RTOManager VET
Welcome to your RTOManager VET Training Resources Online User Guide, where you’ll find the most up-to-date training resource written with our users in mind.
This Online User Guide answers the "why, where and how" questions that most of our users have when first learning to use RTOManager VET Platform. After mastering the basics, use this guide as a springboard to more advanced topics, useful resources and live updates in the Australian education industry.
RTOManager VET User Process
We have put together One page Guides
to provide you with more user tools
Additional Resources
We have compiled helpful Fact Sheets and Useful Links for you to use.
Tips on how to do your National and State AVETMISS Reporting
Training Webinar Dates
Your online destination for all RTO Manager VET training resources.
Frequently asked questions
- Add links to popular how-to and troubleshooting articles.
- Highlight important documentation.
Need more help?
- Link to resources such as your service desk, questions & answers or a forum.
- List contacts for getting additional help.
Other resources
- Include links to relevant external sites and services.
- Add other helpful information.