| Y | Y |
| Y |
GST collected detail between dates | All | Management | GST | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
GST paid detail between dates | All | Management | GST | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
GST summary between dates | All | Management | GST | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
Payment details (invoices due or paid) between two dates | All | Management | Finance | Report | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Payment receipts summary between two dates | All | Management | Fee Paid | Report | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Progress Rate Report | Higher ED | Management | TEQSA | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Progress rate report by english test type | Higher ED | Management | TEQSA | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Projected cash flow (future receive) | All | Management | Finance | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
Revenue Recognition between dates - By Invoice | All | Management | Revenue | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
RTO Account information by date created between two dates | All | Management | User | Report |
| Y |
RTOmanager usage report between two dates | All | Management | USAGE | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
Student enrolment between two dates | All | Management | Enrolment | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
Student Load Report | Higher ED | Management | TEQSA | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Unearned (unprovided) tuition gross | All | Management | Finance | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
unearned (unprovided) tuition net | All | Management | Finance | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
View agent commission owing details at a given date | All | Management | Finance | Report | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View recognised revenue between two dates | All | Management | Management | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
Agent communication log inserted between two dates | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Agent conversion report between two dates | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Agent list by expiry date | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Agent list by status and target country | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Agent list without any application submitted between two dates | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Agent Report by Start date between two date | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of active agents list without any commission setup | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No. of student by agent by status between two dates | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No. of student currently studying in college | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by agent and status | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by agent, course | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by year and agent | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list nationality by agent | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with course start dates between dates by agent | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student numbers nationality breakdown by agent | All | Marketing | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View agent commission percentage details | All | Marketing | Agent | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View course intake list by intake date between two dates | All | Marketing | Intake | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Document checklist report (missing documents only) | All | Offer | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
List of applicants with no offer documents submitted | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student offered list not specified visa expiry date | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View coe pending list | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View list of offer generated between two dates | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View list of offer issued between two dates | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View number of offer generated between two dates | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View offer list with reserved student id | All | Offer | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of student by intake date between two selected dates | All | PreEnrolment | Offer No | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of student By Origin starting between two dates | All | PreEnrolment | Student No | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of student offer by intake date and course | All | PreEnrolment | Offer No | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by intake date and course | All | PreEnrolment | Student List | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by intake date between two selected dates | All | PreEnrolment | Student No | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by Origin starting between two dates | All | PreEnrolment | Student List | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student offer list between two dates | All | PreEnrolment | Offer List | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
1. View Open Job roles with Host Company details | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Letter | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
2. View Job roles (Internship) completed with Host Companies | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
3. Job roles currently in progress with Host Company details | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
4. View Student list available for Internship placement between dates | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
5. Placement report incorporated to include all Internship Placement related information | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
6. View Student list finishing internship with between dates | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
7. Activities Report between dates | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
8. Host Company Contact list | PY | PY Internship | PY Internship | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
ASQA Student Survey Data Collection Sheet for completion by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) | All | StudentServices | ASQA | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Checklist missing report by course start date between dates | All | StudentServices | Checklist | Report | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Failing to enroll/reenroll | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Finisher reports between two dates | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Five consecutive attendance missing list | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Get student list to match PRISMS | All | StudentServices | PRISMS | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of enrolments for each qualification code | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of enrolments for each unit of competency | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student attended in orientation intake converted to current student | All | StudentServices | Orientation | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student attended orientation but no subject enrolled | All | StudentServices | Orientation | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student enrolled into a particular semester | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student not enrolled between two dates | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student not enrolled in a particular semester | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student not enrolled in any class for a particular semester | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student not matching subject competency with unit competency | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of student not present in orientation intake | All | StudentServices | Orientation | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of students course activity between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of students failing to enrol in any subject during study period | All | StudentServices | Course | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of students not enrolled in any course | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of students unit activity between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of subjects with assessment result not entered | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
List of subjects with attendance not entered | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of enrolments for each qualification code | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of enrolments for each unit of competency | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of qualifications completed for each qualification code | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
No of units completed for each unit of competency | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | AQTF | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student academic and attendance summary by course and status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student academic and attendance summary by course and status for unit | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student academic progress summary finishing between two dates | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student approved deferral by defer start date between two dates | All | StudentServices | Deferral | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
student assessment list report with assessment due dates between two dates | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student Attendance By Subject | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student attendance details by class | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student attendance details by class and week | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student attendance info class by class enrolment | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student attendance list at particular date | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student attendance list by course and week | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student basic information studying at particular date | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student coe numbers at particular date | All | StudentServices | CoE | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student communication log history between two dates | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student Contact Upload | All | StudentServices | PRISMS | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student course information by Status and Intake Date Between Dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student course result list with start date between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student custom field info by course start date between two dates | All | StudentServices | Custom Field | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student deferral not approved or pending approval | All | StudentServices | Deferral | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student details by Id/Firstname/Lastname/Passport/DoB | All | StudentServices | Student | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student eCAF Enrolment information by student course start date between two dates | All | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student enrolled list - course not started | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student enrolment details by id/firstname/lastname/passport/dob | All | StudentServices | Student | Letter |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student exit interview between two dates | All | StudentServices | Interview | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student Failing 50% assessments by Session | All | StudentServices | Academic | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student failing 50% assessments for Semester | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student final result list not transferred | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list (id,name, username, email, mobile) | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by class (name, course, other basic details) | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by class (name, course, other basic details) - Flexible Timetable | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by course and class | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by course and status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student List by group | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by status and between dates | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list by status and course type (all) | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list completed course and graduating | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list completing one course and continuing another course | All | StudentServices | Enrolment | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student List Failing 50% or More Subjects | All | StudentServices | Academic | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing 50% or more subjects by course | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing 50% or more subjects in consecutive semesters | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing 50% or more subjects in consecutive term | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student List failing 50% or more subjects in one semester | All | StudentServices | Academic | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing 50% or more units by course and status | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing 50% subjects in one semester and term | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing more than 50% subjects between two dates | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list failing number of subjects by course | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student List failing subjects in one semester | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list not specified visa expiry date | All | StudentServices | Offer | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
student list results not entered by course and semester | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list studying at particular date | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with assessment failed between two dates | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with coe date expired and course not completed | All | StudentServices | CoE | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with course finishdate between two dates | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with course finishdate between two dates with certificate details | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
Student list with course startdate between two dates | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with course startdate between two dates by course, status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with failed unit – 50% or more (consecutive study period) | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with failed units – 50% or more | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with missing USI number studying between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | USI | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with subject failed between two dates | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student list with unit failed between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Letter |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student nationality breakdown by status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student nationality by course type and intake date | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student number enrolled per year | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student numbers by class | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student numbers by faculty and department and year | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student numbers by status between two dates | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student numbers currently studying by course and status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student Offer List without any documents | All | StudentServices | Offer | Report |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student offered list not paid or yet to be converted to student | All | StudentServices | Offer | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student OSHC history between two dates | All | StudentServices | OSHC | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student records data list - ASQA Standard data retention format | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | ASQA | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student records data list by course and start date between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | ASQA | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student results by selected subject, session and competency | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student results for selected class | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student sanction history between two dates | All | StudentServices | Sanction | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student starter list AVETMISS data | All | StudentServices | Student | Report | Y | Y | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student Status Changes Between Two Dates | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student subject attendance list by course and status | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student subject enrolment list by course between two dates | All | StudentServices | Academic | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student subject list with census date between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student unit competency details by status and intake date between dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student unit details by intake date between dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student unit enrolment details by unit competency | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Unit | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student unit list with census date between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student VSL general information by student course start date between two dates | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | VET Student Loan | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Student weekly class hour by semester term and course | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Subject competency list by intake date between two dates | All | StudentServices | Subject | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Survey sent Vs received between two dates | All | StudentServices | Survey | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
Teacher list (payrollid, name, username, email, mobile) | All | StudentServices | Teacher | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View Course Template structure by course type and course | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Template | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View current student list not enrolled for another course | All | StudentServices | Student | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View provider status between two dates | All | StudentServices | Service | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View Student address details by course and status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student attendance between two dates | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student attendance by course and between two dates with projected attendance | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student attendance by course/semester/week | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
view student attended days in a period of dates (view by course & current student) | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student birth list for selected month | All | StudentServices | Birthday | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student course subject(s) completion status | All | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student course unit(s) completion status | VET and ELICOS | StudentServices | Academic | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View Student emergency contact details by course and status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student list by Origin and Status | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student list filterd by course and status (all option) | All | StudentServices | Student | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student list finishing between dates and going to start on a specific date | All | StudentServices | Student | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student list not attending last week | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Letter |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student list not present consecutively for a number of days | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Report |
| Y | Y |
| Y |
| Y |
| Y |
View student list with actual attendance (less than selected %) | All | StudentServices | Attendance | Letter |