Manage Employer


Employers are Companies who provide funding for Students to study Courses, for example a Scholarship. The Meshed Platform enables the assignment of Employers to Students, the generation of Employer Invoices etc.

Employers are linked with Students who are studying Courses which have a requirement for Work Placement.

Management of Employers includes:

  • Adding, Modifying, and Deleting of Employers
  • Sending emails to Employers
  • Document Storage for Employers
  • Manage Contacts for Employers

Manage Employer

To manage Employers, follow the instructions below:

  • Navigate to Admin > Manage Employer

  • Search Employers by filters available on the drop-down menu. List of Employer details will show up on the page.


  • To add a new Employer, click the Add Icon 
  • Enter Employer details, as per the field descriptions below.
  • Click Add to save.

  • A pop up message will appear to confirm the update.

Field Descriptions

Employer Name

The Name of the Employer.

This is a mandatory field.

Trading Name

The Trading Name of the Employer.

This is a mandatory field.

Contact Person

The name of the Employer Contact Person.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Australian Business Number (ABN)

This is a mandatory field.


An Industry Subdivision Code from 1292.0 - Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). (external link)

A value must be selected from the list.


Employer Street Address.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Suburb.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Postcode.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Country.

A value must be selected from the list.


Employer State

A value must be selected from the list.


Employer Email Address.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Telephone number.

This is a mandatory field.

MobileEmployer Mobile number.
FaxEmployer Fax number.

Employer Status:

  • Active (default option) 
  • Inactive

A value must be selected from the list.



  • Edit Employer details using this Icon  
  • All fields can be edited.
  • Click Update to save.
  • A message will appear to confirm the update.


  • Manage Employer documents using this Icon 


  • Send email directly to the Employer using this Icon 

Preventing email sent from Meshed System being considered as spam or treated as Junk email

To assist with preventing email sent from Meshed Student Management System from being considered as spam and treated as Junk email, our Network Administrator has suggested adding or modifying an SPF record in your DNS server.  Further information see Ensuring Email Delivery


  • Delete an Employer using this Icon  

Manage Contacts

  • Manage Employer Contacts using this Icon 

Add Contact

  • To add a new Employer Contact, click the Add Icon 
  • Enter Employer Contact details, as per the field descriptions below.
  • Click Add New Contact to save.

Field Descriptions


Employer Contact Title

A value must be selected from the list.

First Name

The First Name of the Employer Contact.

This is a mandatory field.

Last Name

The Last Name of the Employer Contact.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Contact Email Address.

This is a mandatory field.


Employer Contact Telephone number.

MobileEmployer Contact Mobile number.
FaxEmployer Contact Fax number.
DesignationEmployer Contact Designation or Job Title
DepartmentEmployer Contact Department

Employer Status:

  • Active (default option) 
  • Inactive

A value must be selected from the list.

Edit Contact

  • Edit an Employer Contact using the Edit Icon 
  • Edit details.
  • Click the Save Icon  to save.
  • Click the Cancel Icon  to cancel.


Delete Contact

  • Delete an Employer Contact using this Icon 

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