

Question: What does the Agent status ‘Publish’ Checkbox do?

Tick this Checkbox if you want to publish Agents assigned this status in the Meshed Platform Public Portal Agent List.


Question: How do you get a list of Students associated with an Agent in the Meshed Platform?

A list of Students associated with an Agent can be created and exported from the Marketing > View Agent List > View Student List Action Icon which displays the Student List window. The Excel Icon will download the Student List in an Excel format. 


Question: Can an Agent have more than one Address?


Agent information can be managed for a number of different Address types:

  • Office

  • Postal

  • Billing

  • Corporate


Question: What information is saved for Agent Contacts?

Users can manage multiple Contacts for an Agent.  Contacts would typically be employees of an Agent.

Agent Contact details include:

  • Title

  • Name (First and Last)

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Mobile

  • Email

  • Designation

  • Department

  • MARA Number (Migration Agents Registration Authority)

  • QEAC Number (Qualified Education Agent Counsellor)

  • Status - Active or Inactive




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