

Question: What User Role can access the Improvement Register? What is the Improvement Register used for?

Users with the Admin or Sadmin role can access the Improvement Register (Admin > Improvement Register) to manage and track feedback, comments, or suggestions received from different stakeholders, e.g. Students or Staff. 


Question: Can an Admin or Sadmin User see who has been logging in to the Meshed Platform?

Meshed Platforms allows Admin and Sadmin Users to view other Users who have accessed the system - the date/time they have logged in and what IP address they have used to log in.

To view the Activity Track results, follow the instructions below:

  • Click Users > User IP Activity Track

  • Select the required Search Criteria

  • Click Search

  • The Activity Tracker results are displayed 

 The Activity Track results can be filtered using search criteria based on:

  • User Type - All, Anonymous, Agent, Staff, Student, Unknown

  • Activity - All, Application, Online Test, Account Login, Unspecified

  • Date Range or User Name

This makes it easier to track the activities Users have been working on.

This information can be exported in an Excel format as required.

Question: How do you record a public holiday?

Navigate to Courses > Public Holiday


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