Release 10/05/2024

Release 10/05/2024

Main Feature

Enhancement Details

Email Template Set-up

The email template setup page has been enhanced for better user experience with following upgrades:

  1. Users will now be able to view templates filtered based on their status: Active or Inactive or All. By default, Active is the preselected status for all the related pages.

  1. “Search by” option has been added which can be used to search templates by using

Template Name or Subject

The changes have been implemented for: Predefined Template, Email Template, and SMS Template

Student Results

Moving forward with the Meshed Platform, the system now enables the recording of marks for exempted outcomes exclusively for subjects categorized under the HigherEd Course Type. Users can record these marks for exempted outcomes for students using the "Edit Student Result" icon on the "Subject Enrolment Page" and the "Bulk Update Results" page.

This feature is available upon client request. Any template update associated with exempted outcomes will be treated as a distinct template customization request.


For the clients who are using Xero Integration with Meshed, the system only used to allow to record the ledger value for Expense, Bank, Revenue, and Asset type under Accounts>> Ledger Values setup.

However, as there may be scenarios where Current liability accounts are used to receive payments (when revenue is unearned). Unearned Revenue means any payment received already but not earned yet because the student may have deferred the course to the next term.

To facilitate this, we have allowed the ledger values under the Current Liability account type which have "EnablePayments to Accounts" flag ticked under the chart of accounts to be added in Meshed. This also means that these ledger values can be used to assign Payments while sending to Xero from Meshed.


A new column Student Credit Used is added in the report

Student Paid List Between Two Dates.

The report can be found under Reports>>Accounts category. The column is added to the report to enhance the clarity of the transactions appearing in the report. The student credit used column will bring the amount of student credit used to settle the relevant transaction

Compliance > Generate CAN

In the Meshed platform, CAN notices can be generated from the Compliance>>Generate Bulk CAN / Invoice Notice Letter page.

This page also offers a functionality to Generate CAN and send emails. A new default email template "CAN_NoticeMail" is added to be used for the functionality - Generate CAN and Email. The default template contains the required parameters and is a customisable email template. When the user sends CAN as an Email from the system using the feature "Generate CAN and Email", the email sent will contain the email content as per the new template along with the CAN PDF attachment.

The default email template is available under “Reports >> Add/Edit Email/SMS Template”.

Compliance > Generate CAN

In Meshed Platform, default CAN template is available under Compliance>>Generate Bulk CAN / Invoice Notice Letter. The default CAN template for CRICOS has been updated to reflect the VSL, Total VETSL Debt Liability and Total Amount Paid Upfront. The amounts for all these fields will be populated from the relevant unit FEE-HELP information. The changes are made to address the VSL compliance guidelines.