Management of User Accounts in the Meshed Higher-Ed System includes:
Password Reset
Account Lock or Unlock
Account Delete
Account Management for Multiple Students - Enable or Disable
Account Creation for Multiple Students
Tracking of User Activity
These functions would typically be performed by Users with an IT or Admin role.
Manage User Account
Reset Password
Lock or Unlock User Account
Locking a User Account prevents the User from logging in to the Meshed Higher-Ed System.
Delete User Account
Delete is not permitted if the User is used or linked to data elsewhere in the System
Bulk Student Account Management
For example, this is useful for disabling expired Student Accounts for completed Courses, or for re-enabling existing Student Accounts for Students enrolling in a new Course
To view the Manage User Accounts for Students, follow the instructions below:
ClickUsers > Bulk Student User Account Management
Select Student Account Action required - note that the Account button will modify depending on selection.
Select Course Type
Select Course
Select Student Status
Select Course Finish Date option
Select required Data Filter (see note below)
Click View Student List
The list of Students is displayed at the bottom of the page
Select the check boxes for Students required for the selected User Account action.
Click the Account button.
The Students Account will be shown as disabled
Data Filter
Check if no future course exists
The Student list will not include Students without a future Course Start date.
Check to exclude current student
The Student list will contain only students without a current Course
Create Bulk Student User Accounts
This function allows the User to search for a List of Students using relevant Course selection criteria and then select Students from the list to create a User Account for.
The System creates the Student User Account with the following values:
Username: Student Id
Password: Student Date of Birth - DDMMYYYY
Once the Student User Account is created an email notification is sent to the Student. The Student can change their password after the initial login.
For example, this is useful for creating a User Account for each new Student enrolled in a Course.
To view the Create User Accounts for Students, follow the instructions below:
ClickUsers > Bulk Create Student User Account
Select Course Type
Select Course
Select Student Status
Click View Student
The list of Students is displayed at the bottom of the page
Select the check boxes for Students required for User Account creation.
Click Create User
Success messages are displayed for each User Account created and the Student List is updated.
User Activity IP Track
Meshed Higher-Ed allows Admin users to view Users who have accessed the system - the date/time they have logged in and what IP address they have used to log in.
To view the Activity Track results, follow the instructions below:
ClickUsers > User IP Activity Track
Select the required Search Criteria
Click Search
The Activity Tracker results are displayed
The Activity Track results can be filtered using search criteria based on:
User Type - All, Anonymous, Agent, Staff, Student, Unknown
Activity - All, Application, Online Test, Account Login, Unspecified
Date Range or User Name
This makes it easier to track the activities Users have been working on.
This information can be exported in an Excel format as required.