Release 04/08/2024

Release 04/08/2024

Main Feature

Enhancement Details


Report name: Attrition Rate Report Summary

The Attrition Rate Report Summary found under Management or TEQSA and FEE-HELP categories is enhanced to include the overall attrition rate. The overall attrition rate is calculated based on the total or count of Commencing Students, Continuing Students, and Completing Students. The rate is calculated using the formula: 


A new course status "Not Formally Commenced" is also added under the Paid category to facilitate the exclusion of students from the attrition rate report who never commence the course after enrolment.


Report name: Student Results Missing Mandatory TCSI Information

A new report "Student Results Missing Mandatory TCSI Information" is added under the TCSI category for all clients offering Higher Ed courses.

The purpose of the report is to list out any students where one or more of the mandatory FEE-HELP information such as Student Status Code, Mode of Attendance, Discipline Code, Census Date, EFTSL, Amount Charged or Amount Paid Upfront is missing or not recorded. The report is particularly useful for identifying student unit enrolments that require attention before submitting HEP or PIR data to TCSI.


Report name: Unsubmitted application by start date between two dates

A new report “Unsubmitted application by start date between two dates” has been added under the Category: Application to view the details of all unsubmitted applications in the Meshed system. The list of columns in this report are:

  1. Application no.

  1. Current step

  1. Application start date

  1. Start portal

  1. Application started by

  1. Title

  1. First name

  1. Last name

  1. Middle name

10.   Nickname

11.   Gender

12.   Date of birth

13.   Country birth

14.   Nationality

15.   Passport number

16.   Passport expiry

17.   VISA Type

18.   Email

The main purpose of this report is to track in which portal (Staff/Agent/Public) was an application started even without course information (so that unwanted and uncompleted applications can be permanently deleted from the system).


Field of Education codes are updated on the Add/Update Subject, Course Higher Education Additional Information, and Student TCSI Course Information pages.

The Discipline Narrow Sub Type will now show the values 00 as Obsolete for all Discipline Broad codes. A new tooltip is also added next to these fields on all three pages for the user to understand what Field of Education codes are and where the information about the codes can be found. The change is made in order to keep the codes consistent with the list available from ABS. 

Subject enrolment

Moving forward, if the course is set up with Flexible timetable as Yes (in the Manage Course page), then when students are enrolled to a subject with no timetable selected i.e. No batch, then staffs will be able to assign classes to the student subject enrolment using the Flexible Timetable Selection icon from the student subject enrolment page. The students will be available in all attendance pages for attendance recording for staffs and teachers.

Note: No changes for ELICOS subject enrolments.