Setup Phases

Setup Phases


This menu enables the functions associated with the management (Add/Modify/Delete) of Phases.

Phases are categories that are defined within Request Templates which will then be part of the Requests. Phases can have dependency between them if required. 

Each Request Template can have one or more Phases which are further divided into Tasks.

Phase List

The Phases are listed as rows in a grid.

The grid displays the following data columns:

  • Phase
  • Created Date
  • Starting Day
  • End Day
  • Preceding Phase

The right most column contains the Action Icons that are used to perform various functions for each Phase.

Grid Navigation

Multiple pages will be displayed for a grid listing more than 10 items.

The Page Navigation Bar helps Users navigate between pages of items in a grid and also go to a specific page.

Page Navigation always display the page number of the page a User is currently viewing and also includes back and next buttons, and for large numbers of pages includes first or last buttons.


A keyword search of the Phase Names which allows the User to refine the Phases displayed in the grid.

A keyword search looks for the word(s) anywhere in the Phase Names. Keyword searches are useful when the User has part of the information.


Allows Users to click on the heading name, for columns displaying the Sort icon, to re-organise the grid in the order of the data in that column.

Clicking a heading name will alternatively order the grid data in ascending order and then in descending order.

Ascending means smallest to largest, or alphabetical.

Descending means largest to smallest, or reverse alphabetical.

Add New

Phase Name

The name of the Phase.

Phase names must be unique within a Request Template.

This is a mandatory field.

Starting Day

Number of days after Request Start Day.

This is a mandatory field.

End Day

Number of days after Request Start Day.

This is a mandatory field.

Preceding Phase

Select the preceding Phase from a list of the other Phases for the Task.

Notification Type

When the Notification Type is selected, system sends an email to Task owners (Task assigned) in sequential order. i.e. The notification will be sent only when the first Task is completed. 

If the Notification Type is not selected, system sends an email to every Task owner at once. 

Note: Sending email configuration can be configured for each Task. If this is not configured the system will not send any email.

Manual Order

Click Manual Order to manually configure the Phase order. 

This allows dragging and dropping i.e. to place higher or lower the Phase in the grid.

The Save Order is to save the changes and Cancel Order is to cancel the Manual Order.


All fields can be modified.


A confirmation message will be shown that requires action.

Setup Tasks

Each Phase can have one or more Task.

Further information for Setup Tasks

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