Before we start with building the essential “building blocks’, it is necessary to add the users/ staff who will be using the system. They will be the main users of the system and therefore we need to ensure that they are adequately setup and has been assigned their functions depending on their designated roles.
Add Staff
To add staff, follow the instructions below:
ClickStaff>Add Staff.
Enter Staff personal information on the fields available.
Enter inEmployment Informationandposition. If the position is not on the drop down menu, clickAdd New Positionlink and type in Staff position.
Tick the appropriate box forStaff Role(s). Staff can be assigned multiple roles which will provide multiple system access. Refer to the User Role - Menu and Feature Access to assist with assigning roles.
Enter the Username
Enter the Passwordor select to have the System generate a Random Password.
EnterSecurity QuestionandSecurity Answer. The default question can be changed and Staff can change the question when they login to the System.
ClickAdd New Staffto save.
Note: Staff will receive an auto generated email notification to advise their account has been set up which will include user login details (username and password). User can change their password once they log in the system.
Configurable System Field
The Staff Title field is a configurable system field
Some fields in the Meshed Platform can be configured by Users (Admin or Sadmin roles) to set custom types and/or values. The custom types and values will be displayed as options that can be selected for these fields (typically in a drop down list).
Navigation: Admin> Configuration and Setup > System Fields Setup
More information available here.
View Staff List
. This page is where you can manage, view and update your staff profile.
On your Meshed HigherEd System, Click Staff > View Staff List. A list of your Staff will appear on the page. You manage your Staff details using the Action Icons located on the right.
Action Icons
Home - Allows you to view Staff profile summary in a new window.This also include latest communication log/diary entry (as shown below)
Home - Allows you to view Staff profile summary in the main window.This also include latest communication log/diary entry (as shown below)
Profile - Allows you to edit the Staff profile. Personal and Employment information can be updated on this page.
Documents - This function allows you to upload Staff documents such as copies of qualifications and other relevant documents.
Diary - This icon allows you to record/log Staff communication. The Log can record different types of communication e.g. emails, comments. All of these are recorded as a list for easy tracking and access.
Account - Allows you deactivate the Staff Account.
Note that staff information cannot be deleted and can only be deactivated.
Staff Profile Summary Home
Click either the or Action Icon on the Staff Management page. This page opens up in a new window or in the main window, and lets you view a Staff profile,including the latest communication log/diary entry, and Action Icons used to manage the Staff.
Action Icons
Home - Allows you to view Staff profile summary in the main window.This also include latest communication log/diary entry
Profile - Allows you to edit the Staff profile. Personal and Employment information can be updated on this page.
Email - This icon allows you to send email directly
Preventing email sent from Meshed System being considered as spam or treated as Junk email
To assist with preventing email sent from Meshed Student Management System to Staff from being considered as spam and treated as Junk email, our Network Administrator has suggested adding or modifying an SPF record in your DNS server. Further information see Ensuring Email Delivery
Diary - This icon allows you to record/log Staff communication. The Log can record different types of communication e.g. emails, comments. All of these are recorded as a list for easy tracking and access.
Documents - This function allows you to upload Staff documents such as copies of qualifications and other relevant documents.
Management of expiring documents such as First Aid Qualifications, Industry Association Membership, etc.
Photo - This function allow the upload of a Staff photo. This photo can be used, in addition to the other profile details, to identify the Staff member.
Allows the recording of Professional Development related information for the Teacher
. This page is where you can search staff and assign staff to their required campus.
On your Meshed HigherEd System, Click Staff > Manage Staff Campus. A list of your staff will appear on the page.
Staff can be searched by using different parameters like username, first name, last name or email address. Searched staff can be assigned to required campus.
Staff can be assigned to campus or removed from campus by updating check box in campus column as well.
Manage staff can be used to assign campus to not only staff but teacher as well. There is option to search staff or teacher or staff and teacher.