Generate Agent Document

Generate Agent Document


The Meshed Platform supports Education Providers generating Agent specific documents, for example an Agency Agreement, using a template (.docx format).  The template can contain Meshed Platform specific parameters to include dynamic text in the generated document.

Document Template

To create an Agent document a .docx template is required. A template for each Agent document is created using MSWord.

The template can contain the following parameters to include dynamic text in the generated Agent document.

{AgentName}Agent name
{AGENTNAME}Agent name in all capital letters
{AgentCode}Agent Code (Not the Agent ID). 
{AgentContactPerson}Contact person
{AgentAddress}Address suburb, state, postcode, country
{AgentTelNo}Phone Number
{Mobile}Mobile Number
{AgentPrimaryEmail}Email address
{AlternateEmail}Alternate email address
{Web}Web site address
{AccountManager}Account manager staff name
{AccountManager2}Account manager second staff name
{Today}Current date (e.g. 16/1/2023)
{CurrentStatus}Agent current status
{AgreementStatus}Agent status (If no record, it will use {CurrentStatus})
{ExpiryDate}Status expiry date (e.g. 16/1/2024)
{PrimaryTargetCountry}Primary recruitment target country
{SecondaryTargetCountry}Secondary recruitment target country
{AgentABN}ABN Number
{AgentACN}ACN Number
{AgentContractIssueDate}Today date with ordinal (e.g. 16th January 2023)
{AgentCommission}Commission %
{AgentContractFinishDate}Commission to date with ordinal (e.g. 16th January 2024)
{AgreementFromDate}Valid from date (from same record as {AgreementStatus})
{AgreementToDate}Valid to date (from same record as {AgreementStatus}. if no record, it will be the same as {ExpiryDate})
{AgentNotes}Agent notes.

The templates (.docx format) are uploaded into the Meshed Platform

Location: Admin > Manage College Material > Templates > Docx > Agent

Agent Folder

If the Agent folder is not present the User may have to create it 

Generate Document

If one or more templates (.docx format) are uploaded into the Meshed Platform then an additional icon is available in the View Agent List.

Clicking this Icon will allow the User to select the required template to generate the Agent Document which is a downloaded.

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