Meshed Higher-Ed New Releases
Andrew Aylesbury (Deactivated)
Sanket Shrestha
Pramesh Khadka
Upcoming Releases
As part of our commitment to continuous Product development and improvement, the Meshed Team are busy working on a range of New Features, Enhancements (Major and Minor), and User Documentation updates.
Here is a preview of some of the items that are planned to be released soon.
Coming Soon!
February 2023 Release
New Features
Meshed Platform Dashboard
A dashboard is a powerful tool that provides a real-time, at-a-glance overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to an education providers operations. KPIs may include financial metrics as well as operational metrics. By displaying critical data and metrics in a visual and interactive format, a dashboard enables education providers to quickly understand the health and performance of their organization and make data-driven decisions.
The Meshed Platform Dashboard visually displays relevant information for an education provider from the data within their Meshed Student Management System.
The Dashboard displays visual data for the following:
Fee collected by date range
Student Enrolments and Offers
Nationality of Students
Origin of Students (Domestic, Overseas, Overseas Onshore)
Multiple Student Enrolments
Course Withdrawals
Invoiced fee by nationality
Invoiced fee by date range
See Meshed Platform Dashboard for more information.
January 2023 Release
Major Enhancements
Generate Agent Document
The Meshed Platform supports Education Providers generating multiple Agent specific documents, for example an Agency Agreement.
The documents use templates (.docx format) to define the content. The content can contain Meshed Platform specific parameters to include dynamic text in the generated document.
See Generate Agent Document for more information.
December 2022 Release
New Features
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication system that requires a user to provide two or more verification factors for successful authentication, and is one of the most effective ways to protect valuable information and accounts against unauthorised access.
The Meshed Platform login process can be enhanced by enabling Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).
Meshed Platform Multi-factor authentication (MFA) functionality overview:
- MFA is enabled or disabled systemwide.
- SAdmin Users can configure MFA.
- SAdmin Users can enable or disable MFA for Users (Staff, Students, Teachers, Agents)
- SAdmin Users can manage MFA for enabled Users
- Uses a 6 digit One Time Passcode (OTP) for logging in.
- User OTP is provided via email. The User email address is used for sending the User OTP.
- The OTP is a unique password that expires and can only be used once, as the name suggests.
- User can resend a new OTP.
- User logging in is only successful with a valid OTP.
By default the Meshed Platform Multi-factor Authentication functionality is disabled.
See Multi-factor Authentication for more information.
November 2022 Release
Minor Enhancements
Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) Letter
The Meshed Platform been enhanced to generate and send CAAW Letters to individual or multiple Students.
If an overseas applicant is under 18 years of age and is intending to study in Australia, they need to have appropriate welfare arrangement in place before the Australian Government and Australian Department of Human Affairs grant them a VISA.
Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) is a welfare arrangement that is approved by the applicant’s education provider if the applicant will reside in Australia but not with a parent, legal guardian or a close relative.
An education provider can issue a CAAW letter to approve the Student welfare arrangements.
See Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare for more information.
October 2022 Release
Major Enhancements
Work Placement
The Meshed Platform Student Work Placement Module (Optional) has been enhanced to improve and simplify the recording of Student Work Placement information.
Improved Functional Overview:
- Ability to assign a Work Placement Employer to an enrolled Subject for a Student in a single step
- Ability to assign a Work Placement Employer and an Activity to to an enrolled Subject for a Student in a single step
- Ability to assign multiple Work Placement Employers to enrolled Subjects for a Student
- Ability to assign multiple Work Placement Employers and an Activity to enrolled Subjects for a Student
- Ability to link a specific Employer Contact to a Work Placement Activity for a Student
- Additional Report for Work Placement activity details
See Student Work Placement for more information.
Minor Enhancements
Send an Individual Agent Email
In addition to existing functionality for sending bulk emails to Agents the Meshed Platform has been enhanced to allow sending of an email to an individual Agent.
September 2022 Release
Major Enhancements
Employer Contacts
The Meshed Platform Employer function has been enhanced to allow for multiple Contacts or Staff information to be recorded and managed.
Employer Contacts are available to be linked with Students who are studying Courses which have a requirement for Work Placement.
See Manage Employer for more information.
Minor Enhancements
QILT and GOS Reports
The Meshed Platform now has specific reports for the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) which can be generated from the reports menu. The QILT are a suite of government endorsed surveys for higher education, across the student life cycle from commencement to employment.
See QILT for more information.
Support for the latest USI Web Service Version
The latest Web Service Version 5 went live on 1 September 2022.
Key changes in Web Service Version 5 include:
- a mandatory driver’s license card number field for all States and Territories except Victoria and Queensland
- emojis blocked in free text fields. Note: special characters which are already allowed to be entered in name fields should not be restricted with the emoji / image restrictions.
The Meshed Platform has been updated to support the USI webservices version 5. USI Web Service Version 4 will be decommissioned on 14 July 2023.
For further information see the USI Update Announcement (external link).
July 2022 Release
Minor Enhancements
Semester Census Date Update
The Meshed Platform Semester Management has been enhanced to allow the Census Date to be modified.
The Semester Census Date is used to pre-populate Census Dates fields for:
- Student Enrolment
- Bulk Enrolment
- Timetable Management
- Student Result Management
Canvas Report
The Meshed Platform now has a specific report for the Canvas Integration, which can be generated from the reports menu, that displays data fields for Canvas Subject to Meshed Assignment mapping from the Meshed Platform.
See Canvas Integration for more information.
Create Timetable Assessment Information
The Meshed Platform Create Timetable function has been enhanced to display Assessment Task information for the option of creating Assessments for the Class.
February 2022 Release
Minor Enhancements
TCSI - Download All Responses
To support TCSI reporting the Meshed Platform TCSI functionality to view the data for a submission has been enhanced to export all the data, including the actual TCSI Response (Warning & Error) message text (not visible in the table) in an Excel format.
January 2022 Release
New Features
Capture Students Vaccination Details
The Meshed Platform has been enhanced with functionality to provide the ability to capture and manage Vaccination information for Students.
Functional Overview:
- Staff can create and manage multiple Vaccination document records
- Staff can create and manage multiple Vaccination details (doses) for each Vaccination document record
- Students can create and manage multiple Vaccination document records using the Student Portal
- Students can create and manage multiple Vaccination details (doses) for each Vaccination document record using the Student Portal
- Reporting - create Student Vaccination information report and optionally export in Excel format
See Vaccination Details for more information on capturing and managing Vaccination information using the Student Portal.
See Vaccination Details for more information on capturing and managing Vaccination information using the Student Profile.
Minor Enhancements
TCSI - Display ISTP Error Codes
To support TCSI reporting the Meshed Platform TCSI Response (Warning & Error) messages have been enhanced to include the ITSP Error Code information in addition to the Error Description. This will assist with resolving Real-Time Validation (RTV) errors.