Meshed Higher-Ed Training Resources

Meshed Higher-Ed Training Resources

Training typically has supporting resources designed to enhance the learning experience, facilitate understanding, and ensure the successful achievement of training objectives. These resources are important components of the training process, providing participants with the tools, materials, and support to maximize their learning potential and achieve their learning goals.


Here are some typical resources commonly utilized to support Meshed training.


Training Agenda

A Training Agenda provides an outline of the Meshed training program and serves as a roadmap to guide the training process and ensure that the desired learning objectives are achieved.  The agenda provides a clear outline of the topics that will be covered during each of the training sessions, helping participants to understand the flow and purpose of each session.


The post-training checklist is designed to help participants reflect on their learning experience following the completion of a training session within the Meshed training program. The checklist identifies training objectives, key concepts, tasks, knowledge, and skills etc. that were covered during the training session.

The post-training checklist aims to encourage participants to reinforce their newly acquired knowledge and to apply it effectively in their respective roles.


The post-training tasks refer to the action’s participants should take to maximize the impact of their learning experience following the completion of a training session within the Meshed training program. These tasks are designed to help participants reinforce their new skills, integrate the knowledge into their work, and contribute to the successful setup, management, and use of a new Meshed system.

 The proactive approach of post-training tasks aims to ensure that the benefits of the training program are sustained over the long term.





A post-training quiz is a set of questions, accompanied by their correct answers, intended for use by participants’ following the completion of a training session within a Meshed training program.  This is an effective tool for allowing participants to self-assess their understanding and knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and reinforce their understanding.

Some of the questions are designed to require critical thinking and the application of knowledge rather than mere recall.  In addition to correct answers, explanations or additional information may be included to enhance participants' understanding.


After training sessions, evaluations are available to gather feedback from participants. This feedback is used to assess the effectiveness of the session and make any necessary adjustments to future sessions or the overall program.

Webinars and Recordings

Webinars and on-demand recordings, typically hosted by Meshed subject experts or trainers, are designed to provide in-depth insights, demonstrations, tutorials, and best practices. On-demand recordings serve as valuable resources for the Meshed Higher-Ed Platform and allow users to view the content at their own pace and convenience, and to revisit for review, reinforcement, or further learning.



Meshed Higher-Ed Training Programs

Use the following links to navigate to the resources for a specific Meshed Training Program.