Continuous Professional Development
RTOManager Admin (Deactivated)
Andrew Aylesbury (Deactivated)
Professional development refers to the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and competencies that are relevant to an individual's profession or career. It can take many forms, such as attending workshops, participating in training programs, completing advanced degrees or certifications, or engaging in on-the-job learning experiences.
The goal of professional development is to enhance an individual's expertise and effectiveness in their chosen profession or career, and to keep up with changing trends, technologies, and best practices. Professional development is an ongoing process and Staff, Trainers, and Assessors may be expected to engage in ongoing professional development activities relevant to their roles to maintain their skills and knowledge.
The Meshed Platform has functionality which allows for the recording and tracking of Professional Development activities for Teachers or Staff.
This functionality is also available in the Trainer Portal (Optional Module)
To access this feature in the System, follow the instructions below:
- Click Teacher > Manage Teacher.
- You may search the Teacher using the search tab
- List of Teachers will be displayed as per the search criteria
- Proceed on Teacher Profile by clicking the Profile Page Action Icon
located on the action column on the right hand side of the page.
- A pop up page containing Teacher Profile Summary will appear on a separate page.
- Click the Professional Development Action Icon
located on the top right hand side of the page
- Enter Event Information starting with the Event Category (see note below)
- Enter Event Name, Organised by, Activity Name, Event Date, CPD Points, and Comments.
- Click Save to add information on the system. Once, save the information will appear on the Teacher professional development list below ( as per below).
Configurable System Field
The Category field is a configurable system field
The System provides two pre-defined values for Professional Development Category:
- Training
- Webinar
In addition to these pre-defined values, Users can configure custom values.
Some fields in the Meshed Platform can be configured by Users (Admin or Sadmin roles) to set custom types and/or values. The custom types and values will be displayed as options that can be selected for these fields (typically in a drop down list).
Navigation: Admin> Configuration and Setup > System Fields Setup
More information available here.
Upload Evidence
- To upload evidence of the event e.g. Certificate of attendance, click the Upload icon
located under action column ( right hand side of the page). A pop up box will appear and will allow you to upload file ( up to 3 attachments). Click Upload to save.
The file uploaded will appear as a link on the Teacher's professional development list. Should you need to remove the file, click the delete icon .
To update a Professional Development entry, click the edit icon
located on the right hand side. The page will bring up the event information section in which you will be able to make some changes. Click Update button to record the changes (as shown below).
Changes to Professional Development
Changes made to Professional Development recorded in the system are recorded (Database Modification Log) and can be viewed by Admin Users
- Go to Admin >>View Log>>
- Choose log type as 'staff_professionaldevelopment_log'
- Choose required filters
- Click on view
To delete the record from the Professional development register, click the delete icon
- To Verify the record in the Professional Development register, click the Verify icon
- For verified Professional Development activity, the delete/update icons are disabled.
The list of Professional Development activities can be filtered by Category, Event Name, Organised By, Activity Name and/or Event Date
You may also export the Professional Development list to Excel (as required). Just click the Export Excel icon located on the right hand side of the page (as per the screenshot below).