Finance (Fees) Management
Pramesh Khadka
From this menu you can manage various types of payments like student payments (fees), staff Timesheet, Bank reconciliation, referral payment etc. Let's look at them individually in the section below:
12.1 Student Payment Management
This section allows RTO to record the finance related information for each student for e.g. student fees, enrolment fee, material fee etc.
To access the section, click the Finance tab menu. The default page to appear will be the Student Payment Homepage as seen below in figure 12.1a
Figure 12.1a
In this section, you can search for the student based on the available search parameters. Once searched you can select the student to view the student payment summary page and manage the account transaction.
12.1.1 Student Payment Summary
Figure 12.1.1a
Click icon as indicated by the red arrow as shown above in figure 12.1.1a to go to 'Chris Barens' payment summary page.
The summary page has 4 sections on the left side.
- First section shows the student and course details, employer, referral details etc
- Second section shows the summary of total tuition fee, paid fees, due fees etc
- Third section shows the payment schedule (invoices) based on the payment plan extended for the selected student and selected course
- Fourth section is the receipted payment against the schedule payment invoices on the top.
Figure 12.1.1b
Steps to record payment for New student
The following steps will show how to record the payment transaction for a particular student and also set up the payment plan.
Firstly go to Finance Student Payment Home page.
Select a student then go to Payment Summary page
Figure 12.1.1c
Figure 12.1.1d
Click the Initial Payment link on the right payment sub-menu section. This will take you to the following section as shown below in figure 12.1.2a
12.1.2 Student Initial Payment
Figure 12.1.2a
Select the course if student has enrolled into more than one course from the drop down menu, select which 'Initial Payment Type' to use, Enter in the 'Payment Start Date', select whether to invoice 'Student' or 'Employer', Enter 'Purchase Order' and finally Click Start initial payment to go to payment entry page. Here you can enter the upfront fee paid and then also enter the payment frequency and no of instalment based on the payment plan allowed for the student as seen below in figure 12.1.2b
Please Note: You can select 3 different 'Initial Payment Types'
- Initial Payment With Schedule (Which will create a payment and a schedule)
- Initial Payment Only (Which will create an initial payment only)
- Schedule Only (Which will create a schedule only)
In this example we will use the selected default 'Initial Payment with Schedule'
Figure 12.1.2b
Once entered click Record payment. This will create instalment schedules/invoices and also enter the payment receipt for the upfront fee. The updates will be shown in the Student Payment summary page as shown below in figure 12.1.2c
Figure 12.1.2c
The subsequent instalments can be recorded by processing the payment entry against each schedule.
To process a schedule payment simply click on this icon as shown above in figure 12.1.2c, you will see a pop up window as shown below in figure 12.1.2d
Figure 12.1.2d
Simply fill in the details then click on
Please Note: If a schedule payment has been processed and the amount schedule is paid you will see a green highlight over that schedule as shown similarly above in figure 12.1.2c. Remember also each payment schedule you process you will have a 'Transaction' recorded with it in the 'Paid Payment List'
To modify a payment schedule simply click on this icon as shown above in figure 12.1.2c, a window will pop up as seen below in figure 12.1.2e
Figure 12.1.2e
This allows you to modify the payment schedule such as the 'Due Date' & 'Amount'. You can also update the selected schedule or all the remaining schedules and also you can delete the selected schedule or all the remaining schedules. Finally click 'Update' to save changes.
12.1.3 Miscellaneous Payment
The miscellaneous payment section is for recording all the payment apart from the tuition fee related to the student course as shown below in figure 12.1.3a. They can be material fee, enrolment fee, police check fee, insurance fee etc.
Figure 12.1.3a
To add a 'Miscellaneous Payment' click on the icon shown above in figure 12.1.3a, a window will pop up as shown below in figure 12.1.3b
Figure 12.1.3b
Simply select the payment type and enter/select the correct information then click on .
Please Note: You have the option to Schedule this only or simply record as 'Normal' payment without a schedule. Select from the 'Schedule Type' drop down.
12.1.4 Refund History
For any payment that is refunded to the student, the information when entered is shown on the Refund History section of the payment.
12.1.5 Student Scholarship
Scholarship amount can be allocated for student based on RTO policy and can be recorded here which can then be used for any subsequent payments that student needs to make.