


ELICOS stands for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students. It is a type of English language program for international students who want to improve their English skills for academic or professional purposes. 

ELICOS courses are designed to help students achieve a high level of fluency in English and prepare them for further academic study. The curriculum typically covers language skills such as speaking, listening, reading, writing, and grammar. Students may also have the opportunity to practice using English in real-life situations through activities and excursions.

ELICOS courses are usually offered at various levels, from beginner to advanced, and students are placed in a class based on their English proficiency. The length of an ELICOS course can vary, with options ranging from a few weeks to several months. Upon completion of an ELICOS course, students may receive a certificate that verifies their English proficiency.

ELICOS is an important option for international students who want to study in an English-speaking country but need to improve their English skills first. By successfully completing an ELICOS course, students can demonstrate their English proficiency to institutions and employers and increase their chances of success in their future academic or professional endeavours.

The Meshed Platform has the capability for management of different types of education operations including ELICOS:

  • Access the Meshed Platform for ELICOS on the Cloud.
  • Streamline your Student management from enquiry to completion.
  • Qualify Students with pre-enrolment placement testing.
  • Students can pay online with the payment integration module.
  • Communicate using various tools – email, letter, SMS, and the mobile app.
  • Manage Course promotions with the flexible pricing module.
  • Manage Class schedules using the timetable module.
  • Bulk Enrolment and Change Class features.
  • Record and report Student attendance and academic progress.
  • Generate attendance and academic warning emails and/or letters in bulk.
  • Record Student assessment outcomes and generate certificates.
  • Manage your sales and marketing with the CRM module.
  • Engage with Students, Agents, and Teachers using portals.
  • Make use of over 250 reports with real-time data.
  • Integrations with external Systems (LMS, Accounting, Payment Gateway, Dashboards, etc.).

Functional Overview

The table below gives an overview of the ELICOS functionality in the Meshed RTOManager System.



Course Types

Meshed Platforms contain a pre-defined Course Type ‘ELICOS’ which can be used when creating Courses.

Course Types

Course Management

Courses are setup in Meshed Platforms based on the delivery scope for the ELICOS Provider. e.g. General English, EAP, IELTS, FCE, EBP etc. Courses are setup with a weekly published fee, which can be amended for each Student if required.

ELICOS Courses

Courses can have the associated Subjects defined for the required ELICOS Levels. e.g. a Subject for each level - Elementary, Advanced, Intermediate, Pre-Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, etc.

Subjects can have Level Assessments setup e.g. Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

ELICOS Level Assessment

Calendar Management

Academic Calendars can be setup specifically for ELICOS Courses.  e.g. An academic year with 52 weeks for use with timetables.

ELICOS Subject Calendar

Intake Management

Intakes for ELICOS Courses can be setup as weekly intakes based on the Academic Calendar.

ELICOS Intake Dates

Application Management

Student Applications are entered online using the following Meshed RTOManager features:

  • Public Portal - Application direct from Student
  • Agent Portal - Application is entered by an Agent
  • Staff Portal - Application is entered by Staff

Online Application

As part of the Application process, the Course(s) can be selected, and the duration (in weeks) for the selected Course(s). 

The Meshed RTOManager System will calculate the Tuition fees based on the information from the Application.

Course Application

An Application can have more than one Course.

Offer Management

The Meshed RTOManager System generates Offer Letter documents for Applicants.  

Offer Letter

A single Offer Letter document can be for multiple Courses.

The integrated processes in the Meshed RTOManager System manages all the tasks associated with the Student application process. e.g. Issue Offer, Record CoE, enrolment as Student, etc.

Offer Management

Starter List Report

An ELICOS Student Starter List report can be generated and used to review Students who are starting in a defined duration. 

This assists Providers with capacity management etc.

Student Orientation

The integrated orientation process in the Meshed RTOManager System enables:

  • Sending of communication and information to Students prior to orientation
  • Recording Student orientation attendance

Manage Student Orientation


Class Timetables can be created for each ELICOS Level Subject with allocation of Room, Teacher, Duration, etc

Student Timetable Enrolment

Based on a Student ELICOS Level (e.g. determined using a placement test), the Students are enrolled in the Class Timetable for the appropriate ELICOS Level Subject.

The Meshed RTOManager System creates weekly attendance sheets using information from the Class Timetable and Student enrolments.

Student enrolments in Class

Attendance Sheet

Teachers can view their specific Class Timetables via the Teacher Portal.

Students can view their specific Class Timetables via the Student Portal.

Attendance Management

Student Daily Attendance can be entered in to the Meshed RTOManager System by Staff using the Staff Portal or by Teachers using the Teacher Portal.

Record Attendance

Attendance Reports can be generated for Student Current Attendance and Student Projected Attendance.

Attendance Reporting

Warning Letters for low attendance can be generated and emailed to Students.  Warning Letters received are also accessible by Students in the Student Portal.

Assessment Management

Assessments tasks can be setup for the ELICOS Level Subjects, and Student results for the assessments task can be recorded by Teachers using the Teacher Portal or by Staff using the Staff Portal.

Assessment Tasks

Meshed RTOManager allows for the entry of Level Assessment Outcomes, which can be used to generate Level Certificates. e.g. Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

ELICOS Certificates

ELICOS Certificates can be generated for a Level Certificate or ELICOS Course Certificate.

ELICOS Level Assessment Outcome

Generate ELICOS Certificate

Finisher List Report

A Student Finisher List report can be generated and used to review Students who are finishing in a defined duration. 

Generate Reports

This assists Providers to identify Students enrolled in a future Course and Students completing a current Course.

Other Features

Student Communication Log (diary notes), Student Intervention Register, Student Deferral, Student and Agent Finance, etc

Student Profile Summary Page

Meshed Mobility

The Meshed Mobility App gives Students easy access to their information; Course details, Timetables, Results, Payment history, plus it makes general notices, messages, and warnings available directly on their smartphone.


The following functions are available for Students using the Meshed Mobility App:

  • Alert notifications on the Lock or Home screen (Email, Grades, Enrolment, Payments, etc.)
  • Student profile details
  • Upload photograph
  • Provider information
  • Student active course enrolment details
  • Subject results
  • Assessments Results
  • Payment information (Tuition Fees and Miscellaneous) - Invoices and Payment Records   
  • General Notices (News/Events Reminders)
  • Search Courses
  • Contact Provider
  • Communication - Email, Letters, Diary

Bulk Change Class

Functionality related to Student Class Changes specifically for ELICOS Courses.

Functional Overview:

  • Search and View a list of Students enrolled in a specific ELICOS Class (Course, Year, Semester, Term, ELICOS Level Subject).
  • The list of Students contains an Action Icon for each Student to Change the Class.
  • The Change Class window allows for selection of New Batch and the adjustment of Dates (Start and Finish) as required.

Bulk Academic Progress Result Entry

Bulk Academic Progress Result Entry

Bulk Academic Progress Result Entry

Assessment Task Results Entry specifically for ELICOS.

Functional Overview:

  • Search and View a list of Students enrolled in a specific ELICOS Class (Year, Semester, Term, ELICOS Level Subject).
  • The list of Students will contain the Assessment Tasks due for the selected week.
  • Student Results for of the Assessment Tasks can be recorded in the list and updated (Bulk).
  • Student Results for the Assessment Tasks can be recorded and updated (Bulk) from the Teacher Portal.

Bulk Change Class