Academic Progress and Assessment Management

From this menu you can set up assessment task (for e.g. assignments, midterm exam, final exam etc.), enter task, manage assessment results and transfer results.
To do this, follow the steps below:

17.1 Set up Assessment Task

17.1.1 Once you have logged in to RTOmanager local, hold your mouse on Participants and click Academic Progress as shown in figure 17.1a. By default you will go to the following page as shown in figure 17.1b. On the Setup Assessment Task, you can set up multiple assessments which can be linked with the timetable class and then the results or outcome can be entered for each assessments.

Figure 17.1a

Figure 17.1b
17.1.2 Click Setup Assessment Task in figure 17.1b. You will go to Setting Up Assessment Choices page as shown in figure 17.1c. The assessment here can be setup based on the grading type that is set up initially in RTOmanager setup section. For example: In Competency Grading the marks % will not be used where as in Marks Grading the marking would be used.

Figure 17.1c
17.1.3 Select/enter the module (subject), Unit, Assessment task name and Assessment task description in figure 17.1c. After selection, figure 17.1c should appear as shown in figure 17.1d.

Figure 17.1d Finally click Add in figure 17.1d. Your recently added assessment task will appear in the list as shown in figure 17.1e.

Figure 17.1e
Note: Similarly you can create as many assessment tasks as you can as per your requirement and need. You can also edit/delete the assessment task by clicking / icons in figure 17.1e. Please also note that if Use in final competency is ticked then the assessment will be used in final marking.

17.2 Manage Assessment Task

Before task results can be entered, task assessments created in section 17.1 Set up Assessment Task must be entered in to the system.
To do this, follow the steps below:
17.2.1 Once you have logged in to RTOmanager local, hold your mouse on Participants and click Academic Progress as shown in figure 17.2a. By default you will go to the following page as shown in figure 17.2b

Figure 17.2a

Figure 17.2b
17.2.2 Select Year, course offer intake, module, Unit, class wave and teacher as per your requirement. List of available assessments will appear (if present) in the list as shown in figure 17.2c.

Figure 17.2c
17.2.3 Finally, click icon in figure 17.2c to add the assessment marking. Your recently added assessment will appear as shown in figure 17.2d along with a confirmation message in green.

Figure 17.2d
17.2.4 Similarly, you may add other assessment tasks to the module selected.
The following icons as shown above in figure 17.2d allow you to Setup Performance Criteria Edit the Module Assessment, View Results Entry & delete module task assessment.

17.3 Manage Assessment Results/Transfer Results

From this menu you can enter student results for the task assessment that you have linked with the module of your interest in section 17.2 Manage Assessment Task.
To do this, follow the steps below:
17.3.1 Once you have logged in to RTOmanager local, hold your mouse over Participant main menu and click Academic Progress as shown in figure 17.3a. By default you will go to the following page as shown in figure 17.3b.

Figure 17.3a
17.3.2 Then click Academic Progress submenu as shown in figure above. By default you will go to the page as shown in figure 17.3b

Figure 17.3b
17.3.3 Again, click Manage Assessment Result as shown in figure 17.3b. You will go to the page as shown in figure 17.3c.

Figure 17.3c
17.3.4 Supply all the result information in figure 17.3c. Figure 17.3c should now appear as shown in figure 17.3d.

Figure 17.3d
17.3.5 Select the assessment task by ticking the check box and also select the competency of the student from the drop down menu as shown in figure 17.3d. Write some comments if you want to. Finally click . Competency will be updated for the selected assessment task (Assignment) as confirmed by message in green in figure 17.3e.

Figure 17.3e
Note: Please note that the colour changes to green once it updated and saved.
17.3.6 Similarly you may add results to other Assessment tasks by following the same procedure.
17.3.7 Now to transfer result, assessment must be locked first and then transferred. To do this, click in figure 17.3e. (Until & unless you lock task you will not be able to transfer results).

Figure 17.3f
Note: After locking a task please notice that the Competency and Comments appear disabled. To correct/edit marks entered, you must first unlock task and then after making any changes should click .
17.3.8 Once you have locked the assessment, Click in figure 17.3f. You will go to the Transfer Result page as shown in figure 17.3g.
These icons as shown above in figure 17.3f allow you to, Delete student task result, Edit performance criteria, View assessments from students & download any assessment if uploaded from student.

Figure 17.3g
17.3.9 Now to view the student's task assessment before final transfer, click icon in figure 17.3g. Assessment tasks will appear as shown in figure 17.3h.
17.3.10 Click icon to view relevant task assessments of the student before finally transferring the result. A pop up window appears as shown in figure 17.3h.

Figure 17.3h
17.3.11If you are satisfied with the competency posted as in figure 17.3h, exit from figure 17.3h.
17.3.11 Tick the check box in figure 17.3g and click . Student's results will be transferred and you will receive a message in green as shown in figure 17.3i.

Figure 15.2.3h
Note: Please observe that the colour of the row has changed to pink which means that student result has been transferred successfully.