Improvement Register

Improvement Register


An improvement register is a system used to track and document suggested improvements to a process, product, or service, and any action taken in response to the suggestion. By keeping track of suggested improvements, an improvement register can help ensure that no good ideas are lost and can also provide a useful record for future reference and analysis.

The Meshed Platform allows for the management and tracking of feedback, comments, or suggestions received from Students or Staff.

To manage this function, follow the instructions below:

  • Click Admin > Improvement Register.


Record New Case

  • To record a new Case, click Add New.

  • Fill in the Add New Case form. See the Field Descriptions table below for more information.
  • Click Record to save the Case.


Field Descriptions

DateDisplays the Current Date
Lodged DateRecords the actual date that the case was lodged.  This may be prior to the date the Case was actually recorded in the System.
User Type

Options for the type of Case originator.  Options are:

  • Staff (default option)
  • Student

Only one option can be selected.

Selection of this field will determine the Detail field that will be shown on the form.

Staff Detail

If Staff is selected in the User Type field, the following is displayed for the Staff Role and Requested By fields.

Student Detail

If Student is selected in the User Type field, the following is displayed for the Requested By field.

Enter the Student ID and Click Get Name.

Lodged ByDisplays the current logged in User

The Category for the Case being recorded.

Click New Category to type in a new Category.  Click the Refresh Category? link to update drop-down list.

This is a mandatory field.

Case Detail

Description or details of the Case being recorded.

This is a mandatory field.

Escalated To

Option to select the Staff who this Case is escalated to.  The Send Mail button will be displayed.

Option to select Not Escalated if required. The Send Mail button will not be displayed.

Click the Send Mail button to send a notification email to the selected Staff member.

This is a mandatory field.

Action Taken

Description or details of actions already taken for the Case being recorded.

This is a mandatory field.

Action Taken To Prevent RecurrenceDescription or details of actions taken to prevent recurrence for the Case being recorded.

Options for status of Case being recorded.  Options are:

  • Case Open
  • Case Closed

Only one option can be selected.

This is a mandatory field.

File Attachment 1 to 6Upload files that are related to information being recorded in the Case


Update Case


This Action Icon allows for the Case information to be Updated.

Updates to the Case are shown, with dates, in the table.  This provides a recorded history for the Case.

View Attachment

Clicking on the File Attachment name as a link will download a copy for viewing.

Remove Attachment 

This Action Icon allows for the Attachment to be Deleted.

Delete Case 

This Action Icon allows for the Case to be Deleted.

The contents of the Improvement register can be exported in an Excel Format.

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