Predefined RTOManager Reports

Predefined RTOManager Reports


The RTOManager system has many predefined reports that can be used to generate information.   The reports are grouped by Category and Sub Category.

Report List

The following list provides additional information for each of these reports.

CategorySub CategoryReport NameDescription
AccountsAgentAgent advanced credit statusAgent advanced credit status
AccountsFee DueAgent Commission Due between datesView all agent commission due list
AccountsAgentAgent commission ready to process between two datesView agent commission ready to process list between two selected dates
AccountsAgentAgent credit by credited date between datesAgent credit by credited date between dates
AccountsAgentAgent Payment List by Course and Between Two DaysView list of payment that has been paid to the agent filter by selected course and the payment disbursed between the entered date.
AccountsFinanceAll miscellaneous fee invoice list between two datesview all miscellaneous fee invoices that is created with due date between specified date range
AccountsFinanceAll tuition fee invoice list between two datesview all tuition fee invoices list with the duedates between the specified date range
AccountsFinanceBad debt/Invoice credit/Reversed between two datesView bad debt/invoice credit/reversed between two dates
AccountsFee StatusCourse payment status by student startdate between two datesView student payment summary by student course status and startdate between two selected dates
AccountsScheduleCurrent or Enrolled students without payment scheduleView list of current student or enrolled student whose payment schedule or invoice has not been generated
AccountsFee PaidDaily payment summary (Deposit reconcile)View student payment list (tuition fee/miscellaneous fee) received on a particular day. Report total amount received for each payment mode and total amount received on the selected day
AccountsFee DueFee Overdue List (include full due and partial due)View the tuition fee overdue list payable by the student. Report displays the partial and total fee due based on the current date.
AccountsFee PaidFee Paid List by Course and between Two DatesView the student payment list as per selected course with the payment date between two entered dates
AccountsFee PaidFee Payment History between Two DatesView the tuition fee payment history i.e paid by the student between two entered dates
AccountsFee DueFee payment schedule list (miscellaneous payment)View the student payment schedule for the miscellaneous fees i.e. resit fee, exam fee etc that are scheduled but not paid
AccountsFee StatusInvoiced payment details between two datesReport brings the tuition fee and miscellaneous fee together in one report that is due combined based on invoice number.
AccountsFee PaidMiscellaneous fee payment history between two datesView the miscellaneous payment list paid by the student between the two entered dates.
AccountsOSHCOSHC not assigned to provider by service start date between two datesView OSHC report list whose provider not assigned
AccountsFinancePayFee Feature Transaction Log Report between datesView the Pay Fee feature transaction activity tracking log between date range
AccountsFee DuePayment due list between two datesView the student payment due list that are due between the two entered dates
AccountsFee DuePayment Due List by Date + Additional DaysView the payment schedule due list that are due on or before the selected date and the additional days. For example. if 10 additional days with current date, then the report will show the total student payment list that is already due or will be due by 10 days from now.
AccountsFinancePayment received summary by payment mode between two datesView payment summary for each payment mode and total summary between two dates
AccountsRefundPayment refund list between two datesView the student payment refund list with payment date between two entered dates
AccountsFee DueProjected cash flow (by student and course)View the projected cash flow (cash receivables) that are to be received towards student tuition fees.
AccountsScheduleService Payment Invoice report (outstanding)View service payment schedule list by invoice due date between selected dates.
AccountsService ProviderService provider payment list between two datesView 3rd party service provider transaction list between the selected two dates. Report includes both Oshc and service payment info. 
AccountsLeaveStaff leave request between two datesView staff leave request between two selected dates. System will bring all leave information which one falls between the selected dates
AccountsFee PaidStudent advanced paid list by dateStudent payment list who has already paid from the selected date
AccountsScheduleStudent course payment schedule list between two datesView student fee payment schedule list due between two dates. Report includes schedule details, accrued fee and fee remaining
AccountsFee StatusStudent course payment summary by status between two datesView student payment summary by student course status and startdate between two selected dates
AccountsFee PaidStudent course payment summary with agent commission infoView student course full payment summary
AccountsPRISMSStudent initial payment details with start date between two datesView student first tuition fee payment details by course start date between two selected dates
AccountsPRISMSStudent initial payment summary by payment received date between two datesView student first tuition fee payment details by course start date between two selected dates
AccountsPRISMSStudent initial payment summary with start date between two datesView student first tuition fee payment details by course start date between two selected dates
AccountsFee PaidStudent paid list between two datesview student payment list that are paid during the period as per the selected two entered dates.
AccountsFee PaidStudent payment list at particular dateview student payment list that are paid on the particular entered date.
AccountsVET FEE-HELPStudent VFH Invoice Notice for Unit of Study (subject) with census date between datesStudent VFH Invoice Notice for Unit of Study (subject) with cessus date between dates
AccountsAgentView agent bonus payment details between datesView agent bonus payment details for the agent between two selected dates
AccountsFinanceView student scholarship listview student scholarship list and the amount assigned to the student.
AccountsFee StatusView subject enrolment status by semesterView list of subject enrolled in a semester with payment info
AccountsTransferView transaction list for course transferred by transaction date between datesView transaction list for course transferred by date of payment (transfer) date  between two selected dates
ApplicationApplicationView application by (id/firstname/lastname/passportno/dob)Search uncomplete application details on the system by entering application id or applicant first name or applicant last name or passport no.
CRMCRMConverted leads between two datesview list of leads that are converted between two selected dates
CRMLeadsDuplicate leads by emailView all leads having duplicate email
CRMLeadsDuplicate leads by nameView all leads having duplicate name
CRMCRMLead activity between two dates filter by staffView lead acitivity done by Marketing Staff between two selected dates. Leads activity are phone call, email, sms, notes etc
CRMCRMLead conversion progress report between two datesView lead conversion progress report between two selected dates. How many leads generated, how many converted to application and how many offer, and how many converted to actual Student enrolment
CRMCRMLead generated between two datesview list of leads that are generated between two dates
CRMStudentStudent list with course finish date between two date with lead informationView student list with course finish date between two date with lead information
CRMCRMView lead by (id/firstname/lastname/company name)View all leads by selected search criteria. No criteria gives all lead
CRMCRMView lead by course of interestView lead details by selected course of interest
CRMCRMView lead infoView all lead information
ManagementCertificateCertificate issue details between two datesView the list of certificates that are issued between two entered dates.
ManagementFinanceEarned revenue calculation between two dates (esos submission)View the total earned revenue for the duration dates as entered. This report provides the amount calculation for the college that is recognised between the period entered for reporting purpose.
ManagementStudentELICOS Enrolment Statistics between two datesView all ELICOS student list who started course between two selected dates.
ManagementFinanceFuture revenues monthly reportView the future revenue monthly report for enrolled and current student for selected course type and status. This report extracts the total receivables monthly as per the payment schedule that has been entered for the students and those that are due.
ManagementFinanceGet aged receivable report – at particular dateView aged invoices (not paid) due on the selected date or before
ManagementFinanceGet aged receivables reportview aged receivables report with reference to current date
ManagementGOSGOS report between two datesQuality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) report based on student course completion year as selected year and status is either Graduated or Completed. 
ManagementQILTQuality Indicator ReportView Quality Indicator data
ManagementGSTGST collected detail between datesView the GST collected on revenue based on the payments that are collected from the students during the period defined by entered dates and which are GST reportable.
ManagementGSTGST paid detail between datesView the GST paid on expenses based on the payments that are paid to the agent or suppliers during the period defined by entered dates and which are GST reportable.
ManagementGSTGST summary between datesView the GST collected and GST paid details during the period defined by entered dates and which are GST reportable.
ManagementFinancePayment details (invoices due or paid) between two datesview all the invoices that are due between specified date range and include that are either due or paid
ManagementFee PaidPayment receipts summary between two datesview all the payment receipts details that are received between two dates.
ManagementFinanceProjected cash flow (future receive)View the projected cash flow the institute will receive depending upon the tuition fee payment schedule that are entered for the students.
ManagementRevenueRevenue Recognition between dates - By InvoiceRevenue is calculated for the invoice which duration fall between the selected dates. Invoice may be started earlier than selected date but invoice finish date is in between selected dates or after selected finish date Or Invoice started between the selected dates but invoice finish date is within the selected range or after the selected finish date
ManagementUserRTO Account information by date created between two datesView RTO Account information by date created between two dates
ManagementUserList of users not logged in to the system till the current dateView the user list who have not logged in to the system from 'From Date' till the current date.
ManagementUSAGERTOmanager usage report between two datesView rtomanager data usage based on log time between dates
ManagementEnrolmentStudent enrolment between two datesView student enrolment details between two selected dates
ManagementFinanceUnearned (unprovided) tuition grossview the unearned revenue - tuition fee gross that are yet to be recognised based on the tution fee duration that student has paid for. This report will identify the amount for payment for which the teaching/training is yet to be delivered. The report will show the gross amount i.e without deducting agent commission.
ManagementFinanceunearned (unprovided) tuition netView the unearned revenue - tuition fee gross that are yet to be recognised based on the tution fee duration that student has paid for. This report will identify the amount for payment for which the teaching/training is yet to be delivered. The report will show the net amount i.e after deducting agent commission.
ManagementFinanceView agent commission owing details at a given dateView agent commission due list till the selected date
ManagementManagementView recognised revenue between two datesView revenue earning between two dates with student course payment details
MarketingAgentAgent communication log inserted between two datesview agent communication log recorded between two selected dates
MarketingAgentAgent conversion report between two datesGet the Agent conversion report for any two entered dates. Conversion reports gives the details on total number of offers issued and the total number of students enrolled and ratio percentage.
MarketingAgentAgent list by expiry dateView agent list whose status will expire between the selected dates
MarketingAgentAgent list by status and target countryView list of agent based on selected agent status and the primary recruitment country of the agent.
MarketingAgentAgent Report by Start date between two dateView agent list whose start date falls between two selected dates
MarketingStudentNo. of student by agent by status between two datesView number of students as per selected course type, status, agent and their course start date falling between two entered dates
MarketingStudentNo. of student currently studying in collegeView number of students currently studying for the selected course.
MarketingAgentShow active agents list having without any commission setupView active agent list without any commission setup
MarketingStudentStudent list by agent and statusView student list for a particular agent filtered by status and course type.
MarketingStudentStudent list by agent, courseView list of student for a selected course studying in selected semester and selected week.
MarketingStudentStudent list by year and agentview list of student who are associated with selected agent with course start date matching the selected year.
MarketingStudentStudent list nationality by agentView list of student filtered by their Nationality and the associated agent. This provides the nationality mix of student provided by each agent.
MarketingStudentStudent list with course start dates between dates by agentView list of student from a selected agent who are starting their study between two entered dates.
MarketingStudentStudent numbers nationality breakdown by agentView student nationality mix number as per selected agent.
MarketingAgentView agent commission percentage detailsSearch and View the commission details allocated to the agent for various courses. Select agent and then select date to filter commission
MarketingAgentAgent contact listAgent staff contact list
MarketingIntakeView course intake list by intake date between two datesView intake list by intake date between two selected dates
OfferAcademicDocument checklist report (missing documents only)View documents not provided by student for application
OfferOfferList of applicants with no offer documents submittedview the list of applicants who have submitted their application online but have not uploaded/submitted any of their documents while submitting their application.
OfferOfferStudent offered list not specified visa expiry dateview student offered list who has not specified visa expiry date
OfferOfferView coe pending listview list of student who are offered but are yet to be converted to the Student. This means that their coe details are not entered on the system.
OfferOfferView list of offer generated between two datesView offer list that are generated between two entered dates. Allows to search the offer history as per the entered dates.
OfferOfferView list of offer issued between two datesView offer list search by date issued between two entered dates. Allows to search the offer history as per the entered dates.
OfferOfferView number of offer generated between two datesView number of offers issued between two entered dates. Allows to know number of offers issued during the duration as per the entered dates.
OfferOfferView offer list with reserved student idView student details having reserved student id
OfferAdvanced StandingView student advanced standing offer by course start date between datesView student advanced standing offer by course start date between dates
PreEnrolmentOffer NoNo of student by intake date between two selected datesView number of students per course per intake
PreEnrolmentStudent NoNo of student By Origin starting between two datesView number of students by origin (overseas student, Overseas student in Australia, Resident Student)
PreEnrolmentOffer NoNo of student offer by intake date and courseView No of student offer by intake date and course (with all option)
PreEnrolmentStudent ListStudent list by intake date and courseView student list by intake date and course (with all option)
PreEnrolmentStudent NoStudent list by intake date between two selected datesView list of student with their course intake date between two selected dates
PreEnrolmentStudent ListStudent list by Origin starting between two datesView list of student by their origin with course start date between two selected dates
PreEnrolmentOffer ListStudent offer list between two datesView list of student with their offer details between two selected dates
StudentServicesChecklistChecklist missing report by course start date between datesView checklist missing report by course start date between dates
StudentServicesEnrolmentFailing to enroll/reenrollView all the students that are not enrolled in current semester or term or those student that have not come for re-enrolment during the term.
StudentServicesEnrolmentFinisher reports between two datesView student report finishing between two selected dates
StudentServicesAttendanceFive consecutive attendance missing list View list of student that have missed their 5 consecutive classes, this is based on the timetable that are are enrolled into
StudentServicesPRISMSGet student list to match PRISMSview all student course details along with address details to match with PRISMS
StudentServicesAQTFList of enrolments for each qualification codeView list of students who have completed the course/qualification during the period as per the entered two dates.
StudentServicesAQTFList of enrolments for each unit of competencyView list of students who have completed the course/qualification during the period as per the entered two dates.
StudentServicesOrientationList of student attended in orientation intake converted to current studentview the list of student who have attended the orientation and who were successfully converted to current student status from enrolled status for their course.
StudentServicesOrientationList of student attended orientation but no subject enrolledview the list of student who have attended the orientation and who were successfully converted to current student status for the course but are yet to be enrolled on the subjects/units for the term.
StudentServicesAcademicList of student enrolled into a particular semesterView student list who are enrolled for the selected semester course and status
StudentServicesEnrolmentList of student not enrolled between two datesView student lists who have not enrolled into any subject/module between two selected dates
StudentServicesEnrolmentList of student not enrolled in a particular semesterview the list of students who are not enrolled on a particular semester and/or term filtered by selected status.
StudentServicesEnrolmentList of student not enrolled in any class for a particular semesterList of student not enrolled in any class for a particular semester
StudentServicesAcademicList of student not matching subject competency with unit competencyView student subject list which competency not matching with related subject unit competency
StudentServicesOrientationList of student not present in orientation intakeview the student list that have not attended the orientation date for a particular intake of the course (this can be used for follow up or contacting students)
StudentServicesAQTFList of students course activity between two datesView list of student studying in a period of dates
StudentServicesCourseList of students failing to enrol in any subject during study periodGets student list who has not enrolled into any subject/module for any semester during his/her study period
StudentServicesStudentList of students not enrolled in any courseView student list who are not enrolled into any course
StudentServicesAQTFList of students unit activity between two datesView list of student unit activity details in a period of dates
StudentServicesAcademicList of subjects with assessment result not enteredView List of Assessments which results are not entered by the Teacher or Teaching Staff
StudentServicesAttendanceList of subjects with attendance not enteredView list of classes with attendance record details between two selected dates. NC - No Class; NR - Not Recorded; R - Recorded
StudentServicesAQTFNo of enrolments for each qualification codeView the number of student enrolment for the course/qualification during the period as per the entered two dates.
StudentServicesAQTFNo of enrolments for each unit of competencyView the number of student enrolment for each unit of competency/module during the period as per the entered two dates.
StudentServicesAQTFNo of qualifications completed for each qualification codeView the number of students who have completed the course/qualification during the period as per the entered two dates.
StudentServicesAQTFNo of units completed for each unit of competencyView the number of student enrolment for each unit of competency/module during the period as per the entered two dates.
StudentServicesStudentStudent academic and attendance summary by course and statusView student course attendance, projected attendance and academic summary for each subject competency
StudentServicesStudentStudent academic and attendance summary by course and status for unitView student course attendance, projected attendance and academic summary for each subject competency
StudentServicesAcademicStudent academic progress summary finishing between two datesView student academic progress summary including course status, attendance and payment info, Student phone, mobile and email address. Report brings only student list finishing between two selected dates 
StudentServicesAcademicList of students Subject and Unit Results between two datesList of students Subject and Unit Results between two dates
StudentServicesDeferralStudent approved deferral by defer start date between two datesView approved deferral list by defer start date between two selected dates
StudentServicesAcademicstudent assessment list report with assessment due dates between two datesView student list whose assessments are due between the selected two dates. Due dates needs to be student course duration.
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent Attendance By SubjectView student attendance by semester, term and subject
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent attendance details by classView attendance details (semester current and projected and course current and projected) for the students who are attending a particular class.
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent attendance details by class and weekView attendance details for the selected class and week
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent attendance info class by class enrolmentView student attendance details for the students who enrolled into a particular class
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent attendance list at particular dateView attendance details (semester current and projected and course current and projected) for all the student at a particular date. This allows to see the course attendance for all the students on a particular date.
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent attendance list by course and weekView student weekly attendance summary by course and semester week
StudentServicesVET FEE-HELPStudent basic information studying at particular dateView student basic information who are studying on the selected date
StudentServicesCoEStudent coe numbers at particular dateView the number of CoE issued (per Student) on a particular date. This report provides the number of studying student at a particular date hence useful for monitoring CoE capacity of institute.
StudentServicesStudentStudent communication log history between two datesview student communication log history that are entered between the selected date range
StudentServicesPRISMSStudent Contact UploadView student contact details by student course start date between two selected dates
StudentServicesVET FEE-HELPStudent course information by Status and Intake Date Between DatesView student course information by intake date between dates
StudentServicesVET FEEStudent course result list with start date between two datesStudent subject result details for students who is starting subject between the two selected dates
StudentServicesCustom FieldStudent custom field info by course start date between two datesView student custom field by course start date between selected two dates. Report includes offer students as well
StudentServicesDeferralStudent deferral not approved or pending approvalView list of student unit activity details in a period of dates
StudentServicesStudentStudent details by Id/Firstname/Lastname/Passport/DoBGets student list by id or first name or last name or passport no or date of birth
StudentServicesEnrolmentStudent enrolled list - course not startedView the student list that are enrolled in a course but have not started their course. This report is useful to determine if there are non commencement students in a particular course.
StudentServicesStudentStudent enrolment details by id/firstname/lastname/passport/dobView student course enrolment details by studentid or first name or last name or passport no or date of birth
StudentServicesInterviewStudent exit interview between two datesView student exit interview details between two selected dates
StudentServicesAcademicStudent Failing 50% assessments by SessionView list of Student that have failed 50% or more assessment during a session period
StudentServicesAcademicStudent failing 50% assessments for SemesterView the Student list who are failing 50% of the assessments in particular semester/term. This is to ensure to identify students who will most likely be failing the unit/subject.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent final result list not transferredview the student temporary results list for the selected Semester that are not transferred to the final result.
StudentServicesStudentStudent list (id,name, username, email, mobile)view student list and their information (id, name, username, email, mobile) studying a particular course in the college.
StudentServicesStudentStudent list by class (name, course, other basic details)view list of student who are studying in a particular class (selected semester, term, subject, batch).
StudentServicesStudentStudent list by class (name, course, other basic details) - Flexible TimetableView flexible timetable by selected subject and semester
StudentServicesStudentStudent list by course and classView Student List who are studying particular course and in same class (selected semester, term, subject, batch)
StudentServicesStudentStudent list by course and statusView list of student studying the selected course with selected status.
StudentServicesStudentStudent List by groupView list of student which are allocated to the group for their course.
StudentServicesStudentStudent list by status and between datesView Student list as per the selected Status and whose course startdate falls between two entered dates
StudentServicesStudentStudent list by status and course type (all)View Student list as per the selected Status and the course type. This provides the list of the student filtered with the status for the same course type.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list completed course and graduatingview list of student who has completed all their course subjects. The report will filter those student who finished their course between two entered dates.
StudentServicesEnrolmentStudent list completing one course and continuing another courseView Student list who are finishing one course and starting another course. List are filtered as per the selected completing course.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent List Failing 50% or More SubjectsView list of student failing 50% or more subjects
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing 50% or more subjects by courseView all current student list failing 50% or more subjects for course
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing 50% or more subjects in consecutive semestersView Student List who failed 50% or more subjects out of enrolled subjects in the selected semester and also previous semester. This report identifies the student who could be reported due to failure in consecutive semesters.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing 50% or more subjects in consecutive termView student list who are failing more than 50% or more subjects in consecutive term 
StudentServicesAcademicStudent List failing 50% or more subjects in one semesterview list of student who failed 50% or more subjects out of the enrolled subjects during the selected semester. For eg. 2 subjects failed out of 3 enrolled.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing 50% or more units by course and statusView student list who failed 50% or more during course study period filtered by student course and status and course start date between two selected dates
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing 50% subjects in one semester and termView all student list with failed units failing more than 50% or more subjects in one semester and term 
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing more than 50% subjects between two datesView all current student list failing 50% or more subjects for course
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list failing number of subjects by courseView all current student list failing 50% or more subjects for course
StudentServicesAcademicStudent List failing subjects in one semesterview list of students who failed subjects during the selected semester, regardless of 50% failing filtering.
StudentServicesOfferStudent list not specified visa expiry dateView the student list who has not specified visa expiry date.
StudentServicesAcademicstudent list results not entered by course and semesterView student list those competency is enrolled or marks not updated
StudentServicesStudentStudent list studying at particular dateView Student list who are current student or studying student on the selected date. This allows to view the list of current student on the college.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list with assessment failed between two datesReport retuns all assessment failed list by task due date between two selected dates
StudentServicesCoEStudent list with coe date expired and course not completedview list of student whose CoE finish date is expired but they are yet to complete/pass all the related unit/subject on the course. Only provides the list based on CoE date falling between two entered dates period.
StudentServicesStudentStudent list with course finishdate between two datesView Student list whose course finish date of the course falls between two entered dates
StudentServicesStudentStudent list with course finishdate between two dates with certificate detailsView Student list whose course finish date of the course falls between two entered dates
StudentServicesStudentStudent list with course startdate between two datesView Student list whose course start date of the course falls between two entered dates.
StudentServicesStudentStudent list with course startdate between two dates by course, statusView Student list whose course start date of the course falls between two entered dates.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list with failed unit – 50% or more (consecutive study period)View all student list with failed units more than 50% during the period
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list with failed units – 50% or moreView all student list with failed units more than 50% during the period
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list with subject failed between two datesView all student list with failed subjects
StudentServicesAcademicStudent list with unit failed between two datesView all student list with failed units
StudentServicesStudentStudent nationality breakdown by statusView Student Nationality breakdown by Status. i.e view the nationality numbers of the students who are filtered by the status selected.
StudentServicesStudentStudent nationality by course type and intake dateview the student nationality mix based on the selected course type and the course intake date.
StudentServicesStudentStudent number enrolled per yearView total number of Student that are enrolled in the selected year filtered by the status.
StudentServicesStudentStudent numbers by classView Student numbers that are enrolled in a particular class (selected semester, term, subject, batch, status)
StudentServicesStudentStudent numbers by faculty and department and yearview list of student filtered by the selected faculty, department and their course enrolment year.
StudentServicesStudentStudent numbers by status between two datesView Student numbers as per selected status and whose start date falls between two entered dates.
StudentServicesStudentStudent numbers currently studying by course and statusView Student numbers who are studying particular course and filter by their course status.
StudentServicesStudentView Student disability information by course and statusView Student disability information by course and status
StudentServicesStudentStudents list with Disability InformationView list of Students with Disability Information
StudentServicesStudentStudent vaccination detailStudent vaccination detail
StudentServicesOfferStudent Offer List without any documentsView student list who has not submitted any documents filtered by student applied date between two selected dates
StudentServicesOfferStudent offered list not paid or yet to be converted to studentview list of student who have been offered a place in the college but have not submitted their payment or are yet to be converted to the college student.
StudentServicesOSHCStudent OSHC history between two datesView student OSHC details with OSHC start date during the period as per two entered dates
StudentServicesASQAStudent records data list - ASQA Standard data retention formatASQA Standard data by student course start date between two selected dates
StudentServicesASQAStudent records data list by course and start date between two datesASQA Student records data list by course and start date between two dates
StudentServicesASQAASQA Student Survey Data Collection Sheet for completion by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)ASQA Student Survey Data Collection Sheet for completion by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
StudentServicesASQAASQA Enrolment and Completion DataASQA Enrolment and Completion Data report to list all student unit activities with current final outcome. The data will fetch only from VET course and Date range search parameter will check against Unit Finish Date in between.
StudentServicesAcademicStudent results by selected subject, session and competencyview list of student result as per selected subject and the competency. (selected semester, term, subject and the competency outcome).
StudentServicesAcademicStudent results for selected classView list of student and their results for the selected class (selected semester, term, subject, batch).
StudentServicesSanctionStudent sanction history between two datesView student sanction history between two dates range
StudentServicesStudentStudent starter list AVETMISS dataReport shows information for student starter list based on course and start date between two dates along with AVETMISS data
StudentServicesStudentStudent Status Changes Between Two DatesView student course status changes track between two dates
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent subject attendance list by course and statusView student each subject attendance percentage by course enrolment and course status
StudentServicesAcademicStudent subject enrolment list by course between two datesView student subject enrolment status by course between two dates. Report brings subject competency along with unit details. Subject enrolment is considered if subject activity duration falls between the two selected dates
StudentServicesVET FEE-HELPStudent subject list with census date between two datesView student subject competency list by census date between two selected dates
StudentServicesAcademicStudent unit competency details by status and intake date between datesView student course information by intake date between dates
StudentServicesAcademicStudent unit details by intake date between datesView student course information by intake date between dates
StudentServicesUnitStudent unit enrolment details by unit competencyview student unit enrolment details by selected unit competency
StudentServicesVET FEE-HELPStudent unit list with census date between two datesView student unit competency list by census date between two selected dates
StudentServicesVET FEEStudent VET FEE-HELP general information by student course start date between two datesVET FEE-HELP general details for students who is starting between the two selected dates
StudentServicesAttendanceStudent weekly class hour by semester term and courseView weekly allocated class hour for the selected semester and term. 
StudentServicesSubjectSubject competency list by intake date between two datesView student subject list by intake dates between two selected dates
StudentServicesSurveySurvey sent Vs received between two datesReport on how many surveys were sent vs received back
StudentServicesTeacherTeacher list (payrollid, name, username, email, mobile)view list of teaching staff that are currently associated with the college.
StudentServicesTemplateView Course Template structure by course type and courseView Course Template structure by course type and course
StudentServicesStudentView current student list not enrolled for another courseView student list who are currently studying into the selected course but not enrolled for any course after that
StudentServicesServiceView provider status between two datesView provider status between two dates. Report is based on service activity between selected dates
StudentServicesStudentView Student address details by course and statusView student address details by selected course and student status or view all
StudentServicesAttendanceView student attendance between two datesview student attendance between two selected dates. 
StudentServicesAttendanceView student attendance by course and between two dates with projected attendanceView list of student with their current and projected attendance for a particular course with course start date falling during the period of two entered dates.
StudentServicesAttendanceView student attendance by course/semester/weekview student attendance details as per selected semester and selected week.
StudentServicesAttendanceview student attended days in a period of dates (view by course & current student)View student no of class days, attendance days during a period of days 
StudentServicesBirthdayView student birth list for selected monthView student birth list who ever are born in the selected month
StudentServicesAcademicView student course subject(s) completion statusview the list of student studying a particular course and the snapshot of their progress. This shows the subject/unit completed, subject/unit currently enrolled, subject/unit yet to complete, subject/unit failed etc.
StudentServicesAcademicView student course unit(s) completion statusView student unit completion status filtered by student course and status and course start date between two selected dates
StudentServicesStudentView Student emergency contact details by course and statusView student address details by selected course and student status or view all
StudentServicesStudentView student list by Origin and StatusView student list filtered by student origin and status
StudentServicesStudentView student list filterd by course and status (all option)Report can be used to get all students list or filter by student course and status.
StudentServicesStudentView student list finishing between dates and going to start on a specific dateView list of student who are finishing between selected dates and going to start another course on a date specified
StudentServicesAttendanceView student list not attending last weekview list of student that did not attend last week class. This is based on timetable
StudentServicesAttendanceView student list not present consecutively for a number of daysview the student list who have failed to attend the class consecutively in a row during the period as entered days.
StudentServicesAttendanceView student list with actual attendance (less than selected %)

View list of student and their details with their current attendance percentage less than or equal to the entered attendance percentage for the selected course, semester and term.

'Course Attd%' and 'Course Proj. Attd%' are calculated for the entiriety of the Course (all semesters combined and averaged).

'Curr. Attendance' and 'Proj. Attendance' are calculated for the current Semester (current date falls in).

StudentServicesAttendanceView student list with course actual attendance (less than selected %)

View list of student with their course actual attendance percentage less then entered percentage

'Course Attd%' and 'Course Proj. Attd%' are calculated for the entiriety of the Course (all semesters combined and averaged).

'Curr. Attendance' and 'Proj. Attendance' are calculated for the current Semester (current date falls in).

StudentServicesAttendanceView student list with course projected attendance (less than selected %)

view list of student with their course projected attendance pecentage less than entered percentage

'Course Attd%' and 'Course Proj. Attd%' are calculated for the entiriety of the Course (all semesters combined and averaged).

'Curr. Attendance' and 'Proj. Attendance' are calculated for the current Semester (current date falls in).

StudentServicesStudentView student list with previous enrolmentView student list by course and status with previous enrolments
StudentServicesAttendanceView student list with projected attendance (less than selected %)View list of student and their details with their projected attendance percentage less than or equal to the entered attendance percentage for the selected course and semester.
StudentServicesServiceView student service allocation between two datesView student service allocation between two dates. Report is based on service start between selected dates
StudentServicesAttendanceView weekly attendance report summary by semester and termView student attendance summary for each week of term (excluding holiday week)
StudentServicesPIRPIR information between two datesView all of the data fields shown in the student PIR information section of their student page between two dates
StudentServicesESOSstudent status change between applicable datesReturn the student course status change tracking history
StudentServicesFEE-HELP HECSHELP Eligibility - Pass Rate CheckInformation to check pass rate eligibility for Students who access HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP in the Courses they have enrolled based on the Student status code and commencement date
StudentServicesWork Placement

Student work placement with employer details

Student work placement report
StudentServicesWork PlacementStudent work placement with employer and activity detailsView student work placement activities for employers
StudentServicesStudentStudent List by Employer and StatusView student list by Employer and Status between course start and finish date
TCSIVET Student LoanStudent VSL Invoice Notice for Unit of Study (subject) with census date between datesStudent VSL Invoice Notice for Unit of Study (subject) with census date between dates
TCSITCSIStudents TCSI and Course details where mandatory TCSI information is missingStudents TCSI and Course details where mandatory TCSI information is missing
TCSITCSIStudent Course List for pending TCSI Student Course InformationStudent Course List for pending TCSI Student Course Information
TCSITCSICasual Staff TCSI information List all TCSI related staff information. This helps with reporting of staff causal actual and staff casual estimates packet. This report assists for both HEP and PIR reporting.
CanvasAssignmentCanvas Subject-Assignment MappingReport that provides Canvas Subject-Assignment mapping from the Meshed Platform.  Filter from one of the available semesters along with the option 'All'.

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