop-up are designed to direct the user to the specific pages where the data can be edited.


Once all the details are confirmed, a CoE can be generated by clicking on the image-20250203-020044.png icon. If all data is correct, the API will return a CoE No. and a success message appears on the screen for successful CoE creation.

The CoE Certificate can be downloaded by clicking on the image-20250203-020123.png icon. The system generated a PDF document and also saves it in the Student/Offer Document/Upload section.

After the successful creation of CoE, the following happens:

  • The username along with the date stamp is stored for the CoE creation.

  • The CoE Number for the record gets saved next to Offer/Student course enrolment in the system.

The real-time information of the CoE can be viewed by clicking the image-20250203-020219.png icon. This action fetches the updated data from PRISMS regarding the CoE and also updates the CoE status in Meshed. For example, CoE Status change from APPROVED to STUDYING.

4) Student Course Variations

A requirement of the ESOS Act 2000 (refer to sections 19 and 20) and The National Code 2007 is that a registered provider must advise Home Affairs via PRISMS of any change to an accepted student’s enrolment, or an accepted student’s failure to meet visa conditions. In PRISMS, Student Course Variation (SCV) refers to the process of modifying a student's course enrolment, which could involve a range of changes. Some common scenarios for a course variation in PRISMS include:

  1. Changing the course a student is enrolled in (e.g., switching from one program to another).

  2. Extending or reducing the duration of a student's course, such as adding additional study periods or completing a program early.

  3. Deferring or suspending studies temporarily, which may be due to personal reasons, health issues, or other factors.

  4. Transferring to a different education provider, where the student moves from one institution to another while continuing their studies.

  5. Course cancellations or withdrawals.

In each case, updates in PRISMS need to be made to ensure the student's visa status and the institution's compliance with Australian immigration regulations are maintained. The institution must notify the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) if there are any significant changes to the student's course.

4.1) List of Student Course Variations available via API

There are currently 4 SCVs available from PRISMS to be used via API. Each SCV along with the implications as per PRISMS guidelines is listed below:

  • Administration Error – This Student Course Variation (SCV) may be used to correct administrative or data entry errors associated with the CoE. It is only applicable when the CoE status in PRISMS is 'Approved.' If the CoE status is anything other than 'Approved,' this SCV cannot be used.

  • Student has left provider - You are only required to use this Student Course Variation reason when a student leaves your institution and, to the best of your knowledge, has commenced studying at another institution. The SCV must be completed within 14 days of the student leaving your institution, where the student is under 18 years of age and within 31 days for a student above 18 years of age.

The CoE can be any status other than ‘Approved’ or ‘Expired’ for you to select this SCV reason. In the SCV Comments field, try to include the date the student left, the name of the new provider and CoE (if known) with any other relevant information.

Once you have completed the Student Course Variation the CoE status will change to ‘Cancelled’.

  • Non-commencement of studies – This SCV is used when the student does not – has not or will not - commence their course when expected. This report must be completed within 14 days after the expected commencement date, where the student is under 18 years of age and within 31 days for a student above 18 years of age.

The CoE must have a status of ‘Approved’, ‘Studying’, ‘Visa Granted’, ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Finished’ for you to select this SCV reason. In the SCV Comments field, try to indicate whether a visa was granted to the student, whether the student arrived in Australia and other relevant information.

Once you have completed the SCV the CoE status will change to ‘Cancelled’ .

  • Notified cessation of studies – The SCV can be used when a student notifies you of their intention to no longer continue with their enrolment. This Student Course Variation reason must be completed within 14 days of the notification where the student is under 18 years of age and within 31 days for a student above 18 years of age.

The CoE must be at the status of ‘Studying’ or ‘Cancelled’ for you to select this reason. In the SCV Comments field, include the reason for cancellation of enrolment, the date the enrolment was cancelled and other relevant information.

Once you have completed the SCV the CoE status will change to ‘Cancelled’ .

4) Steps to Cancel a CoE

The CoE can be cancelled using API from the PRISMS CoE Management Page. Only users with CoE Administrator level access in PRISMS can apply an SCV to a CoE. The following happens when a CoE is cancelled:

  • The CoE number is removed from the respective offer/student record.

  • The CoE status is updated to Cancelled in PRISMS.

  • The system stores the username along with date stamp for CoE cancellation.

  • The CoE

  • The offer/student record appears as a new record to create a CoE again.

Following are the steps to cancel a CoE:

  • Go to PRISMS >> Manage CoE to cancel a CoE. Any CoEs created via API will be listed in the grid to apply an SCV and cancel the CoE.

  • On the PRISMS CoE Management Page, select the record you would like to apply the SCV to or would like to Cancel. Click on image-20250203-020542.png to cancel a CoE.

  • The system opens up a new pop-up where the SCV reason can be selected. Select the relevant SCV reason for the CoE and add comments, if applicable.

  • Click Confirm to apply the changes. The system will then show another pop-up for the user to confirm and verify the changes being made before sending details to PRISMS.

  • If the details are correct, click OK to proceed and cancel the CoE. The system then saves the CoE cancellation details and updates the CoE status to ‘Cancelled’.

The record now appears as a new record to create a CoE again, if needed.

The following logs are also stored for CoE Creation and CoE Cancellation in the system:

  • StudentCourse_Log and StudentCourseOffer_Log – These logs capture the information on the CoE number being recorded via API.

  • Communication Log – The communication log stores the CoE creation event log

  • PrismsCoe_Info_log – This log is available under Admin >> View Log and contains the CoE creation and CoE Cancellation data along with the username, date and time.

  • PrismsCoeCancellation_Log- This log stores the information on CoE cancellation along with the SCV details.

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