2018 Releases


December 2018 Release

Major Enhancements

Advanced Standing

The Advanced Standing feature has been enhanced to Upload and Manage evidence related files.

The functionality to Upload and Manage evidence related files is available in:

  • Offers Manage - Edit Application - Advanced Standing

  • Student Profile - Results - Advanced Standing

To understand more about our Advanced Standing feature, check out Advanced Credit (Exemption) Feature

Communication Log - Bulk

The communication log functionality in Meshed Higher-Ed Communication Tools has been enhanced to give users the ability to bulk record entries for Students.   This is used in a similar way to the Mailing List bulk functionality.

The original functionality to record entries to the communication log for individual Students without having to go use the Student Profile page has been retained.

To understand more about our Communication Tools, check out Communication Tools

Minor Enhancements

Agent Commission

As part of our continuous Usability Improvements for Meshed Platforms, the functionality for Agent Commission Rate and Agent Commission Rate Setup in Bulk has been improved to sort the Agent information consistently.

To understand more about our Agent Commission features, check out Agent Set up and /wiki/spaces/HigherEd/pages/579764574

Task Result Entry

As part of our continuous Usability Improvements for Meshed Platforms, the functionality for Assessment Task Result Entry has been improved to sort the Subjects using the Subject ID.  This has also been implemented for the Result Management functionality in the Teacher Portal (Optional Module).

To understand more about our Assessment Task features, check out Academic Progress

November 2018 Release

New Features

NAB Payment Integration

The Meshed Platform can now be integrated with NAB to enable Students and Agents to pay fees online using the PayFee feature.  Please note this functionality is not automatically enabled so please contact our Support Team to discuss further.

To understand more about our Payment Integration options, check out Payment Integration

Major Enhancements

Professional Development

The Professional Development feature has been enhanced to provide the ability to:

  • Customise values for the Professional Development Category in System Fields Setup

  • Filter Professional Development activity grid for columns; Category, Event Name, Organised By, Activity Name, Event Date

  • Verify Professional Development activity by Admin or DOS User roles.

  • View Professional Development activity in logs - staff_professionaldevelopment_log

  • Excel export option for Professional Development activity

  • Optionally upload Staff Photo (and signature)

  • Optionally enter Professional Development activity details in Teacher Portal (Optional Module)

To understand more about our Professional Development feature, check out Continuous Professional Development

October 2018 Release

Minor Enhancements

Agent List

As part of our continuous Usability Improvements for Meshed Platforms, the Agent List (Marketing > View Agent List) has been improved to now also display the Expiry Date for each Agent listed.

To understand more about our Agent features, check out Agent Set up

User Guide

Predefined Reports

The Meshed Higher-Ed Online User Guide has been updated to now include a useful list of predefined reports that can be generated in the System.  The list contains the report Categories, Names and Descriptions.  

To understand more about predefined reports, check out Predefined Reports

The Meshed Higher-Ed Online User Guide can be accessed via the Help Icon located on the top right hand corner of the homepage.  Check out Meshed Higher-Ed Online User Guide.

September 2018 Release

New Features

Debitsuccess Integration

The Meshed Platform can now be integrated with Debitsuccess – a popular Direct Debit solution for Australian companies. The interchange of data between the Meshed Platform and Debitsuccess eliminates the need to double handle data.

The integration of Debitsuccess with the Meshed Platform allows for:

  • Creation of Debitsuccess customer accounts.

  • Setup of student payment details (Bank Account or Credit Card) in Debitsuccess.

  • Pushing Meshed Platform payment plans to Debitsuccess.

  • Settlement of successful Debitsuccess Direct Debit transactions in the Meshed Platform.

Meshed Group has developed the Debitsuccess console engine which can be run at desired intervals of time (daily, every 12 hours, every 2 hours, etc) to interchange data between two systems.

To understand more about this integration, check out Debitsuccess Integration

Canvas Integration

The Meshed Platform can now be integrated with Canvas – a popular cloud-based Learning Management System that makes teaching and learning easier. The interchange of data between the Meshed Platform and Canvas eliminates the need to double handle data.

The integration of Canvas with the Meshed Platform allows for:

  • Creation of Canvas user accounts when Students enrol in a course in the Meshed Platform.

  • Mapping of the Meshed Platform subjects to courses in Canvas.

  • Enrolment of Students to courses in Canvas when Students enrol subjects in the Meshed Platform.

  • Integration of Student final grades from Canvas to the Meshed Platform.

Meshed Group has developed the Canvas console engine which can be run at desired intervals of time (daily, every 12 hours, every 2 hours, etc) to interchange data between two systems.

To understand more about this integration, check out Canvas Integration

User Guide

Meshed Platform Integration

The Meshed Higher-Ed Online User Guide has been updated to include information on the integrations with popular external systems currently supported by the Meshed Platform. Integration facilitates the interchange of data between the Meshed Platform and external systems which removes or reduces the double handling of data.

Check the Meshed Platform Integration

The Meshed Higher-Ed Online User Guide can be accessed via the Help Icon located on the top right hand corner of the homepage.  Check out Meshed Higher-Ed Online User Guide.

August 2018 Release

New Features

Active Directory Integration

The Meshed Platform now supports integration with a Providers Active Directory (AD) via the LDAP protocol. Creating a user account (Student or Staff) in the Meshed Platform will initiate the creation of the AD user account via the AD LDAP service.

To understand more about this integration, check out Active Directory Integration

Major Enhancements

Offer Document Checklist 

The Offer Document Checklist feature in Meshed Higher-Ed allows users to define documents that applicants will be required to upload at the final step of the online application process. These documents should be defined to meet the requirements of the Provider application process. Examples of documents are Birth Certificate, Passport, Academic Transcripts, etc.

The Offer Document Checklist feature has been enhanced to provide the ability to:

  • Define different documents for different student origins; Overseas (offshore) students, Overseas students in Australia (onshore), and Resident/domestic students.

  • Group documents for different process stages, such as 'In application', 'Post application', and 'Offer'.

  • Track documents with predefined status such as approved, pending, etc.

To understand how this feature works, check out Offer Document Checklist Process Guide.pdf

July 2018

New Features

Meshed Mobility

We would like to introduce “Meshed Mobility”, our Student Portal Mobile App designed to work with Meshed Higher-ed platform and Meshed RTOManager CRICOS platform. The app is available for iOS and Android, and free to download from the Apple store or Google Play.

The Meshed Mobility App gives Students easy access to their information; Course details, Timetables, Results, Payment history, plus it makes general notices, messages, and warnings available directly on their smartphone.  We will be updating and adding more features to Meshed Mobility in the future. 

Once the student portal is enabled in your Meshed platform, you can request the activation of this feature free of charge via email to our Service Desk support@meshedgroup.com.au.

To learn more about Meshed Mobility, check out Meshed Mobility 

Xero Integration

The Meshed Platform can now be integrated with Xero – a popular accounting software commonly used by education institutions and organisations. The interchange of data between the Meshed Platform and Xero, using the Meshed Xero API Integration Module, eliminates the need to double handle data.
Integration provides the ability to sync financial information:

  • Invoices for Student fees can be managed and recorded within the Meshed Platform and exported to Xero.

  • Settled payments can be imported from Xero to the Meshed Platform to reconcile the transactions between the two platforms.

To understand more about this integration, check out Xero Integration

June 2018

New Features

Exit Course for Nested Courses

The Meshed Higher-Ed platform has a new feature to manage the Exit Course, and related Academic Documents, for Students studying a Nested Course. 

A Nested Course is a set of Courses of study that are offered sequentially and can lead to qualifications at different AQF levels. Courses at the lower qualification levels are described as ‘nested’ within the Courses leading to qualifications at the higher levels. Students may exit with a qualification at one of the lower levels after completing a defined subset of the total program.  (https://www.teqsa.gov.au/latest-news/publications/guidance-note-nested-courses-study )

In the Meshed Higher-Ed platform, the Exit Course(s) are setup for a Nested Course, then when required the actual Student Exit Course is defined and this will be the Course used for the generation of Academic Documents (e.g. Testamur, Academic Transcript, etc.).  

To understand how this feature works, check out the Meshed Higher-Ed Exit Course for a Nested Course Process Guide

April 2018

Major Enhancements

Agent Student List 

The Agent List (Marketing > View Agent List) has been improved to now display a window of Information for Students associated with each Agent listed.   The Student Information window is displayed by clicking an Action Icon, and the Student Information can also be exported to Excel.

To understand more about our Agent features, check out Agent Set up

March 2018

Major Enhancements

Offer SMS List 

The Meshed Higher-Ed platform has been enhanced with SMS sending functionality in the Offer Stage to allow the Admissions team to send SMS directly to Applicants.  This is useful for following up with Applicants to provide confirmation etc.


To understand how this feature works, check out Offer SMS List (Optional Module)

February 2018

Meshed Higher-Ed Product Release

Meshed Higher-Ed, the innovative Enterprise Management System that’s tailor made for higher education providers and universities.

Check our website to learn more about Meshed Higher-Ed