RTOmanager VET AVETMISS 8 National Reporting 2018 Updates
- RTOManager Admin (Deactivated)
Owned by RTOManager Admin (Deactivated)
RTOManager VET AVETMISS 8 National Updates 2018 (1/01/2018) Summary Changes are listed below
1. NAT00010 & NAT00010A Supplementary file to report AVETMISS for Non-Registered Training organisation
Added New Field Registered in Training.Gov.au in Admin College info to capture whether the provider is Registered Training organisation or not and
if Not Registered Training organisation then system will generate NAT00010A file for AVETMISS 8 reporting. This field is editable by Sadmin and by default it is ticked for all existing clients
2. NAT00020
No changes in RTOmanager VET
3. NAT00030 & NAT00030A
- Logic Updated for AVETMISS 8 to report NAT00030 if Course Recognition is 11,12 or 13 which is Nationally Accredited and recognised.
- Logic Updated for AVETMISS 8 to report NAT00030A if Course Recognition is 14,15 or 16 which is other courses, higher level Qualification or Locally recognised
- If RTO runs combination of both i and ii then Always report as NAT00030A
4. NAT00060
Hide Module Flag from Module/unit Setup page
5. NAT00080
2 fields are now hidden.This will be shown in the System for AVETMISS 7 reporting till end of February.
- How well English Speaking: @ - Not stated
- Year high school completed: 0 – Not specified
No Longer Required to report in AVETMISS 8
Proficiency in spoken English identifier
Year highest school level completed
Proficiency in spoken English identifier
Year highest school level completed
Added New Field in Student Profile as Survey Contact Status and by default A which is Available for Survey Use
Default value will be A. All existing data will be A.
- When convert from Offer to Student, this field will record as A.
- Then user can modify this field in Student Profile section.
Logic to auto selection of associated data to update.
- If Do not contact is ticked, select to E.
- If DoB is under 15 years old, select to M.
- If Do not contact is ticked & DoB is under 15 years old, still select to E.
6. NAT00085
No changes in RTOmanager VET
Logic Updated to report student college email as Email address ( alternative)
7. NAT00090
No changes in RTOmanager VET
8. NAT00100
No changes in RTOmanager VET
9. NAT00120
- Logic Added in NAT00120 file to report Training organisation identifier which is RTO code
- Logic Added in NAT00120 file to report School type identifier which will be blank value as all client is Vet Provider.
New Outcome Identifier
41- Incomplete due to RTO closure (IC)
61- Superseded Subjects (Superseded)
85- Not Yet Started (NYS)
P.S 90 – Result Not Available is not Valid from AVETMISS 8
41- Incomplete due to RTO closure (IC)
61- Superseded Subjects (Superseded)
85- Not Yet Started (NYS)
P.S 90 – Result Not Available is not Valid from AVETMISS 8
10. NAT00130
Logic added to Report Date program completed from Completion Date