AVETMISS 8.0 Changes

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In preparation for the implementation from AVETMISS 7.0 to AVETMISS 8, RTOManager has created AVETMISS mapping in the our student management system to assist with upcoming changes. 


NAT00010 Training Organization File

SMS field name/location

College Info Setup

AVETMISS 8.0 changesRules
Training Organisation IdentifierRTO NTIS code N/AThis field must not be blank.
Training Organisation NameCollege Name N/AThis field must not be blank.
Training Organisation Type IdentifierTraining organization type N/A N/A
Address First Line Address (1st 50 chars)Deleted from file N/A
Address Second LineAddress (2nd 50 chars)Deleted from file N/A
Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town SuburbDeleted from file N/A
Postcode PostcodeDeleted from file N/A
State IdentifierStateDeleted from file N/A
Contact NameContact Person ( system will auto convert to Last Name, First name format.)Deleted from file Rules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Telephone NumberTelephoneN/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Facsimile NumberFaxN/A Rules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
E-mail AddressContact EmailN/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.

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NAT00020 Training Organization Delivery Location

SMS field name/location

Manage Venue/Training Location

AVETMISS 8.0 Changes Rules
Training Organisation Identifier RTO NTIS codeN/AThis field must not be blank.
Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier Venue CodeN/AThis field must not be blank
Training Organisation Delivery Location NameVenue NameN/AThis field must not be blank.
PostcodeVenue PostcodeN/AThis field must not be blank.
Postcode with the category of ‘Post office box’ in the Australia Post postcode classification or '@@@@ - not specified' are not permitted in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
Postcode must be given the value ‘OSPC’, if the training organisation’s delivery location has an overseas address in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
If Postcode is ‘OSPC’, the State identifier must be either:
09 — Other Australian territories or dependencies or 99 — Other (Overseas but not an Australian territory or dependency)
in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
State IdentifierVenue StateN/AThis field must not be blank.
State identifier must indicate the state or territory that is represented by the valid 4-digit Australia Post postcode, supplied in Postcode in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
State identifier must be:
09 — Other Australian territories or dependencies or 99 — Other (Overseas but not an Australian territory or dependency)
if Postcode is ‘OSPC’ in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
Address– Suburb, Locality or TownVenue SuburbRenamed
to Address-Suburb,Locality or Town
This field must not be blank.
Country IdentifierVenue CountryN/AThis field must not be blank or ‘@@@@ – not specified’ or '0000 – inadequately described'.
Country identifier is used to identify the country in which training delivery takes place by an Australian training organisation.
Country identifier must not be:
1100 — Australia (includes external territories), not further defined 1101 — Australia 1102 — Norfolk Island or 1199 — Australian external territories, not elsewhere classified
if Postcode is ‘OSPC’ in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
Country identifier must be:
1100 — Australia (includes external territories), not further defined 1101 — Australia 1102 — Norfolk Island or 1199 — Australian external territories, not elsewhere classified
if Postcode is a valid 4-digit Australia Post postcode in the Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file.
Address Building/Property Name N/AThis field is not present in Avetmiss 8 changes documentN/A
Address Flat/Unit Details N/AThis field is not present in Avetmiss 8 changes documentN/A
Address Street Number N/AThis field is not present in Avetmiss 8 changes documentN/A
Address Street Name N/AThis field is not present in Avetmiss 8 changes documentN/A

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NAT00030 Course File

SMS field name/location

Manage course

Avetmiss 8.0 Changes RemarksRules
Qualification/Course Identifier NTIS Course CodeField name is Program Identifier in Avetmiss 8.0 fileThis field must not be blank.
Qualification/Course NameCourse NameField name is Program Name in Avetmiss 8.0 fileThis field must not be blank.
Nominal HoursTotal course nominal hours N/AThis field must not be blank.

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NAT00060 Module/Unit of Competency File

SMS field name/location

Manage Module/Unit

Avetmiss 8.0 Changes RemarksRules
Subject IdentifierUnit IDN/AThis field must not be blank.
Subject NameUnit NameN/AThis field must not be blank.
If Subject identifier is listed on Training.gov.au as a unit of competency or accredited unit, then Subject name must match the subject name listed on Training.gov.au.
Subject Field of Education Identifier Field of EducationN/AThis field may be blank if Subject identifier and Subject name in combination match the code and name combination listed on Training.gov.au.
VET FlagVET FlagN/AThis field must not be blank.
VET flag must be ‘Y’ when reporting to the National VET in Schools Collection.
Nominal Hours

Scheduled hours

(when assign unit to module)

 N/AThis field may be blank if Subject identifier and Subject name in combination match the code and name combination listed on Training.gov.au and Subject identifier also exists in NCVER's nationally agreed hours system file.

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NAT00080 Client File

SMS field name/location

Student Profile page

Avetmiss 8.0 Changes RemarksRules
Client (student) IdentifierStudent ID N/AThis field must not be blank.
The Client (NAT00080) file must contain one record for each unique Client identifier reported in either the Training activity (NAT00120) file or the Program completed (NAT00130) file.
Client identifiers included in the Client (NAT00080) file must exist in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file.
Name for Encryption

Student Full Name

System auto convert to ( LName, FName format)

 N/AThis field must not be blank.
Highest School Level CompletedSchooling: What is your highest COMPLETED school level?In Avetmiss 8.0 file, field name is "Highest school level completed identifier"This field must not be blank.
GenderGender N/AThis field must not be blank.
Date of BirthDOB N/AThis field must not be blank.
PostcodePrimary address postcode N/AThis field must not be blank.
Postcode must comply with rules listed in Address.
Postcode must be an Australia Post postcode of a physical street address and not a postcode of a post office box address or a large volume receiver (LVR).
Postcode must be ‘OSPC — Overseas address location’ for international clients, irrespective of the postcode used in the overseas address or the client’s temporary address in Australia.
Disability FlagHas disability? N/AThis field must not be blank.
Prior Educational Achievement FlagHas Education Qualification History? N/AThis field must not be blank.
At School FlagSchooling: Are you still attending secondary school? N/AThis field must not be blank.
When submitting to the National VET in Schools Collection, At school flag must be ‘Y’ if School type identifier is ‘21 — School — Government’, ‘25 — School — Catholic’ or ‘27 — School — Independent’ in the Training activity (NAT00120) file.
Address – Suburb, Locality or TownPrimary address suburb N/AThis field must not be blank when postcode is listed on Australia Post.
Address — suburb, locality or town must comply with rules listed in Address. This field must be part of a valid postcode - address location combination as listed by Australia Post. If the postcode is 'OSPC' or '@@@@' and an Australian location or international equivalent is not available, then ‘Not specified’ may be entered in this field.
Unique Student Identifier N/A N/AThis field must not be blank under the requirements outlined in the Student Identifiers Act 2014. In addition, registered training organisations submitting data to their state training authorities may be required to populate this field from the time of enrolment.
State Identifier N/A N/AThis field must not be blank.
State identifier must comply with rules listed in Address.
If Postcode is ‘OSPC — Overseas address location’ in the Client (NAT00080) file, State identifier must be ‘99 — Other (overseas but not an Australian territory or dependency)’.
Address Building/Property Name N/A N/AThis field may be blank.
Address building/property name must comply with rules listed in Address.
Address Flat/Unit Details N/A N/AThis field may be blank.
Address flat/unit details must comply with rules listed in Address
Address Street Number N/A N/AThis field must not be blank.
Address street number must comply with the rules listed in Address.
Address street number should be ‘not specified’ for clients who do not provide residential address details or clients whose address does not contain a street address (e.g. clients from Aboriginal communities).
For state and territory training authorities only: This field may be blank if Statistical area level 1 and Statistical area level 2 identifiers are populated.
Survey contact status  N/A N/AThis field must not be blank for the National VET Provider Collection.
This field may be blank in the National VET in Schools Collection.
Statistical Area Level 1 Identifier N/A N/AThis field may be blank.
This field is only to be used by state or territory training authorities when submitting data to NCVER. Statistical area level 1 identifier must be a valid 11-digit identifier as allocated in the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), ABS catalogue no.1270.0, 2011. This field is not required by registered training organisations.

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NAT00085 Client Postal Details File

SMS field name/location

Student profile Page

Client (student) IdentifierStudent ID N/AThis field must not be blank.
Client identifiers included in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file must exist in the Client (NAT00080) file.
Client TitleTitle (Mr, Ms, …) N/AThis field may be blank.
Client First Given NameFirst Name N/AThis field may be blank
Client family nameLast Name N/AThis field must not be blank.
Address Building/Property NamePrimary Address (1st 50 chars) N/AThis field may be blank.
Address Flat/Unit DetailsPrimary Address (2nd 50 chars) N/AThis field may be blank.
Address Street Number N/A N/AThis field may be blank.
Address Street Name N/A N/AThis field must not be blank if Address postal delivery box is blank in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file.
This field must not be blank if Address street number is not blank in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file.
Address – Suburb, Locality or TownPrimary SuburbRenamed to
Address -Suburb, Locality or Town
This field must not be blank.
Address — suburb, locality or town and Postcode in combination must match the combination specified by Australia Post.
Address — suburb, locality or town should be ‘not specified’ if Postcode is ‘OSPC’ or ‘@@@@’ in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file.
PostcodePrimary Postcode N/AThis field must not be blank.
If Postcode is not ‘OSPC’ or ‘@@@@’ then Postcode in combination with Address — suburb, locality or town and State identifier must match the combination specified by Australia Post.
State IdentifierPrimary State N/AThis field must not be blank.
If State identifier is not ‘@@’, then State identifier and Postcode combination must match that specified by Australia Post.
Telephone Number HomePrimary Home Phone N/AThis field may be blank.
Telephone number [home] must be a valid Australian telephone number and include the area code.
Telephone number [home] should be in the following format 0123456789.
Telephone Number - WorkPrimary Work Phone N/AThis field may be blank.
Telephone number [work] must be a valid Australian telephone number and include the area code.
Telephone number [work] should be in the following format 0123456789.
Telephone Number - MobilePrimary Mobile Phone N/AThis field may be blank.
Telephone number [mobile] must be a valid Australian mobile telephone number.
Email AddressPrivate Email N/AThis field may be blank.
Email address (Alternative) N/A N/AThis field may be blank.
If the training organisation is submitting to a state or training authority under a contractual obligation then, for each Client identifier in the Client (NAT00080) file, there must be at least one corresponding record in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file. Training organisations submitting directly to NCVER do not provide the Client postal details (NAT00085) file. 

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NAT00090 Client Disability File

SMS field name/location

Student profile Page

Client (student) IdentifierStudent IDN/AN/A
Disability Type IdentifierDisability type (Vision, Deaf, …)N/AN/A

If Client identifier exists with a Disability flag of ‘Y’ in the Client (NAT00080) file there must be at least one corresponding record in the Disability (NAT00090) file.

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NAT 00100

NAT00100 Client Prior Educational Achievement

SMS field name/location

Student Profile Page

Client ( Student) IdentifierStudent IDN/AN/A
Prior Educational Achievement IdentifierEducation Qualification History: Qualification LevelN/AN/A

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NAT00120 Enrolment File

SMS field name/location

Student Results Page

Training Organisation Identifier N/A N/AThis field must not be blank.
Training Organisation Delivery Location IdentifierVenue Code N/AThis field must not be blank.
Client IdentifierStudent ID N/AThis field must not be blank.
Subject IdentifierUnit ID N/AThis field must not be blank.
Subject identifier may exist with a blank Program identifier in the Training activity (NAT00120) file if enrolment is in a unit of competency or module only.
Activity Start DateUnit Activity Start Date N/AThis field must not be blank.
Activity start date must be on or before the Activity end date.
Activity start date must be before the end of the collection period.
Activity start date must not be more than five years prior to collection year.
Activity start date should not change in subsequent data submissions when reporting the same training activity.
Activity End DateUnit Activity Finish Date N/AThis field must not be blank.
Activity end date must be within the collection year if Outcome identifier — national is not ‘70 — Continuing enrolment’.
Activity end date must not be more than five years after Activity start date.
Delivery Mode IdentifierUnit Delivery Mode N/AThis field must not be blank
Outcome Identifier - NationalCompetency N/AThis field must not be blank.
Funding Source - NationalFunding Source National N/AThis field must not be blank.
Commencing Program IdentifierCourse Commencing ID N/AThis field must not be blank.
Commencing program identifier must be ‘8 — Unit of competency or module enrolment only’ if Program identifier is blank in the Training activity (NAT00120) file.
Commencing program identifier must be the same and not equal to ‘8 — Unit of competency or module enrolment only’ for each unique Client identifier and Program identifier combination.
Training Contract IdentifierTraining Contract ID N/AThis field may be blank if Client identifier — apprenticeships is blank in the Training activity (NAT00120) file.
Training contract identifier must be blank if Program identifier is blank in the Training activity (NAT00120) file.
Training contract identifier and Client identifier — apprenticeships should be the same for each unique Program identifier/Client identifier combination.
Client Identifier - ApprenticeshipsApprenticeship Client ID N/AThis field may be blank if Training contract identifier is blank in the Training activity (NAT00120) file.
Client identifier — apprenticeships must be blank if Program identifier is blank in the Training activity (NAT00120) file.
Study Reason IdentifierStudy Reason N/AThis field may be blank.
VET in Schools FlagVET in School Flag N/AThis field must not be blank.
This field must be ‘Y’ when data are submitted by Boards of Studies to the National VET in Schools Collection.
Specific Funding Identifier N/A N/AThis field may be blank.
This field is only for use by state or territory training authorities or by training organisations as directed by the Department of Education and Training. It must only be used when Funding source — national is ‘13 — Commonwealth specific purpose programs’.
Specific funding identifier must not be blank if Funding source — national is ‘13 — Commonwealth specific funding program’.
School type identifier N/A N/AThis field may be blank when data are submitted to the National VET Provider Collection.
This field must not be blank when data are submitted by Boards of Studies or states and territories to the National VET in Schools Collection.
Outcome Identifier - Training OrganisationCompetency N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories
Funding Source - State Training AuthorityFunding Source State N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Client Tuition FeeUnit Tuition Fee N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Fee Exemption/Concession Type IdentifierFee Exemption Type ID N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Purchasing Contract IdentifierPurchasing Contract ID N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Purchasing Contract Schedule IdentifierPurchasing Contract Schedule ID N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Hours AttendedUnit Attended Hours N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Associated Course Identifier N/A N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Scheduled Hours N/A N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.
Predominant delivery mode N/A N/ARules for this field will be determined by individual states or territories.

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NAT00130 Qualification Completed File

SMS field name/location

Student Course Page, Generate Certificate 

Training Organisation IdentifierRTO NTIS Code N/AN/A
Program IdentifierNational Code as per the TGA N/AN/A
Client (student) IdentifierStudent ID N/AN/A
Date Program CompletedFinish DateStudent Course finish date in ddmmyyyy formatN/A
Issued Flag

Certificate Issued

Certificate Issued flag if Ticked report value as Y if not Ticked N.N/A
Parchment issued dateDate GeneratedApplicable for STATE Specific reporting

Parchment issue date

  • It is the date a certificate for a qualification/course was issued for the completion of a program by a student.
This field should be the date when issue the certificate, not the application date or the graduation date
Parchment numberCertificate NoApplicable for STATE Specific reporting

Parchment number

  • It contains the recorded number on a certificate for a qualification/course which is issued for the completion of a program by a student
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